A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Earthling says:

This is funny.

2 | Desudro says:

Hehe, yea.

Whee 2nd post

3 | Kritz says:

I liked everything until the last bubble of the last panel, which confused the hell out of me, causing me to read the comic another 2 times to try to understand.

I really like the shading on the MCs Armour, too.

If it wasn't against the rules, I'd post my montage. Which basically consists of me being killed for 2-3 minutes..

Bah. Went off topic.. :\

>> Kritz

4 | the grunt that doesnt wanna die says:

it was starange but very good animation! GJ!

5 | Andrew says:

Awesome. Nice shading. Why do they all abbreviate for Master Cheif. He's too important to abbreviate. Or is it that you can't spell cheif?

6 | icewagon3000 says:

this is what i call reality.(ps: moving closer to number one post.)

7 | Madsnipz says:

Weird... but it was great.

8 | Octoplasm says:

The coloring and everything looks a lot smoother, like a painting. Nicely done.

9 | Stuntmutt says:

Nice one.
Mind, it's given a run for the money in the laughs department by comment number 5 - "Is it that you can't spell Cheif?"

I fear the irony is lost on him...

10 | Pred1ator says:

lol why a monage when he is already in the halo game

11 | AlphaAndroid25 says:

#11! new record. Nice comic.

12 | Creativename says:

I tried one of those, it didnt do so good, i could've made a montage about getting killed by flood, and grunts (dont ask)

13 | xan says:

only 13th :-(

14 | squelched grunt says:

there hard

15 | ash says:

I hope the chief finishes his movie spartans ROCK

16 | ansomble28 says:

That was good. I don't believe ppl didn't get that the first time around, sheesh. It was basically saying pistol beat down killtaculars are pretty impossible so don't quit your day job. Geez, guys it doesn't take brain scientist...

17 | Fusion1 says:

Haha..."Shouldn't you be out saving the world or something?" Great work!

And what's this about people not getting it? This isnt rocket surgery, people.

18 | GooFBalL says:

humanity as we know it will come to an end!! but we will have a kick as