A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



Server Issues | mrsmiley { March 26, 2008 }

A few staffers recently asked about some offline issues with the forum and the site over the past week or so, and originally I thought it was maybe on their end. After waiting almost 10 minutes for my last news article to post, and viewing a status on my server, I realized it's more serious. We're not going anywhere, and we're not planning some massively overdone makeover of the site... we're just hopping on and offline, and moving a bit slower than normal (or in some cases, a LOT slower).

UPDATE: It seems like things are back to normal now. I wouldn't be surprised if there were occasional hiccups now and then in the next week or so, so just keep that in mind. Thanks!

1 comments so far (leave your own)

1 | RayZR says:

I haven't noticed anything... >_>

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