A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


69 comments so far | leave your own

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1 | patrick says:

great comic. it would have been easier if cortanna could have done that in the last level.
yay first comment

2 | Kanman-075 says:

Same here. THis comic reminds me of me. My friends wonder why i do everything the hard way. Great job Gruntsbane!

3 | Flash-Dance-Ass-Pants says:

Absolutly true, it reminds me of time James Bond woke to find a dwarf making and inventory of his his fridges contents, James wondered aloud if he was dead only to realise his voice sounded like Moneypenny's. A tiny robot cockroach was recording the whole scene.

4 | Ripper 714 says:

Nice comic!
I like Cortana's expression in the second panel, and of course, Master Chief's new armor.


5 | Elite3000 says:

Hahahaha!I agree with cortana,Master Cheif is a wuss!

6 | whencowzattack says:

Hey, great comic! This comic also reminds me of me! Whenever me and my cousins play co-op together, I always stick around until I kill every single enemy. Anyways, great comic Gruntsbane!

7 | gruntish elite says:

LOL! And Patrick, Cortana did the self destruct thing in The Maw, but Guilty Spark stopped it. I just played it yesterday, so yah.

LOL Good comic though, hehehe MC is a 'wussity-wuss-wussy'<--- if you've never heard the Tankitty tank tank joke,don't bother figuring it out. LOL way to go gruntsbane!

8 | golden elite says:

Im sorry but in the first cell master chief looks like he is wearing a weird bra!!! LOL!!!

9 | Church @ school says:

MC is not a wuss! He's tactical!

Great comic and nice punchline!

10 | ansomble28 says:

That was pretty funny, I think that chief is absolutely right. Besides, Cortana is just a friggin hologram; not like she catches any battle scars right?

11 | Spec Ops Elite says:

funny,nice,original and, as always sillyily wierd!

12 | Jackass says:

I am curious to see the enginnering of the covenant

13 | David says:

lol, very good. I'm glad the classic old comedy is back. :)

14 | Spartan Chick says:

Just like Cortana to try and get the Master Chief to do things the hard way...

15 | Random Grunt says:

Flash-Dance-Ass-Pants-you are a complete nutter!BTW what are you on about?(someone else answer this so we don't get in trouble) I got an ear full from Random Elite just for hiding his Plasma Sword!

16 | mike says:

ha awsome! moniter is back, blow him up!

17 | Ryley217 says:

Cortana calling the Chief a wuss, now that is priceless!

18 | Elite3000 says:

I've seen the engineers and do they FREAKIN' LOOK AWSOME.To see them go to www.halotv.net and find the right video.BTW master cheif is NOT a wuss in the ACTUAL game.

19 | Elite3000 says:

Master Cheif just looks kinda lika wuss in halo babies.(but I can't blame him)

20 | That Random Guy says:

Maybe Spark will stop him.

21 | Xlade says:

"wuss" That's beautiful. Though the hard way does sound like mroe fun.

22 | rexRaPTOR says:

mc looks like he has a bra on... i think this is foreshadowing the "samus aran" theory that mc is really a woman..

23 | Mista_B says:

Yeah, 'cept that his name is John, and he's a guy. :-)

Cortana's looking awesome these past couple strips, btw.

24 | Admiral Athan says:

Yeah, you should never settle for the path of least resistance.

25 | Wannabe Sgt. Johnson says:

ok...i'd be like "Cortana.....SHUT THE F*** BIOTCH!!!! We are NOT DOING IT THE WAY YOU DID LAST TIME!!! I ALMOST GOT KILLED AND THERE ALMOST WASN'T HALO 2!!!" .....ever notice how cortana always likes to be annoying or likes to take the hard route all the damn time? Pretty stuborn and Hardcore for an A.I.(either that or she likes to piss off the Chief and wear him out....stupid creative "smart" A.I....crafty they are.......tooo crafty) i'm slightly paranoid of them....oh well, can't wait 'till the next strip!! KUTGW Gruntsbane!!

26 | no_117 says:

25 | Wannabe Sgt. Johnson says:
ok...i'd be like "Cortana.....SHUT THE F*** BIOTCH!!!!

Well sarge. Im with you all the way...

27 | Shiro says:

C'mon people... lil challenge never hurt anyone... And i thought THe Maw was fun. And i'm still no pro but I still find it fun. Ain't that what games for?

28 | Elite3000 says:

Hard ways r built so u have to do it.

29 | power to the me says:

finally we hav the old comadey back, this has been the first good comic in a while. next time plez dont start a plot, and ppl u are all forgetting smily, he writes them

30 | mrsmiley says:

Although I did assist in editing the script for the series, Gruntsbane does most of the work!

31 | The_Eliminator says:

Please fix the armor! It looks like he has a bra!!!

32 | Dman says:

It's the comedy that brought me here, but the plot that kept me.

33 | Xerro says:

Heehee. This one was funny.

34 | PinoyXan says:

lol nice one

35 | Jeremy says:

1. Its called HaloBabies, when it has absolutly nothing to with babies! The only thing that happened was the characters been shrunked or something.
2. The comics are poorly written. This is just a freaking rip-off of inside jokes. A complete failure indeed.
3. It... It just sucks, okay?
Mr. Smiley, deleting this comment is absolutly fine by me, but no matter what, these comics will still suck unless some major improvement start happening. You know what, I don't even care about this, I'll stop right here. End of comment. Goodbye.

36 | Halo fan...natic says:

Ok, two things:
1: Jeremy, you are a freakin moron.
2: I wish everyone would stop with the bra comments. We heard you the 5th time. Shut up already.

Anyways, this comic ruled (as usual) and I'm looking forward to the next one.
... I'm going to say something completly random now...
President Nixon

37 | president niXon says:

hi, im a professional artist for a 2-d comic company. from my frequent visits to this site, im and quite impressed with your art work. the writing is in my opinion very childish and retarded. its unprofessional to have jokes no one would understand except for a select few. thats just bad karma. no amount of color and special effects will save you. word of advice. quit now.

38 | Gruntsbane says:

Heh, I wonder why Jeremy is so angry. I just picture him screaming at his television whenever a bad show comes on. Also, I wonder if he thinks making the strip about actual babies would be an improvement.

39 | Falcon says:

Heh, Gruntsbane appears to be impersonating The Maw in this situation, but obviously with some more humor. The MC is not a wuss, Cortana! I wonder if Gruntsbane will make a comic strip about actual babies?

40 | sniper01 says:

god! cortana is the complete smart ass

41 | Spartan Chick says:

I really don't get it...these people who are flaming Gruntsbane for no apparent reason...I mean if you hate the comics why are you even here? Yeah, and I do picture that Jeremy guy sitting in front of his TV, watching football or wrestling, and whenever his guy or team looses he freaks out and shoots everyone. These comics are great and you shouldn't be flaming Gruntsbane for making them, you should be thanking him. If he wanted to, GB could stop the comics...but please don't do that GB...please...
Awesome comic as always.
-Spartan Chick

42 | one thing says:

i agree with jermey, it sux, becuase i really think u ppl just are saying u like it, like with some i dont they were sapposed to be funny like when he poped the grunt in the face and he said "chief?" i mean really u ppl said it was funny...HOW THE HELL IS THAT FUNNY!?!?!?!? HE DIED GOD DAMMIT!!! im not falming gruntsbane at all, i respect that he does these comics, but face it all comic die sometime or another, this one is going

43 | Wannabe Sgt. Johnson says:

geeeeezz......will you people calm the heck down, will ya?! its just a comic....which happens to be really damn good, so relax.....take a deep breath, step outside for a moment, it's o.k. you can make your point, just don't flame about it and start saying everything sucks without justification...besides, this ain't an easy thing to do. great comics require a great mind plus alot of hard work, and these are great comics so keep up the good work GBane.....ist allright if i call u that?

P.S:Good point Spartan Chick, why are they here?

44 | mrsmiley says:

It's perfectly fine if some people don't like this comic; that's what these comments are for! Besides, when you make a comic the runs over 3,000 distict hits a day, and is featured on the front page of HaloPlanet.com, I will give you some comments too! :)

45 | Voteva says:

ok, uh, 'one thing'? nobody dies in this strip. THEY'RE USING DART GUNS & WATER BALLOONS! i'll concede it for the plasma grenade on mr. chief's face (lol), but that was because a majority of the site's hitters didn't like him.

and as for jeremy,
1. it's called halobabies becuase their heads are out of proportion, like that of a baby. in manga, this style of drawing is called chibi-style. baby-style would be an american term (though personally i think it's because halobabies sounds funnier than halochibis).
2. if it wasn't based off of halo, or for that matter, halo-based jokes, it wouldn't be a halo fan strip, and that is one of the main points of this comic.
3. 'it just sucks'...okay, WHY??? that's a crappy reason. i think about what i'm going to say before i open my mouth.

and for all flamers:
if you don't like this strip, don't read it. it's gruntsbane's and mrsmiley's work, not yours. if you are a halo fan who doesn't like this strip, fine. there are at least six others i can name, and they are all at halo.bungie.org

oh, and president niXon? bad karma my @$$. it's a FAN strip. if you're not a halo fan, it usually isn't funny. and 'select few'? if the percent of your local community that doesn't know about halo or hasn't played the game is a select few, my guess would be that you live in a low-population community with no electricity, like, say, Winchestertonfieldville, Georgia.

46 | SParTan 199 says:


47 | Kain292 says:

Oh God...again with the wildcats..
As usual, an excellent comic. Though I'd like to see the frequency of comic posts bumped up from once a week to maybe twice a week, I'm happy and content with the Friday strips.

48 | matt says:

great comic..the only thing that bothers me is the fact that the new style makes master chief look like he has bitch tits. Yea...might wanna fix that...

49 | JoEsMhOe says:

Great one, finally he will DIE lol

50 | haloman says:

who will die???

51 | Elite3000 says:

Well I'm thinkin' nobody will die
or it comepletely changes to 343
dying.(but that's fine too)

52 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

president niXon says:
hi, im a professional artist for a 2-d comic company. from my frequent visits to this site, im and quite impressed with your art work. the writing is in my opinion very childish and retarded. its unprofessional to have jokes no one would understand except for a select few. thats just bad karma. no amount of color and special effects will save you. word of advice. quit now.

one thing says:
i agree with jermey, it sux, becuase i really think u ppl just are saying u like it, like with some i dont they were sapposed to be funny like when he poped the grunt in the face and he said "chief?" i mean really u ppl said it was funny...HOW THE HELL IS THAT FUNNY!?!?!?!? HE DIED GOD DAMMIT!!! im not falming gruntsbane at all, i respect that he does these comics, but face it all comic die sometime or another, this one is going

responce: okay you friggin dorks (more obscene words would come, but i dont want to insult anyone)Gruntsbane is doing this for FREE. if you dont understand or like halo or these comics, than piss off because you, Nixon impersonator or wat ever your real name is, as a professional, you probably get paid to do wat ever mediocre crap you do everyday. now Gruntsbane is just doin this for the enjoyment of everyon, including losers like you. If you dont like it, then shut up and get of the site.
and one dork, if you dont think its funny then @%@^^@ off, okay?! its a goddamned (no offense) COMIC. its supposed to be funny, and if you dont think its funny, thats fine by me. you can even say its not funny. but once you start insulting people, its obvious that you're missing the point. my end not is, if you dont like it, then get off the site and go back to your pathetic lives where you probably go around surfing the net and insulting other people. id like to see you make a comic that makes people laugh and satisfies your pathetic moral code. my point in this rant is that, if you dont like it, then, and i say this as politely as possible, PISS OFF AND GO DO SOMETHING ELSE

thank you

53 | Steven Moncivais says:

too funny!!!
some people gotta have it the hard way,huh?

54 | Eibe 'Niquaree says:

sorry! i forgot to compliment
FUNNY! best in the storyline so far... the storyline is great too! :D

55 | Daniel Gilkerson says:

I love Halo,Halo 2,but why did cortana call chief a "wuss."

56 | Daniel Gilkerson says:

I love Halo,Halo 2,but why did cortana call chief a "wuss."

57 | Yayap says:


that's really funny.

he's not a wuss. he wants to live too, ya know!

cortana's cute in the second screen.

58 | spartan087 Kelly says:

oh my God some people are so mean the person making these comics are doing it to entertain you and by the way the comics are so cool

59 | Hellsing says:

Yeah thats so me... Always playing Legendary

60 | Homedawg says:

Pretty funny but I'd have to go with the sarge on this one, the AI's are far too crafty for my liking

61 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

advice 2 anyone who builds a giant weapon: dont put a self-destruct button in it.
Thats just dumb.
P.S.Jeremy suxxxxxxxx

62 | bob says:

this cartoon is shit and ur all losers

63 | hehehe says:

cortanas rite u wuss

64 | Masterchief evil says:


65 | QueenGhid says:

Hey, you're not the one risking bodily harm, Missy!

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