A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


Comments closed

1 | Loknar64 says:

FIRST POST!!!!!!!!

2 | Dragoon says:

lol, good one

3 | Sieneko says:

That's hilarious. Well done!

4 | spartan564 says:

lol that was good. More plz.

5 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

Haha... Yeah.. this could explain how SOME PEOPLE get on so bloody fast. They have no life, and decide to wait... ugh


6 | SoulLess says:

Lol funny and true... Those wierd people that w8 all day for writing 1st post instead of something worth-while.
Dont the have a life?

7 | spartan114 says:

hm never had 7th post before, personal best yay!!! very funny, made me laugh out loud

8 | El Kabong Rides Again says:

OMG 8thses! woo!

9 | Tiger_Tyrant says:

I wonder how hard it is to come into first post? lol gd sketch yay 9th post

10 | Kritz says:

Wow. I honestly really enjoyed that. Congrats.

But I've always wondered: What image did you put to reflect in MC's visor? Looks like a telephone.. or..

Hell, I have no idea what it is...

>> Kritz

11 | travis says:

lol thanks for puttin it on my birthday (yes its dec 30)

12 | ninja says:

hahaha i've only gotten 1st once i was surprised it was like 10:30 and i had off from school so i went on and i was first post on the bender 1

13 | sputinik says:

sweeet, ha ha!! welcome back (if you even took a break) thats good! lol

14 | yay says:

hehe, nice, not the funiest though.
14th post -_-'

15 | Halo2 Fan says:

Hey I gotta admit that was funny and true hhahaha chief and sarge stayed up all night just fer that hahahahahaha so true... p.s why does sarge always beat chief if he is some nobody who doesn't even fight in the game? 15th post aww too far

16 | Jill Lover says:

16 post!!!
btw i was wondering how those ppl do that, now i know

17 | nutty professor says:

woot 17 post my earliest yet by the
good comic very funny

18 | Thoraxe the Imapler says:

I am very disappointed in those two. I never liked the first posting stuff...

19 | Creativename says:

That is funny, I keep getting closer to first post, 19th post

20 | sgt. campsalot says:

The reflection in Chief's visor is Johnson's face!
It's just a little more close-up than it should be.
The reflection is the top-right 'quadrant' of his face... or, top-left if you're looking at Sarge.... o_o

21 | icewagon3000 says:

Yay! 21st POST!
Nice job. I really wanted Cheif to win.

22 | Mintz says:

Very well done! =) I liked that.
It's so true... *glares at Frankie*

23 | Inteligent says:

LOL, it happened to me only one time, and i was second!

24 | deadfire says:

that was different, but a cool different. xD

25 | DancesWithSoda says:

Haha, so true. <3

26 | PlasmaFire says:

I so agree, Mintz. Until someone beat him to it.

And you'd think a SPARTAN would be better at reflexes; bad intarnet, mb?

27 | Morpheus says:

ULTIMATE LICKING W00T!!!!! 27th Post!!!!!

28 | ??I Don't Know says:

Worting goodness. Too bad I lost XBL on my 360 (stupid Canadian ISPs).

29 | johnnyrico says:

29th post!lol :-p
great one, srsly

30 | Lord-Halo99 says:

30th post!!! good job GB.