A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Gruntsbane says:

Blasted double post....

2 | Kritz says:


Damn me being Australian.. March the 2nd. What kind of cr.. err.. insanity is that?

Well, I liked the cross refferences in this comic, but the graphics weren't as good as your normal ones. (Plus the Background was kind of.. generic.)

.. wait. Why was there green sperm floating in the background?! (*cough*)

>> Kritz

3 | sausages says:

I get 3rd post again!!!


That was suggestive...
Oh well, I'm not complaining...

Except for that my parects say I'm too old for games and I cant play any video games at all anymore...

I'm so sad...


Oh well...

There's always Halobabies!!!

4 | Turialim says:

Nicely done GB...
Looks like I'm gonna have to play with the modded thing for some more time though!

5 | Gruntsbane says:

Yes, I deleted the second post but it seems to be smarter than I am.

6 | The Marine says:

not enough games out for the 360 so i wont get till halo 3 maybe

7 | Earthling says:

I don't get it. What does it mean?

8 | Zyrra says:

Wow.. I knew Xbox 360 was teh best but to snob a core xbox? That's just wrong...
Have a heart 360's one day YOU will be in the same boat when microsoft brings out the next Xbox (if ever there will be one)
*pondering* Xbox 720 perhaps?

9 | I have many names but you can call me Death By Munchkins says:

I like xbox as much as the next overly obsessive halo fan but.......the comic was good though i laughed.......thats all that counts right?!?!?

10 | Creaqitvename says:

good comic, and im gonna get a 360 next year when their a bit cheaper

11 | sQuEaK says:

Awesome comic. They always make me laugh.

The xbox360, as Kritz said, comes out on March the 2nd here in Australia. But I remember how quick the price of the original xbox went down. And when it did I got a free controller and two games. I wonder if the same thing will happen this time around.

Great comic.
squeak117-always awaiting xbox 360.

12 | the grunt that doesnt wanna die says:

woohoo! the xbox who picks up chix. you dont see that every day

13 | Sheikurl says:

what the hell is going on!? all the strips recently aren't making any sense 2 me

14 | mrsmiley says:

hey GB i managed to outsmart the news, but it wasn't easy! i had to to it's demands of higher bandwidth and less RSS feeds. damn.

anyways great strip man, it turned out well! oh, and since no one else is saying this for some reason...

0MG t3H C0Py 4ND p45T3!!!11

15 | Tiger_Tyrant says:

ur right 'the grunt that doesnt wanna die' u dont c it every day (well not where i cum from)

i fink dat Halo 3 shud b on xbox as well as xbox 360 coz deres ppl out dere hu cant afford it til 3 yrs after its bin released...

i recken mr smiley, gholsbane n gruntsbane shud make another website like lord-of-da-rings babies or matrix babies dat wud b cool hu agrees?....

16 | unelite elite says:

as for me, the 360 can wait, no money, and i was dissappointed at the local gamestop putting a lame graphics game in th 360, i must see proof of its greatness. Mainly im mad at Gamestop.. grr..i mean .wort.

17 | =Distiller= says:

ooohhhhhh burn. well she may be hot but the word on the street is that she may be to hot for her own good
i.e overheat