A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | pc rook says:

dang i swear mc is trying to be black and eating ribs and what not.. and last week trying to be a pimped out pirate... what is that all about? we should call him mc hack... disapointing ... very... dont you care about your fans gruntsbane enough to give us a decent comic ?

2 | Xerro says:

So close to being your first commenter again... damn. Anyway i found it funny, i'm not sure what rook is going on about maybe it just doesn't suit his kind of humour, well keep up the good work i look forward to next weeks comic.

3 | InSaNe1024 says:

Yay! More Bungie jokes! Nice comic. Not as funny as the last one but it still made me laugh. Then again I'm easily amused.

4 | torkillall says:

Another Bungie joke must explain why I didn't find this funny.

5 | jby1chaos says:

so inside bungie jokes, and eating ribs is saying that he is black? Seems to me, someone needs to stop camping the first comment slot just to post cynical comments about a free halo-based webcomic. All in all the recent comics have been funny, and I hope gruntsbane keeps up the good work.

6 | Rawnblade says:

Wow. I take back what I said about Cortana getting increasingly more aggressive. It seems the MC is just an idiot and I missed it, lol.

I don't understand the joke, but I see it's a bungie one, so it must be funny to those who understand it. Once again, artwork is great. Keep up the goodwork Gruntsbane.

7 | sam500 says:

I don't get it

8 | onwi nojasse says:

regardless of the humans comment i thougt it was....funny

9 | ansomble28 says:

That was rather funny! It is true that Cortana does absolutely nothing a LOT of the time. It would have been nice to have a cheeseburger and a coke after slaying a slew of covenant, right?!? LOL. Thx Gruntsbane.

10 | Hg vapor says:

I agree with jby1chaos: someone is trolling the opening comments each week. The best way to get rid of a tro