A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Strayer says:

If only good parking privileges came with the job of being Arbiter.

Bet ya the Spec. Ops Commander gets a spot right up front.

2 | John117 says:

fairly funny but im sencing i dont get the majority of it

3 | John117 says:

ohhhhhh i get it (parking lot ya....)

dont mock me...

4 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

damn....well, now we know why he's athletic.....your right Strayer, he should get parking privaleges...

5 | Blinxhunter says:

Great job Gruntsbane.I have quite a few friends that can relate to that situation.^_^

6 | liquid plasma says:

Very cool looking! Nice work!

7 | A random mad halo fan says:


8 | Light says:

That is funny and sad at the same time....well, like Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson said, now we know...

9 | LegendaryThunder says:

Welcome to my hell

10 | mplacki says:


"Uhhh... which one's mine again?"

11 | Sim1 says:

[italian guy]
if he dont find where to park he can shoot out the other ghost?

12 | hunteroftheyear says:

woah!that was so funny i laught my head off!

13 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

You'd think being the Arbiter he would get to drive a Covenant tank, or some pimped out ghost, right?

14 | Falcon says:

Wow! Awesome artwork, Gruntsbane! It seems like it took Two weeks to make that comic strip! Very well done!! :)

Although, I don't quite get the joke...Oh parking! Lol! The Arbiter should have a front parking spot to park his Ghost.

Hey, what if the Arbiter had his own Phantom? And, if so, what if you could fly it? In campaign? Or, even better, fly a phantom over Blood Gulch 2: Coagugation!
That would be awesome!


Next, I suggest, AVMC: Arbiter Verses Master Chief.

15 | Isna Nosolee says:

lol i get it he is like one of those poor saps who dont get a parking space lol!

16 | Scarlett says:

Wooo! Arby strikes again! I love this one. If I didn't get a good spot I'd just stick a plasma right on the back of the ghost in front, and...

17 | ansomble28 says:

Nice one. I know this is the case at the college I go to. There is absolutely NO parking at all. GJ GB and smiley!

18 | Hellfirefanatic says:

Lol! Poor Arbiter... haveing to walk all that way...

19 | Gagaw4000 says:

I think that the Arbiter is sexy! Does anyone know if there has ever been a grunt arbiter? Oh well, nice comic!!!

20 | Runtylime says:

Pimped out ghost is right hunteroftheyear! With hydraulics,spinners, and a wicked paint job!Nice Work GB!

21 | Runtylime says:

Sorry I meant Hot n' Sexy Elite!

22 | mooching sack of death says:

that's one big ass parking lot...

23 | xenomorph64 says:

How true. exept when im with my dad, he will drive around for two cause he refuses to park out that far

24 | Yayap and Zuka says:

I'd loose my ghost in a heartbeat with a parking lot like that...

25 | sgt dan says:

shouldn't the arbiter get a golden banshee or something? oh well guess the covies just don't give special treatment to anybody.

26 | Ryley217 says:

LMAO that is so true!

27 | Lord_Halo99 says:

MAJOR WOOTAGE thats very true my dad has to get up at 5 am to get the bus from PA to NYC

28 | bashama says:

he got scewed over, i mean cmon his mission is suicidal and he doesnt even get a parking space? Ouch!

29 | Dirge says:

woohoo! baby Arbiter! lmao, that comics is so true

30 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

Wait a minute...how do you put spinners and hydraulics on a hovercraft?

31 | GOD says:

oh man, that was funny! I feel sorry for the people at the very back...

32 | sofaspud says:

Lmao and yay for Arbiter!
That's one big parking lot! I hope Arby has one of those starter keys that make a beep beep noise.
I agree with Strayer, he should get a nice spot up front; also looks like he's late, very late. Do ghost drivers get road rage?

33 | LoL says:

very fasinating comic. i really like the arbiter. he is a stud. i like master chief too. hes kind of cool. sarge is probally teh best character in the game. because hes black. im not trying to be racist because i hate racism. but its a known fact that black people are just cooler than regular people. black people represent the finer things in life. like cheese. cheese is really great because it goes well with sandwiches which is my favorite food. and i like salami and cheese on white. its the onlly way to go. just like halobabies. its good with cheese too.

34 | Mr. Elite says:

OMG!!!....*no words to explain LOLness* Best comic yet! XD

35 | SuperDragonYoshi says:

Meh, the comic was cr@p, do something worth while for once... APRIL FOOLS!!!1!! The comic was cool, the Arbiter must have a neat job. Other than that, I've been playing Chaos Theory lately, as of now the game totally rocks!! (I'm already at the Penthouse mission). What do you have to say about the game?...YOSHI!

36 | Burnt Retna says:

That was HILARIUOS!!!!!, reminds me of when i had to got to work with my older sis

37 | eyeball_kid says:

The Arbiter is actually lucky to have his own ghost.

At least he doesn't have to stand on a streetcorner by a sign waiting for a dropship to pick him up.

Then, he waits for an hour and like 3 show up all at once!

38 | xxctlxx says:

...... i dont get it.. lol

39 | RuntyLime says:

Believe Me Hot n' Sexy Elie it's Possible!

40 | karnage says:

lol its so true!

41 | Ellisia 'Nosolee says:

heh very funny

42 | Raptor 27 says:

Why does the Arbiter work at the Forerunner ship? Some random place? Very good artwork, I love the way you see all the Ghosts...kinda makes me think of that crazy vehicle collection Kohral made in AOTCR. At HIH.

43 | rolo zantamee says:

in a world of conformity the covenant favours no rank,lol
and if thats where arby has to park... imagine where the grunts have to park!
trust me ive seen a grut drive a ghost before! lol
"me drive!"
-random red grunt
but really.. how do you get spinners on a hovercraft?

44 | John 117 says:

lol pretty funny and true

man it would suck to have to carpool... just imagine sharing a ghost with 2 elites and a brute.. crappy

45 | RuntyLime says:

You would put the spinners on the little circle things where you put your feet!

46 | viperesk says:

i reckon that instead of ghosts they should be * thinks hard * oh man i forgot the covenant warthog like thing
and the...
in the next screen there be the master chief thinking the same thing xept on earth with warthogs

and that would be the best car for a carpool the covie one i mean

47 | Sparkie says:

LMFAO phunny yay for Joel!

48 | MPW says:

awww....arbiter is such a wee sweetie pie.

49 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

wouldnt it be better if he was in rush hour traffic? and i think his mouth looks strange.. like 4 sausages... lol. hilarious, none the less

50 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

oh my god! MPW, you remind me of this annoying girl in my class!!! AHHHH!!! *turns and runs into parked ghost*

51 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

For the next comic you should have it with the Arbiter and Spec. Ops elite... and mabe even the MC!

52 | Laughing Man says:

Wow. Poor Arbiter. Hmm... now how can we fix that... *Uses hacking skills, and gets the Arbiter one of the Prophets parking spaces* That should do it! *pops Laughing Man sig on every covenant terminal*
I thought what I'd do was I'd pretend I was one of those lost heretics.

53 | Piro says:

LMAO good job mr smiley. Runtylime how would u get hydrolics on a ghost?

54 | Ruiner87 says:

Wow that really must suck for the Arbiter (glad it's not me)

55 | Dev says:

And here, we see The Arbiter's eternal punishment. :)

..I heard the most disturbing thing while I was playing an arbiter level the other day. I was just looking at my Elite comrades, and one of them said, "Well Arbiter, I.. I think you're cute, too.." Weird, no?

So now we know that Elites (At least some.) Are gay. o__o; The truth hurts.

56 | RuntyLime says:

You Know How you press a the front of the ghost goes up? Find some freakin' way to make it do that more!Give Me Some slack Will

57 | P3,FOYFN says:

I didn't get it at first. I had to read the other posts before I found out it was a parking lot.

58 | mooching sack of death says:

what's with the hydrolics guys i would think that the comic would awe you too much for any other brain functions

59 | shmity says:

this one is as bad as famly circus

60 | Kynitekia says:

HAH! thats great lol

61 | Synthmilk says:

Hey, no dissing family circus, and this comic rocks, its so true!

62 | Font Aberson says:

All these messages seem to have come from five year olds, you people should get a life, but if you don't you could at least insult the poor quality of the picture. Why couldn't he have just taken a screenshot and edited it in photoshop?

63 | Meox says:

Arbiter should get a golden ghost. and a better active camo system

64 | mooching sack of death says:

you people who keep dissing this need to get a life, he's one hell of an artist

65 | White Ninja says:

i thought after all that happened in Halo2, that arbiter became a heritic (trying to stop the great journey and all that)

lol kool comic gruntsbane

66 | Gamertag:DuRaAnDaL says:

haha, nice. Ilikeilikeilike.

But there might be a problem with the scale.
I think the interior of High Charity might be bigger than than it appears in the strip(ditto for the size of the Arc).
But it's still a good strip nonetheless.

67 | Sexy Bryan says:

this is really funny

68 | keyes says:

I hate those days. *heavy sigh* I feel with you, Arby.

69 | Sephiroth says:

69th post WOOT WOOT

70 | daniel says:

spanish:cuando saldra halo 3?

71 | Elite says:

I kidda....okay with the rules but people do have things to vent out...i know the things they say are bad but who hasn't heard those kinda -of words, unless you under age ( 9-12).

72 | Kradshutzen says:

Has he thought of making a baby prophet yet??????

73 | Snarf Da Baddass Grunt says:

I dont think you have to have a license to drive a ghost. I just get elites to drive off cliffs on legendary, it's easier that way...I don't think they know how to stop...But grunts don't even know how to turn...their feet don't even reach the pedals!
"Wow! this fun!"
-yellow driving grunt.

74 | Snarf Da Baddass Grunt says:

No spinners and Hydraulics...Neons, A jet turbine instead of a battery, dual port exhaust, roll cage, xenon headlamps, custom backlit control panel, plasma N20, and subs installed under each wing to shake the ground and provide a sound cushion. Besides...if it was up to me I'd pimp out a Spectre...

75 | Mat7Man says:

That is so true!!!!!

76 | Spartan058-HaloGeeky says:

HA! aribitor looks a little funny, but that's ok. I can just amangine his windowless cubicle and the endless paperwork pileing on hsi desk, the "IN" box almost full and the "OUT" box...well, empty...Good work!

77 | Kradshutzen says:

all da ghosts should be differant colors like yello and blu and stuff. the comic is excellent but there needs to be some difference like the cars on earth. mabee GB needs to make a ghost brand..like...."SPEEED" the official ghost of the journey..or have some other cheesy logo like that... GJ anyway!

78 | eliteghost01 says:

Dude, I lost my ghost somewhere in there! It's on fire and it's plates say ILUVTANG. Let me know if you find it.

(Damn! I knew I should've driven my Scarab to work yesterday! Damn!)

79 | mindy says:


80 | spartan051 says:

an office environment that encourages guns... hmmm...

81 | SilentKnight says:

Oh s***. I hate that situation.

82 | Mak_Elite says:


83 | Xambonie says:

HA! Thats awsome! Whenever my bro comes over to my house we always play on Delta Halo on easy just to see how many ghost we colud line up! We had like 35 of them! Plus 2 Wraiths, a Warthog, and a Scorpion. It was awsome and this looks just like it. Very funny comic, this happens to me all the time. Why doent the arbiter carpool w/ Tartirus?

84 | bumm187 says:

Zoole you right

85 | Aramatory says:

Why are you making fun of me?Work there is very hard i almost got fired becuase of traffic!

86 | keenan says:

just like real life, just arbiter and ghosts

87 | Blaster stu says:

In mgmum 1.1 dude whats up with the pupies

88 | Master Chief says:

poor arbiter they had to punish but not like this!

89 | ace says:

these are so kool

90 | ARBITER says:

Nice office you got

91 | ArbiterCreluv1 says:

Yeah, this is a funny comic. Of course I feel very bad for the Arbiter. Once I was in a traffic jam stuck at a place for about 30 minutes! Arbiter, I feel your pain. Then again Im always here to support you.I am like this with like all The Arbiter comics! Love you Arbiter. Then again I am like the number one Arbiter fan/lover

92 | ArbiterCreluv1 says:

Yeah, I mean really, he already has to put up with the prophets commands and "Little Erins" why can't he have like a golden gost or even his own banshee. He already knows he might die today.

93 | ArbiterCreluv1 says:

But anyway I am going to stop complaining and actually have compliments now! Basically this is a VERY funny comic and Im sure when I get in jams like that I will remember that and just laugh my way through! Anyway great comic! LOVED IT!

94 | WcStiCk says:

i'd be dead if all those ghosts came at me. X_X

95 | 343kaka says:


Boring life.
Start the great journey now!

96 | Gona Pumelyu says:

wow, life in the covenant must be harsh especially if u r the arbiter

97 | halo_boi says:

This must be the actual great journy! I wonder if prophets get a phantom landing spot.

98 | The Ex-arbiter (deceased) says:

They always mention about how great "the great journey" is, but all we get is hell in that urine-soaked hellhole

99 | The Arbiter says:

I should have just driven up front and smashed the thing. When leaving, I'd take another. Who would notice? They do look alike.
Or I could take Truth's Phantom. It's in my garage.

100 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

LOL great comic. But I thought That the Arbiter would be rich after the profit of Halo 2. he would drive an Escalade.

101 | Zawaz says:

Man, me need a promotion, and a banshee, but a grunt one, i mean the backpack would not fit in a banshee, me could fit without it.
Maby me breathe through human scuba tanks filled with Methane, i could get to drive banshee..

102 | The Arbiter says:

I have a banshee for you, Zawaz. It's on the Scarab. I hope you like yellow.

103 | Boba Fett says:

Need pink sword elite!!

104 | Xerro says:

it's kinda funny not lol hilarious still the image of the ghosts parked r kl

105 | Elite_Gone_Wrong says:

"I like it, good one."

106 | arbiter says:

106 post yipe "not" well at lest it had arbiter in it :):D

107 | guest says:

i also think the arbiter is sexy. i love how he moves, and i wonder if he is modeled after a real person. he's just so elite (no insult intended.)

108 | topo says:

yay wauiswyt he dont get good parkign spot waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

109 | Masterchief evil says:

that's sooo awsome

110 | sdfasdgas says:

i like matty and amanda is the super stupid and dumHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAhAHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

111 | sdfasdgas says:

i like matty and amanda is the super stupid and dumHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAhAHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

112 | Corey says:

But how do they know if they get mixed up if it`s their ghost??

113 | blackmarine says:

yeah, great one. i'll bet the brutes get banshees,them lucky bastards...

114 | linkv5 says:

XD! Very funny with that situation! Arbiter's really hawt though...

115 | halo hectic says:

LOLOL ALSO what whould happen when he finishes??? he'll not know which is his!!!!!!

116 | halo hectic says:

LOLOL ALSO what whould happen when he finishes??? he'll not know which is his!!!!!!

117 | Half-Jaw and Zawaz says:

Half-Jaw: I drive to work in a Phantom with my...um... buddies! Yeah, lets go with that!
Zawaz: What you mean by buddies? You paid them 25 bucks to ride with you to make you look good!And you were lonely in there And, Me have to walk to work.

118 | gruntsaresocute101 says:

haha lol too bad there not drivin
specteres and wraiths. HAHAHA and
be funny if a grunt tried this lol

119 | Corey says:

isn't that a forrunner Ship? is there a field trip today?

120 | TheArbitress says:

Aww, I know how ya feel Arb, I lost my Ghost there :(

*tries to find her Ghost, head explodes*

121 | undoer says:

So he's the arbiter now, and the arbyter later?

122 | Super Grunt says:

Hah, me drive. The Grunts are actually better drivers than elites. Trust me. Its hard to get them down, when they are driving a ghost. It took THREE brutes to kill him. Elites die super fast. Grunts just rule.

"Back off, me drive purple thing"

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