A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Zorkan says:

Oh I love that. Hm, I just noticed grunts were on the wrapping paper... Very good though. And very funny.

2 | Code Master says:

Oh, isn't Bungie great! I've been waiting a very long time for Halo to be done :)

3 | halofreak says:

hey! they are grunts. sorry

4 | Suka 'Ramamee says:

So that's where my clothes went...

5 | a halo dude says:

nothing says that you care more than having a big box with grunt wrapping paper.I need to find some of that paper for my bro's 15th birthday. I may be a halo dude but my bro's a halo freak{nothing to do with the guy who also posted a comment}

6 | paradise says:

if you find some tell me i'll wallpaper my house :)

7 | Sandwich grunt says:

i have that wall paper!!!....all over my house.

8 | Xerro says:

I wish i could of had that wrapping paper for my birthday last week.

9 | Psyco_Grunt says:

throw away the armor and keep the wraping paper:)

10 | hunterkilla says:

great comic. I think this is about MC nu suit in halo 2 isnt it?

11 | mizis chief says:

haha lol. hey where can i get that wrapping paper?? lol. are there pj's in that design? lol

12 | Jason P says:

U guys are all wankas, get over the wrapping paper for grunts sake

13 | Mr Grunt(im also Mr Covie, Mr Hunter, and Mr Elite)! says:

Yes! the Grunt paper is not important! we must not think about the Grunt paper! The Grunt paper is less important tham the present! The Grunt paper should not be thought of... I should shoot myself.

14 | SonictheHedgehog says:

Until then, he can have my NightmareArmor.

15 | FUELRODGUN says:


16 | Isna Noselee says:

I found the wrapping paper in Amazon once but then... SOLD OUT.
That some fast-selling wrapping paper

17 | halo boi says:

"dont open until its done?"
how old is that one
P.S. i noticed grunts on the wraping paper nice touch!

18 | Yayap says:

Me and my grunt comrades are greatly apprechiative of your likeing us on the wraping paper. And you Jason P are a loser, that is so like an elite you F#C%ER

19 | mendoza says:

im not impressed, you guys didnt bump map why not?

20 | Riddick says:

Man, these grunts get thier face on everything!

21 | Falcon says:

I love the grunt wrapping paper! I have get some of it myself!

22 | Elite-Boi says:

well you know what would be cooler is if there were elites on it instead!

23 | A.O-Gruntman says:

I would take the awsome grunt wrapping and keep it. Then I would give the grunts the markVI battle armor so they could use it.

24 | someone who thinks halo actionfigures are way over priced in stores!! says:

it would be funny if the hunter poped out of the box and put its fuel rod over chiefs head and blasted him

25 | smart-@SS says:

you know VI is 6 right? 4 is IV

26 | Curious Grunt says:

News Flash! The grunt design on the wrapping paper also in pajama design! You'll find it in many stores near you! YAAY!! (Suckers)

27 | The_Man says:

I was going to comment on the paper but no1 can leave it alone...

28 | red elite says:

well well well

29 | Super Grunt says:

were can i get some wrapping paper like that?

30 | Sheikurl says:

dat reminds me, dey shood put kelly & sam from the fall of reach in halo 3

31 | Master_Chief says:

Halo 1 he has mark 5 halo 2 he has 6 got that not 4

32 | David says:

nothing better then grunt wrapping paper

33 | chicorojocaliente says:

i love these comics!!!

34 | funniefinderh2 says:

hoot man thats funny gosh there aholes to do that to poor mc i mean i can't belive that they gave him a present that they ain't got haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha lol lol

35 | Tbone says:

a new use for the grunts

36 | Masterchief evil says:

lol. my good self doesn't have that armour yet, LOL!

37 | sputinik says:

LOL!! that title works out. for those of you who dont know mc's real name is john

38 | carrot of the west says:


39 | Spartan-818 says:

haha i like tht grunt wraping paper

40 | Kor 'lonsomee says:

Kor: yes Elite-Boi it wouyld be cooler with elites on it!

41 | Half-Jaw and Zawaz says:

Half-Jaw: That's what they did to me and my shiny new WHITE armor.

42 | Some Halo-Lover says:

Man, these people know what they're doing when they make these comics! They're LMAO!!!

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