A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Xerro says:

Why do i have a bad feeling about the disguise as well. The second frame looks pretty good i like the jackals and the lift. But the strip wasn't funny. But then this one probably wasn't meant to be.

2 | mrsmiley says:

Unfortunately it is somewhat of a "cliffhanger" type strip.

3 | _-.(]=[).-_ says:

Meh. Cliffhangers suck.

4 | Isna Noselee says:

A tank, flamethrower, & some marines could get past that much covenant.

5 | Necromas says:

I wonder how he's going incognito? an elite isn't enough like a human for wearing ones armor to work, grunts are to small, and hunters too big. Jackals dont even wear armor. Maybe he is going as a stealth elite? that would be asy to do :)

6 | Polite says:

I say he's going in disguised as one of those purple comm. boxes...

7 | Ireesha says:

this is stupid. Get a real fuckin comice will ya. Your jokes ain even funny. Get something that actually makes me laugh. The coloring stinks. The pictures are a piece of crap. Do better next time. Thanks-Bye

8 | halo boi says:

chief in discuise how come i have the feeling cheifs gonna go as a grunt?

9 | newnab says:

or maybe he is going to wear some beads and tell them its mardi gras.... i thought it was an ok comic, not funny granted, but ireesha, id like to see you do better. keep up the overall good work gruntsbane!

10 | agent_CDE says:

Ireesha's right. Halobabies sucks. Ireesha's work is much, much better.

Yeah, right. This, of course, ignores the fact that Ireesha hasn't actually publicised anything.

GJ, Gruntsbane.

11 | Mista_B says:

Woah, big party down there.

This is story mode folks, you walk gut-bustin funny, you go to One One Se7en. ;-)

12 | warthog freak says:

i hope she doesnt make him a grunt... on the other hand a seven foot tall grunt sounds funny

13 | Matt says:

personally, I like the idea of a nice story arc. Nice job man. As for Ireesha's comments...there's a fine line between constructive critism and just plain being a jack ass. and you...are bein a jackass. If you are indeed as good as Agent says you are, perhaps not being a pompous asshole would help your credibility some.

14 | mrsmiley says:

Ok folks, let's ignore Ireesha's commens, and get back to your own!

15 | evilguineapig says:

Calm down, guys! Hey, nice job on the drawing. I love the animation and artwork. It appears you guys really put alot of work into drawing and plotting this one! The jackals look awsome and so do the sleeping grunts. Way to go. Drawing is a 10/10.

16 | Mr. Elite says:

thats alot of grunts......0_o

17 | Yoozel says:

I hope there is a follow up....

18 | Kanman-075 says:

This comic isn't really funny, but it makes me think of what disguise he might take. Good job with the mystery Gruntsbane, keep up the good story =].

19 | J. Flame says:

I like where Halo Babies is headed with a plot. Random funny is funny, but plot and funny rock. As for One One Se7en.....that may be the worst comic I've ever read. But that's my opinion.