A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



AIs DO get a tan! | mrsmiley { April 19, 2004 }

Today we have a couple cool new things. First off, forum member, whencowzattack, has submitted an alternate ending to our own comic 33! Me and Joel got a kick outta this one! He also submitted a cool Halo pencil sketch. These can be found in our fanart section.

On a different note, we have released 2 new strip backgrounds. This time featuring the Library! Check 'em out, and be sure to stay tuned this Friday for an awesome new site addition! =D (If you are a sponsor, check it out at the sponsor forum!)

6 comments so far (leave your own)

1 | Tropical says:

Ill give you credit for this tho... out of the 35 comics that you have... 1 has been funny.. so good job with 1... i hope thats floating your big huge un funny boat.

2 | tropical says:

wanna stop taking out my comments... its fair to let people see my opinion... what is this.. a communist site?

3 | Claw says:


4 | AngryMouse14 says:

Well, if you don't like the site, then cheese off!

Lol this was one of my favorites!

...i said cheese...

5 | mrsmiley says:

I already resolved this issue with tropical, but I only remove posts if they are against our forum rules of posting. Thanks.

6 | tropical says:

yeah he did.. hes an alright guy... so im done makin fun of this site... cause i know i couldnt keep it up to date with all the shit i have to do in my life.. haha.. so cheers.

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