A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



New Forum Action | mrsmiley { August 02, 2004 }

The Halo Babies forum staff has come up with a cool new way to recognize members who we think are "model citizens" in our forum. These are people who don't spam, and generally provide us with thoughtful posts or other forum-related content. We will choose a different member every month, and this person will receive his own forum title (under his/her name), as well as the ability to score his/her own Halo Babies e-mail adress! Our very first winning member is akba, who has well earned his new title as "The Vectorizer" in our forums! Why? Just swing by our fan art or desktop section and you will know!

See this thread for more info.

5 comments so far (leave your own)

1 | kevinator says:


2 | Skipper says:

Congrats, you deserve it, thats why we picked you ;)

3 | Polarbear says:

No luck involved, people. None at all...

4 | Jon Foster says:

Lemme guess, KRACKA'S next? yeah, ok.

5 | Crarcecrype says:

Hi all

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