A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!



Goodbye Frankie | mrsmiley { May 17, 2008 }

In yesterdays Bungie weekly update, the beloved Frank O'Conner announced that he is moving on from Bungie. I must say, this one ranks up there with Matt Soell on my sad-o-meter. Both of these guys were true gentlemen, who not only cared about the community, but provided fresh ideas and insight on Bungie and it's inter workings. I know Frankie will be dearly missed.

Here's pouring out a bottle of Halo fuel to you Frankie.

2 comments so far (leave your own)

1 | firehawk11D says:

heres to you, Frankie. He will be dearly missed indeed:(

2 | Aye Mak Sicur says:

I miss you, Frankie :(

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