A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Flash-Dance-Ass-Pants says:

well done sir,its reminds me of that of a dream i once had, it subjectly named my dream "its 1200 miles from Palm Springs to Texas but tongiht its right next door" keep it real el capitan!

2 | Xerro says:

I'm confused by Flash comment... er anyway funny as usual but, where's the logo on MisterChief's armour gone?

3 | Sgt_Big says:

Heh. Funnies.

4 | Howard says:

Hehehehehe, Mister Chief is drawn so much better by Gruntsbane...

5 | Rawnblade says:

lol, nice.

I just KNOW there was a joke in there, around the dart pistol area, but I seriously could not find it. :/

I'm gonna go look some more, it has to have a joke in it, it has to.. Unless the covies were refering to MC... ...that would be a good one right there.

MC, the all powerful intruder-

"..Maybe you should go in front"

I'll settle with that. -_-

Comics shouldn't make you think this hard Gruntsbane! Nice job anyway.

6 | Ripper 714 says:

I liked it! ; )


7 | Kanman-075 says:

Haha! This reminds me of me and my friend playing co-op Halo! We argued over weapons, vehicles, and who takes point! Good job Gruntsbane! Keep it up!

8 | Vigoorian says:

Heheh, looks like things are about to get a bit intresting from here on.

9 | some guy says:

lol, very funny with the ladies first thing.

10 | Fred-104 says:

HAHA good 1 guys this will get interesting like vigoorian said. Keep up the good work.

11 | David says:

I'm still horribly dissapointed by this stupid Mister Cheif, I wish you'd used your own GOOD artwork to make him, instead of using these crappy 5 year drawings.

12 | Bob says:

Frankie's STILL to well-drawn. :\

Is this all-powerful intruder someone ELSE we already know about? :P

13 | Mr. Grunt says:

That was funny...but wouldn't The MC kill mister chief after saying that-I mean he kills my brothers just for saying OW...

14 | Gruntish Elite says:

Mister Chief scares me. His expressions are...odd. But it's just funny to see something so badly drawn in such a good comic! Not that I'm flaming anyone, I draw crappy on purpose sometimes. Great work!

Haha, ladies first.

15 | Mondo J. Gecko says:

LoL... this is a good one.. i'm really enjoying this series with Mister Cheif in it... good stuff...

16 | Yayap and Zuka says:

personally im still wondering how did MC kill an