A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



Pass the corn, please! | mrsmiley { January 29, 2004 }

We have a special treat for all of you today. First off, you may notice that we have released two new comics a bit earlier than normal! Basically, I am flying to Connecticut on Friday to play some Halo with Louis Wu (HBO) and the gang. This will keep me from posting on Friday, so I am posting the updates today! =)Our first comic was drawn completely by Gruntsbane as a submission to Halo.Bungie.Org's Plinth of Art contest. This contest featured many guest One One Se7en comics on the topic of art. Our second comic was drawn up by Stuntmutt to be put in our fan art database, but how could I let such a witty pun pass out of the limelight so quickly? Instead, I decided to release it along with the official comic to give it the publicity it deserves! =P Many thanks to Stuntmutt for taking the time to do this!