A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Mr Magic says:

First Comment?

2 | Dirge says:

hahaha, that's the sad truth =)

3 | PlasmaFire says:

Heh...glad that HPC players don't get huge text floods all the time. We tend to face hog n00bs more often!

4 | trex238 says:

Haha, that's great! That's how I feel when I try XBL on my friend's name. BTW, not dead. :D

5 | the chief says:

hehehe, dats gud

6 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

hilarious! 6th post! it looks more like he lagged...

7 | gruntsbane says:

That thumbnail Smiley chose does not suprise me...

8 | Fox says:

That's a nice one *^___^*

9 | LiveLag says:

True True....

10 | Mr. Elite says:

LOL! So damn true...><...nice comic :D

11 | svelte says:

Hilarious, just like your one of your firsts, "Lag or Noob." Awesome work.

12 | darkzealot says:

Its so true, why why *sob* *Sob*

the dark zealot always wins. be afraid, very afraid.

13 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

Good comic, but not that funny... you should use the elites more offen in you comic's.

14 | Albert Wesker says:


15 | Falcon says:

Awesome comic, Gruntsbane! Keep these comics coming!

Really? Do all of those text messages pop up THAT often on Xbox Live? I don't get XBOX Live.

On Halo PC, we encounter hog, scorpion, and even banshee noobs. Although, I will admit, I use banshees and tanks too much, hee hee... O_~

(F.y.i. my name here IS Falcon, so doesn't that give you the impression that I like to fly, particularly in banshees???)

16 | Synthmilk says:

Yea, we Halo PC players don't have that problem, we just have lag, but i think its a fair tradeoff :D

17 | Machinedog says:

The sad truth...

18 | Sparkie says:

LOL hehe that was funny! HAHA n00b!

19 | Jaxx says:

Amen. *nods*

20 | SIV3L says:

WTF are you all rambling about?

21 | Kanman-075 says:

True, so true. Great comic Gruntsbane!!!

22 | GOD says:

pretty funny, but that like, NEVER happens

23 | sgt dan says:

how did the flag carrier get behind the sniper...HOW!?

24 | RuntyLime says:

Good one,OF CORSE if I had the Sniper.......

25 | Yayap says:

What happened there??

I have never incountered that on Live.

26 | Dev says:

ROFL. Brilliance..

27 | Lord_Halo99 says:


28 | SuperDragonYoshi says:

I don't have Xbox Live, but things can get pretty hectic in a situation like that (Stupid Spam) I guess I should continue on Chaos Theory for now...YOSHI!

29 | Energy Sword Samurai says:

duuuuuuude, thats perty funny.
i wish i had xbox live........
...stupid high prices for high speed internet.... mumbles mumbles....

30 | Etol says:

Ha! That's great, Gruntsbane! Course, I'd probably be the sniper. . . lol.

31 | xenomorph64 says:

how frickin true. i get that every time i played halo pc...

32 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

oh jeese..... well i got something to look forward to on X-Box live. man, there should be an option to turn all that crap off...

33 | mooching sack of death says:

nicccccccce (or is that nissssse?)i'm confused now.

34 | Tryan Shootamee says:

Hate it when that happens

35 | Grizzled-Ancient says:

ha! never happened to me cause i'm the one who's always doin the killing...

36 | Some Stupid Random Person says:

what does lag and noob mean?

37 | Spartan058-HaloGeeky says:

haha! fell off my chair...either that or my cat tripped me...

38 | posting a comment or else says:

hi this is my first time posting here. i stumbled upon this page looking for halo movie info. im glad i found this site, its really awesome. i didnt know that this place existed. i really love this comic strip. ive already gone and read through them. you should have a story based strip again. i felt that was were the comic strip was at its finest. i think that writing is pretty good, but could use some work. the draw is already but be improved. i really like your arbitar rendition. i think he's really sexy. they way that his mouth is drawn has to be the best that ive every seen. i can really feel him and his pain. 5 stars for the halobabies website. if you need a righter for the comic im a good righter. or if you need s pell cheker. have a good day people.

39 | Crazy gun says:

Funny, but its never happened to me...
maybe I don't play enough.

40 | enrico says:

he is fast i nearly died of...not knowing what lag and noob means

41 | rizo14 says:


42 | reed snow says:

sad sad truth

43 | The Little Grunt who Could says:

lol thats so true but i have xbox live and pc halo and i like the pc halo better than Live

44 | Loknar64 says:

Sigh, it's supposed to be "I have you now!"
Anyways I don't have Live but I have been distracted by the text in Halo PC.

45 | Some stupid random person says:


46 | TEH SlayeR says:

LAG= Distortion between the image you see and what it actually is in the game.
N00b= Person who's not good or which it is that person's first time on this game.

47 | Dark Sangheili says:

although i dont have xbl...i would know how he feels....LOL thats so funny!!!!! NOOB!!!!! *WHACK*!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!! No Snipey!!! ^_^

48 | khan says:

Its sad but so, so true

49 | MakoChief says:

OMG,i hate it when alot of that stuff appears on my screen,and i also hate it when someone wacks me in the back(thats why i hide in high places when i snipe)

50 | Ryley217 says:

Awww that is awe-some, nicley done as usal ^.^

51 | Yayap and Zuka says:

Seriously... How did the flag carrier get behind him?

52 | Ruiner87 says:

52nd comment well this sucks,and the cold hard cheese...I mean truth...I mean tru7h,yeah that's it.

53 | A nun says:


54 | halo gamer says:

red guy sux.mayby i try to do that when playing my Xbox!!!

55 | doomsday says:

i hate that ssoooooooooo bad

56 | Grunt_Master says:

Wow.... Iv'e had that position.... but not quite with the back crackin with the flag sorta thing. more like a quick and timely stratagy of the other team suddenly commiting suicide to spam up my aim. I got 1 good shot B4 he hit the cloak. SOB. Then my dumbass friend shoots me with a rocket

57 | xxctlxx says:

.....sooo true..... but since i'm a halo and halo 2 veteran, it doesnt bother me :).... except when i die to much.... or my team mates are stuipd and run into a trap... lol

58 | sdfs says:

HI this site sucks, jk it rules

59 | Pregnant and proud says:

This strip is great but. how did the flag guy get behind the noob when the flag guy was infront of the noob as he... you get what im talking about

60 | RuudDude says:

New001 died three times in that space of time! And I really don't like you xxVectorMutexx, I hate snipers!
(Unless of course, I'm the one sniping ;] )

61 | eliteghost01 says:

When SPAM attacks! (shortly followed by a whack to the back of the head by an enemy team person)

62 | Some random stupid person says:

good point Pregnant and proud...how did he do that?

63 | Tryan Shootamee says:

Wait...it's back to the halo 1 halo babies...shouldn't it be halo 2 halobabies in multiplayer? unless of course you guys like MJOLNIR mark 5 better...I do when it's put into halobabies...

64 | Kain292 says:

That's never actually happened to me.

65 | Broken Silence says:

I can relate to that. Especially when you're playing a game like Counter Strike on a screwed up computer.

Noob- (pronounced Newb) Abbreviation of Newbie, or one who is new to a game. Usually not very good.

Lag- (pronounced Laag) what happens when you have a very slow internet connection. Usually results in death and other very annoying things in online games. Makes pretty odd stuff happen.

There, are you happy stupid random person?

66 | Some Stupid Random Person says:

very...thank you Broken Silence...now I have knowledge Wahahahaha!

67 | DuRaAnDaL says:

I think I get it, all the lag allowed the flag guy to appear directly behind him and assasinate.
If only I could see that happen in a real game....oh the hilarity.

68 | Ghost3021 says:

good work, as usual ;).
BrokenSilence....u have made the arrogant weaker than ever before! moahahaahaaaaaaaahahahaaaa

69 | kelty says:

That is crap

70 | The Marine says:

HACKER HACKER I HATE HACKERS gah and screen lookers to (no i dont look at least not all the time)

71 | Some stupid random person says:

well that was insulting Ghost3021...

72 | Grizzled-Ancient says:


73 | Some stupid random person says:

I've only been askin the same question for three comics...

74 | Snarf Da Baddass Grunt says:

So I should be glad I don't play online?

75 | Mendoza says:

I'm with Dirge with this one. But that is pretty funny! =)

76 | cvmb says:


77 | cvmb says:

Think about it

78 | Hellfirefanatic says:

Hahahaha! That's great... lol.

79 | Somebody says:

That's got to be WORLD'S WORST LAG, man, lag does creepy and odd things happen, but this! wow, absolutely tops that

80 | Master Chief's Pet Grunt says:

Hahahahahahahaha! Whoa! First of all, how are the odds of that happening on a LIVe game! What is it, Big team Battle! And second of all, how could the flag carrier run that fast all the way to the sniper and hit em! Did he take 15 mins!

real name: Jonathan Rosales

81 | BOB says:

WOW!!!! its amazing what can happen on a live game in like..... 30 seconds

82 | P1r0 says:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LMAO that was funny i have to admit. Goodjob Gruntsbane! Yo SuperDragonYoshi you remind me of me and my friend Kirby in class when we randomly yell out YOOSSHHII in class to make fun of this one kid we know. This is because he used to worship Yoshis inlike sixth grade. We call him Yoshi Brother Paul. well gotta go

83 | Cahh! says:


84 | Great Destroyer says:

cvmb, what does xcvb mean? does it mean x-box computer very bad?

85 | Cahh! says:

your guess is as good as mine Great Destroyer... WHAT DOES IT MEAN!!!! WAAHHHHHHH CAHHHHHH!

86 | SPArTan ASS-kiCkER says:

WTF is wrong with u, you POS

87 | Untouchable says:

no! SPArTan ASS-KiCKER we kicket there ass diddent we!!!!!

We rule

Spartens rule

88 | john says:

once happened to me

89 | tha babygirl cortana says:

I couldn't stop laughing

90 | mitchell puskas says:

it's so stupid it's funny!

91 | DarkEvilCheifyWorm says:

I love this one! It's so funny.

92 | Quan Chi says:

Man , Thats Hot...
Halo Pc delay time is so horrible i cant even take it.....
But its hot

93 | Dj lethal says:

ummmm.... just shoot....?

94 | Blinker says:

Blue stinks (told)

95 | mister chief says:

dont kil mister chief

96 | 343kaka says:

HAHAHA!!! d3ath t0 th3 n00bs!

fan, vad jobbigt att skriva s. fversttning:

free our brothers! Death to the noobs!

97 | paul says:


98 | ARBITER says:

how dumb is red serious I would have sniped him.

99 | napoleon havok says:

This has happened so meny times. So freeking hillarious. I am dying Im laughing so hard

100 | WcStiCk says:

yo, plasmafire! HOGS RULE!!!

101 | HaVoC says:

way awesome.. to many times have I done this.. ahh brings back memories when my xbox could actually play halo 2 and i was on live...

102 | omar says:

chief jou are joesing covenant plasma rifels 'im not the chief im his vrend'butthis is this are the things det are joesed in battles gif it back'no'ehm dit somewone have sien mij bettle stuf CORTANA MERENDA JOE ARE TWO ANOING GIRLS

103 | Caboos318 says:

Ho,yes. i love it. lol

104 | Doubl3 H3lix says:

Ohhh, classic. That has happened 2 me and I feel 4 the nubs.

105 | the Commander says:

Funny. *snort* *snicker* Puahahahahaha!!!!! Yo Ho Yo Ho A Sniper's Life For Me!!!!!! The Commander is an expert sniper. I can snipe mr.smily and grunts bane before u can say OUCH!!!!!!!! eat a 14.5 mm slug!

106 | mistar owninater says:

lol i can own(inate) you commander. Its funny, ive had the same thing happen, except a plasma gren was stuck to the back of my head.

107 | Invader037 says:

LOL. The guy should've just shot him. He may of thought it was a virus or something...

108 | Predator110 says:

haha that happend to me once too...it sux...awesome comic tho

109 | bubbleboy says:

how true, it sucks ass when taht happens, exscpecially when u get killed, i uassually get run over lol

110 | Masterchief evil says:

i don't think it would say all that like picked up ammo

111 | mike says:

the used are the best band ever!!!

112 | Draqu says:

u are all noobs :P

113 | Chips Dubbo says:

Hooray, spam! I never really liked the Red Team.

114 | haha youre jealous that i have the longest name here says:

LOL Spaming is fun

115 | Chips Dubbo says:

Hooray, spam! I never really liked the Red Team. 115th comment

116 | your momma says:

mmm... spam

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