A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Mechroneal says:

LMAO! Just had this conversation the other day about BC. Nothing like getting whupped at home.

2 | moose says:

ha ha, zoolander

3 | Yayap and Zuka says:

Yayap: just say it was lag!!!
Zuka: Yayap your brain has lag...

4 | Major Payne says:

Well, do you think the master chief would be good at halo on the Xbox if he was real, he'd smash the controller if he lost

5 | dragoon says:

smash it? no way he would shoot it

6 | Sandwich Grunt says:

this happens to me all the time....my little bro, Daplap, sometimes does this to me on sidewinder....it just burrrrrrrrrrrns

7 | Xerro says:

I'm pretty sure i'd be like that if i ever lose to my brothers and dad on blood gulch, but that is just never going to happen.

8 | Jon Also the Black Guy says:

Heck no he'd shoot sarge

9 | monkey poop says:

You go master cheif.*cough* I mean um dont use that language in front of children young man.

10 | acidic plague says:

Ok... This is just... the funniest damned comic I have ever seen. I dunno, It's just... lol... I find it hilarious

11 | BlueCheif says:

Dont ya just hate when you're the king and someone comes along and....... WHOOPS THE LIVING CRAP OUTTA YA!!! I dont like actually.. but its good competition.

12 | maverick says:

nothing like losing in your own home, ouch!

13 | Bob-123 says:

I know how to finish that sentence:
"You know what, YOU can DereLICT my BALLS!!"
Eeeww... What if they're hairy?

14 | Halo fan...natic says:

once my dad did this to me on BG. i was sneaking through the caves to flank him but he looked at my screen and was waiting for me... in a tank. that really hurt.

15 | Isna Noselee says:

I was playing Halo PC with Yayap once on Infinite, I was trying to flank him but he was waiting for me all along... with a flamethrower. I got a serious whuppin' all right.

16 | Newfoundlander 1988 says:

better yet, the master chief takes his xbox and turns it into a timebomb.... he uses a translator to tell the alines " here's a gift of our friendship" they all gather around it... the master chief watches from the lookout tower while watching satellite tv and detonates the bomb....lol

17 | Newfoundlander 1988 says:

my bad on the last comment that should say aliens not alines

18 | halo boi says:

no democracy in this comic
hah hah helarious

19 | Death Vomit says:

awww poor chief that sounds like what happens to me . . . sometimes *cries*

20 | Riddick says:

Heck no guys, he'd get the rocket warthog & blows Sarge to bits!

21 | koreanboy86 says:

master chief:this shell is for our frienship...*pumps shotgun* blam!sarge:aaarrgh!*dies* masterchief:and this one's for your mommy.*pumps again*blam!sarge's dead body:gak!

22 | red elite says:

ugh......i hate humans im gonna be sick.

23 | Spartan Chick says:

This comic is funny...but what the heck is derelict> I think it's a multiplayer level on Halo...but I'm not so sure.

24 | yayap and insa nasolee says:

yayap: k that was sorta funny maybe
cheif could have one....
insa: sheesh yayap do yu ever stop talking?
yayap: no not realy

25 | The Random Guy says:

LoL MC getting whooped at his own game! But why are cortanas eyes red at the last strip?

26 | Halo Fan...natic says:

Alright, it's been awhile since I last looked at the coments on this one and I have one thing to say:

27 | Iian `Hillssolee says:

get sick AWAY from my `shee red.

28 | red elite says:

you know your realy starting to bother me.

29 | red elite says:

stop it!!!!!

30 | Aya Mikage says:

lol, Sarge found a way to beat cheif. Poor chief. lol

Aya in and out

31 | Yayap says:


the sarge looks cool.

32 | yayap says:

the sarge is ugly

33 | madman552 says:

what the hell is porn? and what is

34 | Engineers says:

... dumbass the second he gets angry controler breaks ...
I've seen upgrades to his armor, you know why He figets with his guns? cuz he can't scratch his ass with that kind of force so he had to do something while standing still...

35 | some one smarter than everyone here put together says:

porn (also called 'porno') is short for the word pornography, which is pictures/writings that apeal to one's sexual feelings. In other words, porn is naked girls. And what the hell does porn have to do with anything any way?

36 | some one smarter than everyone here put together says:

Oh and killtacular is when you kill some one 4 times with in a 4 second interval between kills.

37 | superior to some one smarter than everyone here put together says:

"Porno" ,(generally some one as smart as me would say pornography, but I choose to appease you infreriors), does not always have to be naked girls. Furthermore, they don't always have to be fully naked. Finally, how can sarge get a killtakular if he's only playing against one opponent, (it takes at least 5 seconds to respawn) and getting a killtacular is usually a mark of being a coward who can only use grenades or rockets.

38 | Horus_Xero says:

That was real. You know some gamers have those days. LMFAO

39 | Masterchief evil says:

i get it from zoolander the clothes line was called derelict

40 | Slade8 says:

'.' I dont get it