A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


Comments closed

1 | the grunt that doesnt wanna die says:

woooooo! 1st post! nicework keep it up! :)

2 | Zyrra says:

Ahahahahaa, I'm a loser for all that sales hype, hehe, call me a loser but I didn't know Puma made underwear!? Aww well, modelled by Donut, they'll sell like... halo merchandise?
Woot! 2nd or third ish post, earliest yet!!

3 | Tom says:

Keep on going lads!!!!

4 | Freelancer Tex says:

Haha! Funny comic. My regards to PBDemon! :D

5 | donut says:

lolz! funny stuff!

but a sad ending... Puma sports wear sucks!

6 | Durandal says:

Maybe it's just me, but this is a helluva lot funnier than RvBvG. Oh, well. Good work,PBDemon and GGB.

7 | Durandal says:

*good work, PBdemon and GB. Sorry for the typo. ;)

8 | runtyLime says:

Awlsome These are some of your best ever almost as good as Tang!

9 | lord of the doubt says:

Donut, I'm very insulted. Puma shoes are the only ones that can fit my screwed up feet. And Durandals right.

10 | igili says:

Well this is that i call "cool"!
Nice comic, keep up good work. Puma! Hah, that was freakin' funny!

11 | Benny says:

Nice one PB.. thats fun... Ought to buy one of those stickers.. "my other car is a Puma" that would be cool...

12 | SoMeOnE says:

COOL Good work

13 | Kritz says:

Overall, this one was pretty good. I enjoyed the basic story, and as always the graphics.

I think I'm just a sucker for RvB jokes.

I can't really comment on any improvements, exept they weren't really coloured right. (Red, maroon & orange. Not red, orange, yellow)

What's this? Kritz is giving a good review? Blasphemy! Well, here you go. A nice little change of style.

But I am going to give you all a rant (Which I'ld like to have edited out (including this bit) by around Tuesday, to make the comments section a little less cloggy)

I've been thinking about you. I've been considering every little thing you bunch of hyped up ignorant and over all mentally challenged kids have said to me.

Now, I'm going for the easy answer first.

I like these comics. Why the -blam!- do you think I come back every Friday (Australian)? Because I friggin' like these comics. I want to see them get even better. They are not perfect. They never will be. But I'm helping. I am NOT saying everything they do is crap. I'm commenting on the things that could of been done better.

I am NOT a troll. Get over it. I am not a person who wants to piss people off. People who have flamed ME are trolls in a sense. They offered no "advice" on how to do a better review. They post with the sole purpose of trying to -blam!- me off. Most of your pathetic attempts to annoy me failed. But some did work. Some even made me laugh;

"Kritz has the sense of humour as a brick", or something along the lines.
That made me laugh.

Here's a link to a post I made about you, just so I'm not clogging up these



Read that before you bother to bitch about anything I do again.

Please, if you hate me, take it to the forums. (Not that post. Go to the Halo Babies forum. You'll find another topic there) Stop clogging up this place with "OMFG! KRITZ IS TEH GAYZORZ AND HAS TEH BUT SECKS WITH SHEEP!"

In short: I'm not a comic. So shut up and stop reviewing me.

>> Kritz

14 | Spartan700 says:

nice...lol.....i love RvB

15 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

Well the at least the elites are original and never have to worry about copyright crap... those chiefs are losers.

16 | Ravenshaw says:

uhhh.. i believe that's a first but i found this one pretty dull, i barely had a small chuckle at the last panel, i liked the RvB context though.

17 | ash says:

fear the almighty puma - great comic keep it up

18 | bubbleboy says:

funny gruntsbane sweet!

19 | The Frenchman of RN says:

RvsB,his this epic adventure of colored masters chiefs like the ones I have seen on the special Halo DVD. Hum...should start looking RvsB because they gonna appear more often in the next strip,well, I think.

20 | icewagon117 says:

i dont get it? is that supposed to be funny. what was the purpose. i have no words for the stupidity of the comic

21 | Huntress says:

Awesome! Great job! Why is Kritz wiggin out like that?

22 | Joey says:

Heh, nice work. Sales reps pop up at the worst of times.

23 | GooFBalL says:

lol! very funny and donut is the best rvb character

24 | Jaxx says:

LOL! Great strip guys. :)

25 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

can't they sell back the hog? I'm sure that would give a little money to flow on. Ah well, at least they don't have to try out any speedos. Donut's gonna love those undergarments.

Great strip again!

26 | barkid says:

yay for the comic! Its awesome! That should have been first place.

27 | Master_Chiefafied says:

ah that's priceless!!! I remember that epidsode... :P

28 | PBDemon says:

great job guys its perfect, just how I pictured it when I wrote it

29 | Pink Menace says:

Decent. I don't know, that joke idn't do much for me. Those types of jokes never really did. I love the art though.

30 | Dman says:

Heh, I think Kritz just figured out his flames aren't getting much attention. =P

31 | Crash says:

I can see why this made the lower rungs on the RvB comic ladder. The jokes weren't bad, but they were a tad clichd. Perhaps if I were one of the many who are probably starting the series now, I would find this much funnier, but to me, it's all been done before.

32 | VampyricTurialim says:


33 | Sheikurl says:

meh, dat was kind of funy i supose. but iv never seen red vs blu, but i want to, so dats probably y i dont find it very funy.

OMFG! KRITZ IS TEH GAYZORZ AND HAS TEH BUT SECKZ WITH SHEEP!! just jokin, u walkd strate into it kritz. u hav no idea who i am so dont bother sayin anyfing kritz

34 | spartan001 says:

i liked this one it was completely hilarious. BUT i do agree with kritz on the level that there not colored right. but i loved the comic i love the site keep up the good work guys

35 | halo2 fan says:

haaaaa hahahahahahaha hilarious dude! but seriously though what happened to master chief?...you know u guys could put in some fire team charlie stuff in it...that would be so hilarious....just so funny...(nice comic)

36 | Bebop117 (my Gamertag) says:

LOL. Copyright infringement. YAY FUN FUN. Great job GruntsBane!

37 | David says:

oppisite of last post! awsome! oh and keep on going! you guys are doing great!

38 | cool says:

its good

39 | Bebop117 (my Gamertag) says:

In the fifth slide it looks like the Puma guy is flipping them off.

40 | Spartan058-halogeeky says:

it was ok, pretty funny, but a little too crowded. nice pics and comic story though!

41 | Trayna Shootamee says:

Ha! love the tie on the black spartan! hella funny!

42 | Tryan Shootamee says:

oops sorry trayna Shootamee is me, i'll try to be more carfull next time...duh!

great comic...classic episode...good times...good times...

43 | Trippin LT says:

Yup this was a good one. Keep it up Gruntsbane.

44 | Pirate man says:

Kritz! you are teh sex!

45 | Stealthnewb says:

lol kritz, you do have a valid point, so i guess i'd like to apologize for what i've said about you before.

46 | Sheikurl says:

hey, u deleted my comment. nyway, seriousy wen r we gona c sum mor art!?

47 | graffittibob says:

haha thats funny.(puma stuff sucks)

48 | halo2 does not suck says:

halo2 does not suck only people who hate halo2 suck(No0b3rt)

49 | the ber Caboose says:

Woo! go rvb! good comic, not the best but still good.

50 | Dud says:

Lol, nice comic! Kritz, you're a freaking loser. Quit acting like your some big comic review guy. For gosh sakes its so annoying! You're a total loser! You act like people actually care about your stupid "reviews", as if somehow you saying "the artwork isn't as good" is intelligent! Go clog up the forums with your crap and leave the comments alone!

51 | TheDarkOne says:

I agree
btw great comic

52 | Drew says:

We should all get off RedvsBlue and try something new and fresh. It was alright, though I much rather enjoy watching the MC talk with Sarge then see more RVB stuff on the web.

53 | Ice Falcon says:

Ouch! Copyright infringement! lol
Great comic, Gruntsbane! Keep it up!

54 | Yayap and Zuka says:

Woo for Copyright Infringement! Woo for RVB! Woo for Halobabies! Woo for Zoidberg!

55 | davies says:

sweet ; ]
keep the rvb comics comin

56 | Arbitress says:

Oh what the heck....LMAO...thats funny as heck!

57 | Giranan says:

Take it easy, Dud. Comments don't have to strictly be positive. Otherwise this would be called the compliment page. If Kritz wants to put his own opinions about the comic out here, as much as you may disagree with them, then please, let him. Flaming him like that just makes trouble and proves his point.

Back to the comic, though. Good job with the RvB crossovers, Gruntsbane- keep up the good work!

58 | knight says:


59 | Brian says:


60 | carplolable says:

PBDemon, your comic is awesome. HBN would be wise to follow your sense of humor because latly the comics have been less then bad. A couple months ago these comics were top-notch. now they are bad. PBDemon you did well bringing humor back to the site.

61 | Sebas says:

LOL! This comic was one was WAY better than RvBvG, because, if you're gonna do something like a non-RvB character in your comic, it should b a major character in the Halo games or books, like Master Chief or Cortana, OR MAYBE THE FLOOD!! Bum-bum-bum---
P.S: Those Puma commercials are WEIRD!

62 | colonel O'Neil says:

grat job that was funny

63 | =Distiller= says:

No not a puma....maybe a walrus?

64 | Pundarquartis says:

One of the best strips I've read here.

65 | Freelancer Tex says:

AnArKi: If you wanna bag Halo 2, then go bag it in some little dimension where no-one has to put up with you.

66 | Mamucks says:


67 | comrade mikhailovich says:

BWAHAHAHAHA!! thats kinda funny. and donut really IS a cross dresser... who woulda thought?

68 | jpupbob says:

omfg!!! i almost fell out of my chair that was so funny!!! Lmao!!! Keep going with these comics!!! i love 'em!

69 | DarkDemon says:

Good job PDDemon! I think you remember me *cough,COUGHMICHAELPARKCOUGH*! yea... Yo! Barkid! Don't forget that Fable CD!

70 | haloking2 says:

har har har nice one

71 | spartan 058 rules says:

nice tie love the puma

72 | spartan 058 rules says:

nice tie love the puma

73 | Rain says:

lol funny stuff keep up the good work!

74 | Creativename says:

Thats funny. but, the Puma bra and panties makes me jealous ..... errr... wait a tick i mean MEAT I LIKE MEAT AND BOXERS !

75 | A guardian of Halo...seriously I am... says:

that was really funny... But the shoes by puma are really comfy too.... but the comic is better

76 | bungie says:

nice puma stuff so funny!!

77 | Masterchief evil says:

hahah sooo funny!!!