A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



Baby Chatter | mrsmiley { December 14, 2004 }

The idea of a Halo Babies chat room is not a new one. Members have been requesting it ever since we first opened the forum! One of our most active members, akba, even made an IRC channel for us! That's all fine and dandy, but I really wanted something that I could integrate with the forum in order to make it as easy as humanly possible to connect and chat with other members. Well, it's been done! If you are currently a member, go swing by the forum and check it out! If you're not a member, but would like to join, click here!

16 comments so far (leave your own)

1 | whoshawa!! says:


2 | XMINUSZERO says:

Indeed. Hey Halobabies geniuses! Let's see a baby-fied Gravemind and Arbiter. Now THAT would be something.

3 | omega90 says:

well to me all of this info is pretty asweom

4 | akba says:

Meh.. IRC is so much more capable, but whatever, javascript it is...


5 | alec says:

forum members?! that sucks!

6 | FireFox says:

"forum members?! that sucks!"

It's not that hard to join a forum you know...

Anyway, after hanging around their earlier, its pretty cool, random as hell, but cool.

7 | Green Falcon says:

Note: I changed my name from Falcon to Green Falcon so that "falco" can have the name Falcon.

Do I have to have my own website in order to join a forum? Because I don't have my own website; all I have is an email account. (And possibly a gamespy account.)

8 | dominos says:

hi guys

9 | dominos says:

is anybody 11years old.

10 | justin says:

hi guys does anyone have halo 2?

11 | Omar says:

hello halo babies

12 | Omar says:

hello halo babies

13 | heretic hero says:

yea i think we should see a grave mind and justan i think we all have halo 2 and we might aswell make a flood/parasite baby too

14 | heretic hero says:

mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaah......cough* cough*

15 | heretic hero says:

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aint that random hey i love this chatroom!!!!!!!

16 | THAT THING says:

babyfy grave mind ha i whould love to see you try

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