A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



Domainating Halo Babies | mrsmiley { November 04, 2003 }

As I am sure most of you have have already found, HBN has been a little lacking in the "activity department" lately. Basically, I switched the Halo Babies domain to a new web host. This means that I had to redirect all of the subdomain links on this site, as well as some file paths. If any of you were having problems accessing sites within HBN, this is why! Please if you experience any more site errors.

Also, I was unable to upload new data due to the server switch. Gruntsbane wasn't able to get a comic to me last week, but even if he did, I wouldn't have been able to post it! (I guess things worked out, right?) Anyways, I apologize for the lack of activity, and I promise we will give you at least something every Friday! To make up for our down time, I am not only releasing a new comic this friday, but also a sneak peek at the new Halo Babies chapter theme for the 7th Column! I may also have some other goodies for you all, so swing by Friday! ;-)