A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



Forum Maintenance | mrsmiley { November 23, 2004 }

For those of you that don't know, we got hit by a hacker this morning. This particular individual used a critical hole in our php forum to gain access to my personal shell ftp account for this site. The hack job was easily fixed, and all the passwords have since been changed. However, to keep this from happening again, I am upgrading our forum to latest code version, which fixes this php "hole" that can be exploited.

All that to say, the forum will be going on and offline for the next 24 hours or so. You may receive wierd error messages, but do not be alarmed! When it returns, there will be a few new features for both mods and users, and it will be even more stable! Sorry for the down time, but I don't want another hacker to get through (although I would like to thank this one for not doing as much damage as he could have)! :)