A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Mister Chief says:

Not very funny but very original.Keep up the good work!

2 | Sarge says:

Well not so funny but it wil be funny if Chief goes into battle and finds out that the covenant put a FAKE replica of human weapons and when he tried them out, it does not work,
Chief: time to go out!!!
Cortana:Elies entering the detention centre
Elites: Wort wort wort
*chief trys to fire*
Chief: What!?
Cortana: Convenient huh?>_>
Then i will say the comic will be funny, try a better one next friday, Gruntsbane.

3 | Ripper 714 says:

I knew there was a reason why those things were there....


4 | Digikid says:

Hey do not be so harsh on him!!! I thought that it was pretty good!

5 | Kanman-075 says:

It is a good comic, and very true about the game. Keep up the good work Gruntsbane!

6 | Stuntmutt says:

I realise my opinion counts for very little in such matters - but contrary to the first couple of posters, I thought it was VERY witty.
Good work gents.

7 | Isna Noselee says:

The comic's great, but I always wonder, exactly how did the weapons got there? I thought the covenant disarmed thier prisoners rather than kill them with thier weapons.

8 | Torque says:

I like the comic too, but are they gonna reach the objective yet (The Captive Spartan)?

9 | Riddick says:

I like the comic as well, but it wasn't as funny as it use to be. I hope the comedy comes back next Friday.

10 | Sabata00 says:

I really liked that comic andI would ike to see some of you that are saying it's bad think of that.
oh and covenant dare not touch inferior human items, Torque.

11 | Rogue Rebel says:

The covanant are very stupid to leave amunition in the cell...and I thought they were smart.

12 | Yayap and Zuka says:

how did they get there in the first place?

13 | Rogue Rebel says:

A human was already there then he died and they did something with him.

14 | Rogue Rebel says:

Then they forgot to take the ammo or something...

15 | Kyrceck says:

Very wity, indeed. Great job, keep it up.

16 | ??? says:

are those things that look like water baloons sopposed to be gernades

17 | 00117 says:

I think the joke was last week the mc said it was convenient that Cortana could open the cell. Now Cortana is saying "Now that's convenient." But maybe that's just my take on it.

18 | Xerro says:

Worth a smile this strip, didn't get me laughing though, but as Kyrceck and Stuntmutt said it was a witty line, and relates to the game well. As for the drawing good as ever, with Cortana looking very authoritive in the first panel. Anyway good job can't wait till next week, and for when we finally meet the prisoner they're meant to find.

19 | Grunty says:

Good work Gruntsbane!What I don't understand is in the game of halo I found a grunt with a pistol:dead.Poor little guy....oh,and how do infected elites have assualt rifles?And in the 3rd level truth&reconcilliation how come there are dead marines and in one area a dead stealth Elite?

20 | grunt-gt says:

its was a great comic i always wonder about why there are huge piles of ammo every five minutes, and how the marines got there? did a group of marines attack T&R trying to save the captin before chief.

21 | Junpei says:

LoL, so true, how does that stuff ge there anyway? ;-D

22 | GruntBoi says:

yah i am really confused oabout all the big craploads of stuff you find everywhere, and yah i guessthe marines could of tried to save keys, but anyways it was pretty good!

23 | Mr. El