A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | mrsmiley says:

Due to an internal error, all the comments were lost for this strip. Sorry guys.

2 | Hug_a_flood says:

... shame

they so cuudly just squeeze one

3 | Spartan Chick says:

Why does everyone think flood are cute? They're covered in rotten flesh!
That's not cute, thats nasty.

4 | Settra says:

cause they jus r...

5 | poopy123 says:

yeah, i always shot off their arms and played with them..... its alot funner than you'd think

6 | sword elite67 says:

*wort wort wort* i just hack there arms off

7 | Spart' 096 and Elite says:

Haha! Back at home we call 'em 'pets'.

8 | squatting bear says:

yea they're soo cute, the way the infectious forms just jump at you in love when they see you!

9 | Yayap says:

In the beggining of "Keys", that was me you saw running from the armless flood! You fags really need to be in the video game! In real life they're alot uncuter than they look. But I gotta admit, the -gurggle- thing they do is pretty funny. As for the infection forms, yah, they just jump in love, they love you sooo much, that they jump on you and squeeze you and b/c they love you, they drive a penetrator down your throat, take control of your body, and make creatures like me an infermory to breed more of the little bastards! Real cute!!! fags

10 | Spartan Chick says:

I gotta agree with yayap there.

But one thing, Floods are either gay when thay jump on you or they wanna kill you. Your pick, which one do you think they're really trying to do.

11 | Random Forerunner says:

It is beacause they are simply trying to get food to progress the spieces.
You would too if you were a multi-legged-baloon-thingy!
Also the skin is not rotten, it has been afected by the flood DNA.
And now if you don't mind, I have a certain moniter to

12 | DTM :) says:


13 | PINK ELITE aka cy who is actually the grunt 1000 who is actually wortwortworthog! says:

gurgle thats soooo cute!!! i actually do think floods r kinda cute^^. *sweatdrop* hehe...?

14 | Super Grunt says:

The only time flood a relativly cute are when they have no arms.I actually collect them and play follow the leader.My highest is 14 of the bastards. I also have to agree with Yayap. i hate the fact that they molest grunts... do u agrre with me?

15 | 'Suka Ramamee says:

I still remember the time my first liutenant Hurru had the idea to light its rear on fire... ever seen a flood do the butt-drag dance?

16 | Templar says:

so infected human flood who seem to have their heads forcibly ripped off of their sholuders but still hang on by a little thread of flesh are cute? yea very cute, specially them antennae that grow out of their throat holes, mhmmm adorable

17 | ScionKevlar says:

little bastards are they. pitty, though, that when they try to show you love, you shoot them or bat them away....sad...But, hey they even built transports to get to you faster! hehe!

18 | bludawg7 says:

Lol, me and my friends try to 'catch them all' We got over 23 armless Flood forms once, and most of them had names too... Until a Wraith tank blew them all to hell...
*sniffle* Poor pets... YOU SHALL BE AVENGED!

19 | grishnakh says:

I got headbutted by MY pet flood

20 | the covenator says:

i think the flood are cool and i thought they only lived in the body and didnt take control of it oh well.

21 | The Grunt says:

in the library, i just blew off their arms and they followed me home. Until the sentinels came. Damn u sentinels!!!!!!!!

22 | Mak_elite says:

Lol, this is Nice

23 | thechosen1 says:

Play "The Library" on Legendary and have a crowd of about 20-so flood following you, all of thier arms missing via pistol shots. Crowd flood surfing! ^_^

24 | carrot of the west says:

AWW! its soo cute! I used to make them keep me company. I called them Mutant Cheese! He was killed though.... WAAAAAAAAA!!!!! He was killed by those elites! Elites are also cute though ^_^! sry, i think everything is cute! this is an awesome comic! :P

25 | carrot of the west says:

I think all the floods r cute! who ever sez they arn't are MEAN! I wonder if they were real and i had one, will it be east to potty train? lol

26 | rolo zentamee says:

yes i also love to get cuddly with horrible grotesqueries that shoot at me, just blast theyre arms off and ask them what theyre gonna do about it

27 | rolo zentamee says:

can i get n amen! lol

28 | Hellfighter says:

Been there and had that happen too. It's really annoying.

29 | yo mama says:

Ok, you can keep him, but if the infection form inside of it attacks anyone, he dies.

30 | BlackElite says:

that's treu i had that too, in halo 1 i shoot all floods all arms off and then they do nothing they only looking how dumb ur are! :P

31 | RoanHorse says:

I like the noises they make. They do make a good shield when you cut their arms off. I was attacked by "armed" flood and they were hit...not me.

32 | Cristy says:

yuck... flood... i definitely don't like flood... they're gross... Xox

33 | Soldier Girl says:

Floods must be the most popular... creatures, right after Grunts.

34 | David says:

if you shoot there arms off, they become pretty cute you have to admit.

35 | Some guy says:

If you play halo1 on 343 guilty spark you can here a secret message from one. (not bulshit) After your in the instalation and you've gotten pretty far, go to the elevator that works (when your trying to get out) and kill all enemies except one combat form. Shoot of his arms. When he gets back up stand next to him and listen. It's pretty muffled but it says things such as: *Leave Me* *Save yourself* *Please...Kill me* *This is worse then death* *Help* *All is lost* those are the ones I can remember. Try it.

36 | Inda 'Nolamee (Arbi Gal) says:

My cousin Bako 'Ikaporamee and I do that all the time! We refer to the parasite as the "Fruu Fruu". We always create an army of them, it's so hilarious! Nice Job!

37 | Jacob says:

In the level the oricale in halo2 all my elites died by the flood b
ut not the grunts and the elites have shields lol!

38 | Masterchief evil says:

how are they harmless when armless? when you take their arms off they wip you with their organs or like their nervus structure

39 | flood sucks! says:

for fricks sakes waht the bloody fricking hell is with you idiots saying that flood are cute?!?!?!?!!?!??! they are disgusting repulsive creatures the way they move the way they walk the sounds they make is so impulsive! now answer this guys what is so cute about a bumpy thing with spores and tenticles and rotten flesh and is praticly dead with green blood yea thats real cute exspecially the infection that if your not strong enough they jump on you and eat you alive oh and the carriers. its so cute how they blow up with gushing green bloods and little critter coming out. you guys should be ashamed

40 | flood sucks! says:

for fricks sakes waht the bloody fricking hell is with you idiots saying that flood are cute?!?!?!?!!?!??! they are disgusting repulsive creatures the way they move the way they walk the sounds they make is so impulsive! now answer this guys what is so cute about a bumpy thing with spores and tenticles and rotten flesh and is praticly dead with green blood yea thats real cute exspecially the infection that if your not strong enough they jump on you and eat you alive oh and the carriers. its so cute how they blow up with gushing green bloods and little critter coming out. you guys should be ashamed

41 | Shotty says:

Even if I blast off their arms, they still can hurt me. What's up with that?

42 | flood sucks! says:

ya exacticly when I shoot of there arms they look pathetic and I laugh at them but I do not show one bit of emotion for them since they are disgusting oh and even when arms are off the so ...cuteley... bite you. SARCASIM

43 | flood sucks! says:

ya exacticly when I shoot of there arms they look pathetic and I laugh at them but I do not show one bit of emotion for them since they are disgusting oh and even when arms are off the so ...cuteley... bite you. SARCASIM

44 | gruntisniper says:

I must admit it is getting a bit harder to snipe em
bloody 14.5x114 round is useless against em

45 | floodsucks! says:


46 | TeeKup says:

lol you guys are hilarious. Funny comic, and im with both sides, when i first played 343 Guilty Spark i almost pissed my pants after seeing that on shadow on the ridge O_O

But after i got used to them i keep em as pets, *coughcoughtheirmybitchescoughcough*

47 | {SS}Ogie says:

'key terms '
'@=usless '
'$=ok '
%=1 hit Ko '
&=ijust plain stpid'
'----------- '

------sniper=% $rocket=% $ handgun headshot=& $shotgun=% $

------sniper=& $rocket=&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& %%%%%handgun headshot=%shotgun=%
.................... ill post more later

48 | silver elite says:

flood sucks! as Random Forerunner said thier skin isn't rotten it's just infected, altough i find it funny to have them follow you around. i don't see how they are cute

49 | plasma_101 says:

Kewl comic:)

50 | jon says:

lol! nice one

51 | bungie says:

HEY i want him too? i saw him first!!!! never mind i want a flood grunt cant wait to see them in halo 3!!!!!!!!!

52 | Half-Jaw and Zawaz says:


53 | Inuyasha-117 says:

The mini things that blow up I think our the grunts but as most of you said Me and my cousin kept one as a pet for the entire level we used the rest as sniper fodder T~T

54 | THE CHARLES 2 says:


55 | scottheretic says:

i did that with 7 flood it is funny.!!!!!!

56 | Flood want brains says:

They're not gurgling they are saying BRAIN!

57 | Zeka the Gold Elite says:

When they have no arms they are rather help less and pathetic, but none the less they are the "Loathsome Parasites" as some of my Spec-Ops troops would say...

58 | cody vo says:

the foold eiltes looks so cute when they are armless......

59 | Zonic says:

floods are gross. hey look! theres one now. kill it! wait! whats it doing! AAAAHHHHH!!!1! GET IT OFFA MEEE!!!!1!11!1 ITS ALL OVER FOR ME!!! SAVE YOURSELF!!!! GAK! *dies*

60 | THE CHARLES 2 says:

Ha the flood killed the cocky dude haha wait if im here were is the flood(back at home)OMG they kicked my dog......then killed it but still it kicked my dog......DARN U ZONIC FOR LEADING EM BACK TO EARTH DAMN YOU

61 | THE CHARLES 2 says:

Ha the flood killed the cocky dude haha wait if im here were is the flood(back at home)OMG they kicked my dog......then killed it but still it kicked my dog......DARN U ZONIC FOR LEADING EM BACK TO EARTH DAMN YOU

62 | unngoy friend says:

Quick and funny, i printed it the second i saw it

63 | bob says:

the flood in halo 2 attack you when they have no arms not the ones in halo 1 and the flood in halo 1 dont EXPLODE if you shoot their arms off.... >=0(

64 | blahblahmcplushiekins says:

um... i TOTALLY agree with yupyup

65 | Pvt. Dubbo says:

Are you kiddin'? These THINGS are trying to kill me!!??!!!I just got out of the structure thingy. They are kinda cute armless..(THE ELITE ONES)..What The!!?? There's one with one with a shotgun! OHHH-NOOO! *BLA-BLAM* AAAAUUUUGGGGHHH!*DEAD*

66 | Spartan-B292 "Tom" says:

"Wow!" Jenkins said, "It's so cute!"

"Yeah, Jenkins! Where you'd find him?" Mendoza asked.

"..." Jenkins thought for a moment, "You know, I don't remember."

"Can I touch it, Jenkins?"

"Yeah sure. But I should warn you that it---"

* Crack *

"---Bites your head off..." Jenkins gave a low laugh, "Hey! Wasn't I suppose to die first?"

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