A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | some guy says:

A much deserved rest

2 | carlo says:

ha eat that cortana

3 | Mister_chef says:

oooh thats good! i tell you what! lol so good ol' cortana ISNT that supreme after all...hmmmmmm HAHA its great, keep up the good work Joel!

4 | Insane says:

Good April Fools joke! You got me! Well to bad Cortana. I don't see a plot in this.

5 | Master Chief 0096 says:

OMG!!! I'm new to Halo Babies but not HBO so I've heard about this... and didn't beleive it until now

6 | haloelite says:

I think they should of went to the Control room. Good joke smiley :).

7 | Bestmasterchief says:

Where is the plot. And that "incident" thing is not funny. I had to call off a memorial service. Let's see... Cancel the comedian, send home the llama... Cancel the bronze statue... All good.

8 | (Censored) says:

"Good April Fools joke! You got me!"

Bad April Fools joke! I even sent an EMAIL to GruntsBane, you guys are sick (No offense, I will always like HB).

P.S. The comic is funny.

9 | mrsmiley says:

Don't worry guys, the series starts off kinda slow. ;)

10 | [GC]Anubis says:

Ha Ha Ha you got me. Assholes...

11 | I like to touch....things says:

I THINK it really happened, but that gruntsbane told smiley he decided its best the fans dont hear it, so he passed it off as an april fools joke

12 | Mista_B says:

Hey cool, you can see through her leg.

Hope Cortana doesn't get sunburned. Those full body burns hurt.

Though later she could go "Look! No tanlines!"

13 | the dude says:


14 | MC0096 says:

I know the comic I'm about mention is old but... what is a mod chip and where can I get one? *whimper* be nice...*whimper* but the comic waz good!!!! *whimper*

15 | InSaNe1024 says:

Haha nice one! But i hear that all the tourists are clogging up the roads over there (the CR).
also, neato...the MC wears gold boxers!

a mod chip is a microchip that you can sauder onto your Xbox's circuit board to play imported, copied, or modded games.

16 | Tina Leyk says:

Cute stuff as always.

But uh...if you see my lazy Elite running around down there, tell him he's just earned himself a week of Pots n' Pans Duty...

17 | Nathan says:

the joke is NOT FUNNY i've already told everybody I Know all my friends an everything I Shall Return!!!!

Nice comic

were all Suckers, I was almost Sucker free

18 | Demosthenes says:

howabout on the POA i heard there r sleeping quarers on board

19 | [GC]Anubis says:

You guys do know that now you are going to get that mob out front

20 | realslimstevie says:

MC looks kinda scrawny. I guess maybe that's why he needs the big armor suit :). Then again, i guess its "Halo Babies" so its like a mini version of the 6-foot tough guy

21 | The Knight in Green Cybernetic Armor says:

Thought Bubble from MC: If only she was wearing a bikini...

22 | Xerro says:

You still don't see Masterchiefs face, GOD DAMN IT!

BTW: I was annoyed with the April Fools it's not the kind of thing you joke about, but regardless you make the best comics on the web, so i'll forgive ya.

23 | MC0096 says:

... *MC0096 is lost in thought of Adult Cortana in a bikini*

24 | Armyofone says:

You sick perverted bastards what's wrong with you, she's a hologram for crying out loud but then agian I kinda agree with MC0096.......
*Armyofone lost in thought...*
Okay I've changed my mind I take back what I've said.

25 | Howard says:

Call me sick, but I think Cortana's kinda getting a bit...romantic on our beloved MC.

26 | Corporal Rogue Elite says:

Mwuahahahaha!!! Cortana is a very smart person; she'll think of somethin to get Cheeky Chief back!

27 | Lance says:

Whaddya mean, Cortana in a bikini?

She's nekkid, fer chrissakes, don't give the creater's ideas!


28 | Mr. Elite says:

lol...............but i realy think you have at least givin Cortana a little bit of clothing!!!!