A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



H2Press Toolbar | mrsmiley { June 09, 2005 }

I may be a bit late on this news, but H2Press has recently released an awesome Halo Toolbar for Internet Explorer. The H2Press toolbar features an RSS news ticker from both HBO and this site, as well as quick links to Bungie.net, HaloBabies.net, Redvsblue.com, and more! The FireFox version is coming out in August, but for all you IE users, download the toolbar here! (This toolbar is COMPLETELY spam free, so no worries!) H2Press has also been added to our affiliates page!

19 comments so far (leave your own)

1 | Somebody says:

I'm going to go download it now.

1st comment.

2 | Naresha says:

yeah, I found out about it from Bungie. I'm impressed with it.

3 | Nick says:

Found it from Bungie also. From the toolbar I then found Halo Babies, and have been laughing all week.

4 | Lovable Werewolf says:

sounds interesting...

5 | Falcon says:

Don't know if my computer can handle it...

6 | I like Macs says:

bleh, who uses IE, anwayz!

7 | misinformed grunt says:

what other things does it have?? i'm considering getting it, it sounds cool.
(5th post)

8 | Whoknows says:

The program seems to be Ad and spyware free, but microsoft anti-spyware beta1 is detecting it as UCmore.

9 | mrsmiley says:

to misinformed grunt: um... it doesn't cost anything, just download it for free and try it for yourself.

to Whoknows: well, that's what you get for using a Microsoft beta product!

10 | Ironman378 says:

It works completely fine with my Microsoft beta. I like it

11 | Tucker RvB says:

yeah its pretty cool, (ps. has anybody heard anything bout the Halo Movie??)

12 | mrsmiley says:


13 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

Didnt work...must...see...comix

14 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

Maybe a link would help?

15 | kinoda says:

got the toolbar. me-likey..

16 | HexCon says:


17 | cracker jack says:

i'm new to this sorta thing, how do i get it to show after i download it?

18 | sloansxbox says:

Sounds kinda cool gonna get it!

18th comment

19 | Annoyed Person says:

its to long for the news ticker and my icon i can put there!

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