A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Mista_B says:

Ah, I was wondering about that, whether she'd travel via chip or not.

Oh, and congrats on what has to be the most expressive and fully angled HB Cortana yet. Does she have slightly different shading, or am I seeing things?

Glad I didn't have to do it. ^_^

2 | Gruntsbane says:

She's a lighter shade of blue because the other one wasn't working at all. Glad you like the new look :)

3 | Mista_B says:

Yeah, the tones match better overall now - looks more "naturally" holography, whatever that means. The bright main pattern isn't as overbearing, blends better with the liney bits.

Matches the Chief's colors better, somehow. I'll just note the quality of the lighting/shadows here, and the *three* new backgrounds, then quit suckin up. : P : )

4 | Xerro says:

I think the second picture of cortana looks awesome, her face is so expressive. Kind of the same joke from the last strip however. But it was still funny.

5 | Mister Chief says:

Nice artwork,Gruntsbane!

6 | Kanman-075 says:

Funny comic, keep up the good work gruntsbane! I agree with everyone else, Cortana DOES look better than before.

7 | kinggun says:

brilliant art work as usual
cortanas got it going on

8 | Silent Wind says:

"Sorry Cotana, no open ..." Cortana has lost her 'r'... great comic as usual, keep up the good work

9 | Spartan088 says:

W007!! 9th post! my best yet!

Awesome strip bane or whoever wrote this...@_@ im still confused about who makes all of them... but as awesome and hilarious as any of them...

10 | Legolas117 says:

Well done!!
I love the story so far!!

11 | Gruntsbane says:

Silent Wind says: "Sorry Cotana, no open ..." Cortana has lost her 'r'... great comic as usual, keep up the good work.

Thanks for pointing that out, we'll have it fixed up in no time.

12 | Worm says:

This is by far the best

13 | Mr. Elite says:

ha ha ha....O_o.....Clam and Coopertavie....wow

14 | David says:

While I'm EXTREMELY grateful and excited about this information on what we have to look forward to, I'm once again pressed to ask:
"What's up with the art?"
Cortana and MC look disturbingly adult, and unlike their old selves. But when it comes to the story (ultimately what's most important to me) this is one of the best strips ever.

15 | Mista_B says:


*looks again*

Ah, I see - Cortana's crossed her legs. Not many kids do it like that.

*edit* curious - what makes them look adult? The poses? */edit*

16 | ansomble28 says:

I agree, the characters are just very impressively drawn and they look so absolutely stunning, but I wouldn't go and say they look adult. Sorry Gruntsbane doesn't make all his characters look like this ==> :)
By the way, very nice comic!

17 | senor commento says:

If I was chief I wouldn't want to be stumbling around in the pelican while it was in motion. One false step and earth's last hope is a stain on the sidewalk.

Cortana's expression is amazing. It's funny to see her with such emotion.

"the calm and cooperative". that's just comic genius.

18 | Yoozel says:

Always beatiful! When will we see a full comic book?

19 | Vmanjr says:

LOL, I love how the ship is called the calm and the cooperative. Another great comic!

20 | EvilGuineaPig says:

I like the way cortana was drawn. It is some real good art work. And it is true, i hate closed cockpits.

21 | MC0096 says:

Good.... I espaicially like the "Sorry Cortana no open cockpits 'till Halo2". I have always wondered about that[:)

22 | Fusion1 says:

Calm and Cooperative....thats so cool! I like Cortanas new look.
Once again, you have amazing me.

23 | Claw says:

Cortana sure is closely seated to MC....

24 | The Evil... I mean The Nice One says:

Great Comic *looks around* Hey can you make a exclusive comic for me?

25 | AngryMouse14 says:

Excellently drawn comic, i'd say the best so far.

Wunderbar, mates! Keep it up!

26 | mekey says:

he he kinda funny worth a he or two but not that good

27 | David says:

What I mean is, their proportions look more like an adult than a cartoonish kid (big heads and small bodies)
MC looks more realistic, but less like the MC that puts the 'babies' in Halobabies.

28 | [email protected] says:

I actually think that they should draw the characters as adults, really. Anyway, this is one of the best drawn HB comics ive seen so far.

29 | Mista_B says:

Yeah, but then it'd be "haloadults"; not quite the same.


30 | The Knight In Green Cybernetic Armor says:

Foe Hammer: Running out of air in cockpit... Can't breathe!
P.S. Mista_B, not adults, teens.

31 | mrsmiley says:

Ok guys, this is something to take to the forum, not the comments sections. Thanks.

32 | Dark Star says:

Cortana does look more adult
she's leaner and more fine featured too

Looks Great though

keep up the good work !_!

33 | Cheese a la Goat says:

Is it just me, or does Cortana look like she's on crack in the last frame?

34 | BLinX says:

Lol, cant wait to see the cockpit!

35 | mizis chief says:

heheh cute. ya know, cheese has a point.

36 | sackynut says:


37 | steven says:

There a little close.Also I love grunts.Elites are ugly.I have a pet hunter.His names spunkey.

38 | steven says:

There a little close.Also I love grunts.Elites are ugly.I have a pet hunter.His names spunkey.

39 | enter says:

man baby cortona looks hot. just want to do her, ya know?

40 | Armyofone says:

First of all, enter you've gone too far. Second the ship "the Calm and Cooperative" is either just trying to be funny or is forshadowing on the comics to come but I don't know.HEY MR.SMILEY CAN YOU TELL ME? PLEASE!

41 | new cortana is so awesome says:

I dont get it

42 | duffman says:

I was just thinking.... ow it hurts.

How long til Halo 2 huh kids?

43 | duffman says:

HEY! The cockpits were open on downed aircraft weren't they?

44 | Mista_B says:

Halo 2: November 19, 2004.

They ain't downed, so cockpits closed.

Not foreshadowing, so much as HB'stylin.

*whacks enter upside the head*


45 | werty says:

ukytttrutugnytjjtb jyhyuytuj ytjjgfhgf hgffhggb yghvbvh

46 | Isna Noselee says:

Hey, look over there, a plot exposition!

47 | De Huntersitter says:

Whys de master chief looks alot on cortana????????Omg They are in....no it can be, he gonna ki....no not that, i know.....Wat we are talking about again,Grunts en Elites???????

48 | MJOLNIR117 says:

MC: "Hey FoeHammer, you better open up because dropships are destroyable in Halo 2.....(evil smile)"

49 | MJOLNIR117 says:

To entry: No, I don't think anybody wants to do a ba....wait a minute, You are trying to spread the pervertedness involving Cortana to other pages. She's an AI for chrissakes, not a blow-up doll!! God Damn!!! I am so tired of trying to convince people to stop having pervertd thoughts about cortana, but I have to keep it up: for the safety of fellow Halo gamers!

50 | ... says:

Heh, nice comic. Whats a spartan?

51 | Spartan_117/John says:

a Spartan is what the Chief is...*saw a picture of the Chief flying a Pelican speaking of which, lmao*

52 | Torque says:

Doesn't it seem obvious that we never see the captain's face IN ANY OF THESE COMICS!?!?

53 | Lord_Buddha says:

Halo actually has one level where you can go up to the cockpit in the escape pods.

54 | mizischief says:

haha thats so true. Is it just me or is Cortana having a new look?

Thats ok though, I like it!

55 | death says:

hmm.... calm and copoerative.... i think master cheif is gonna have no troubel here!! great work guys

56 | koreanboy86 says:

hahaha!you got me on that one!

57 | 'Suka Ramamee says:


58 | Insane Master Chief says:

Did you take 'Suka Ramamee's comment on the last strip and use it for the Covenant ship's name in this strip? Or did he just make his comment in the last strip after reading this one? I also think enter should be charged with paedophilia. I think 'Suka Ramamee is one of the most entertaining posters here.

59 | Jesse5935 (Xbox Live Tag) says:

That was ihhh! Mostly becuase I got mad when she died, it almost made me CRY!!!

60 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

there were open cockpits in Halo CE. I ddon't understand.

61 | gold spartan says:

it was ok but relly good art work

62 | Cristy says:

hmmm.. Cortana looks different.. she looks kawaii xD

63 | Masterchief evil says:

lol bad things keep hapening in this secual beach thing

64 | Shadownet says:

cortana looks hot in the 3rd frame,lmao.

WOOT 63rd post... wow.. -.-

65 | Hell Jumper Trooper says:

Nice comic keep up the good work Gruntsbane

P.S the Calm And Cooperative is a covenant flag ship in the halo book First Strike,

66 | Lugov says:

Thanks bro!

67 | omega says:

calm & cooperative? yeah that would be about right until you've lost a leg.

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