A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


Comments closed

1 | the ex-arbiter (deseased) says:

Woot! 1st Post. anyway nice comic

2 | hunteroftheyear says:

woot! great comic! keep it up!
first post btw! :D

3 | Dork Force One says:

Ohhh....Chief got told!

4 | the late Keyes (Captain) says:

do they really play Halo2? BEG (thoughts wander...)

5 | DougieMcDougDoug says:

HaHa pwned! lol lol lol.... classic...

6 | Kritz says:

omglolz!!!11 8th(ish) post!!1

Meh. It seems these comics are going down hill. It's like one one se7en jokes, but not on purpose... the graphics are still amazing, though. Even if the background was just ripped and filtered.

>> Kritz

7 | Hells Sinner says:

Heh, Chief got pwnd by Cortana.
*yes nineth post!*

8 | Switch 9 says:

w00t 12th post! But i'm not sure I get it...

9 | Wind-Mane says:

lol sad yep spartans were geneticly altered ppl

10 | Some guy says:

1st! WOOT!

11 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

AHAHAHAH!!! owned Chief! hey is it me, or has Cortana recieved a set of "Far East" eyes? cuz now she looks better, w007 w007!!
heeyy......needlers are good, what you talken bout, no those are plasma pistols.....

12 | Sgt Throttle says:

16th post woooooot! negros are black! wooot!

13 | juwannaman? says:

oooo i think cortana is gettin jealous

14 | mooching sack of death says:

its funny how true that is

15 | Humbaba says:

HA! Sounds most of the guys (not exactly, but in general bravado) on Live once they realize there's a guuurl there. They usually get schooled too.

16 | Preacher Pain says:

OMGZ!!11! (Random number) POST!11!1 Im so kool eveyone bow down to me!!! (sarcasam, nobody cares what post number you are)

Ok now to the comic. I liked alot because it has the old halobabies feel to it. Poor chief, he can never get a break with the ladies.

17 | asdasdsa says:


18 | RuntyLime says:

OOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hey Chief do you need some ice for that Burn! Chief Got burned so bad I can feel it! MMMMMMMMM Tang Really cools down a burn! I didn't Know There were more chicks playing Halo 2, I wonder if they like Tang!

19 | Vector says:

Omg! Liek 23rd post! I must be special or something!

Heh, good job, Joel, I always though Master Chief was hot, I mean check out that bump-mapped armour, and all the Dynamic lighting, who wouldn't take a bite out of that pie?

Mmm...Pie......Pumpkin Pie is the best you know! It is! I swear!!!

20 | MasterNeoChief says:

What's so freaking special about a girl... Damn. Anyway, nice job on the comic!

21 | Gruntzilla says:

Take that tin-man!

22 | red snow says:

rofle! LMFAO! noice

23 | ScruffyNerfHerder says:

LOL, nice comic, the master chief couldn't even score a single chick in his very own game, hehe... BTW, yesterday was many things, Bungie Day, London Terrorist Attack *sniffles*, but it was also my brother's birthday:D We went to see War of the Worlds (Which Rocks), had a lovely birthday cake (yummy), but most importantly, the Halo2 Multiplayer Map-Pack (Hurrah)!! The maps were awesome & so were the bonus features! My favorite map was BackWash, mainly because of the Weather Effects, all of it's neat hideouts, & 2401 Penitent Tangent. I really hope to see a comic on Tangent's cameo in BackWash & some more covenant soon. Tootles!!

24 | Crimm says:

Ouch, the Chief got burned in this one. Nice as usual.

25 | Ezoroth says:

Woo hoo, (scrolls up), 28th post. What? Conformity is the only way.

Any ways...Needlers: only good at close range and still targets. Pretty much what beatings are good for.

26 | HaloNemesis says:

Ha! Nice. Really like Cortana in this one. :)

27 | SPARTAN2P1 says:

Well I was slow, you guys get up early.lol I like this 1!

28 | tron2005 says:

i dont think this comic has a punchline in it. i think GB is trying to do one of those comics that doesnt have a joke in it.

29 | The Huntress says:

Hehehe. Yeah, I love playing Halo, and the best part is...I don't suck at it! Yay! But any who, I always thought the Chief was hot. lol

30 | The Arbitress says:

I have to admit, I like Cortana's expressions in this strip.

31 | mooching sack of death says:

i don't suck at it either but i'm not as obsessed with the chief as some people are (just the covies!!)
my friend had this whole thing about finding pictures of the chief and then comparing the size of his ass to his head....the memories are painful.

32 | Yayap and Zuka says:

Hah hah! That silly MC and his tiny needle...

33 | Spartan-055 Pete says:

You insulted chief how dare you!
Actually it was funny. nice one

34 | Spartans On Fire says:

awesome comic dude....very funny....but i do wonder.....a lot more girls do play halo 2 than the original.

35 | austin says:

the sweetest comic strip ever!!!!!

36 | Jaxx says:

LOL!!! Nice one! XD

37 | spartan_112 says:

ah hahahahaha shot down chief !!XD falls over laughing

38 | Buguba says:

lol lol lol. My best friend always says "check out these magnums!" and does the same thing as chief did. Now I have a comeback for it... thanx man!

39 | Pressure says:

shut down!

40 | Master_Chiefafied says:

Hahah.. that's awesome! Since I'm a girl.. I'll have to go with those "big guns" of his.. ><

41 | VideoGamer0331 says:

Hey, I think that the creator of this strip underestimates the power of needlers. I, for one, am quite attached to the needlers and use them regularly.

42 | superduper says:


GB needs to ban the Emails/IPs of people who do stuff like that.

By the way, nice job!

43 | KayJay says:

Girls are people too?!?!?!?!

;). Nice GB,

OMFG! I got 43rd post!!!!!

44 | Space Shark says:

Hahahahaha....nice one

45 | Sparke says:

*bitch slaps Cortana* I KNEW I didn't like you...*tackles MC* BIG GUNSSS!


Nice job, GB. Heeehehehehe.

46 | Flame Me! says:


47 | vindicare says:

wow - these comics keep getting worse and worse. They started off ok, good artwork and jokes, but now all they are are cliched jokes that have NOTHING to do with the fact that the characters are babys. Remeber how that used to be worked into it? Now the characters may as well be the grown up ones featured in the game. This comic really stinks, crap artwork, crap jokes.

I've had my cry, now fix them up.

48 | A Dude Who Supports Mr.Smiley and Gruntsbane says:

Vindicare- 1, you are an idoit- i think roughly around 46 other ppl like this comic. less. more. anyway- the point is that if you hate the site, then go away.
2. gruntsbane can kick ANYBODY from the site- like me, so don't insult him. (or mr.smiley- i dunno)
3. I like the comic. MC got iced, and the site is gonna send me a e-mail for writing this ridiculesly long post.

49 | Uziel says:

(48) *COUGH* brown nose *Cough*

50 | master_geek says:

yay! funny! shiny! anyways, you know how to take a common joke and make it funny again. btw, it does amaze me how many people don't get the joke in this comic strip. oh well.

for the record, if you have the ability to keep your opponet in your sights while you dodge the needler is pricless.

51 | DancesWithSoda says:

I loved this one. Poor chief.

omgz 51th commant!!1111!1!11

52 | Thedudewhoneversleeps says:

*Cant help noticing how hot cortana looks in the comic."

Man I feel like such a dweeb....

53 | evilguineapig says:

poor chief. he just got told

54 | Drew says:

Got Owned with words. He can't fight back against that one! Nice comic

55 | Lady Java says:

HELL YES BIG GUNS!!! buuuuuut, he's still a baby here, so yes, needlers there. The armor makes up for whatever "losses" he might have for real! *snicker* If I was in the game, he'd totally score. *points to self* Fangirl here! Sassy Cortana there is right though, everyday Pat used to ask "Do ya got tickets?" I always screamed "No Pat! If I did, I'd want my money back." He goes, "Just ask me the question!" I groan and say "Tickets to what?" He says oh so proudly, "Tickets to the gun show! Boom!" Then Ele started to mock him because she had bigger muscles then him! YESH!

56 | LegendaryThunder says:

oooooh, Master Chief just got shotdown.

I think the ladies are more into the Sergeant or maybe the arbitor.

eh, women.

57 | hopscotchers says:

i think that the artwork needs some help. i agree with that vinicare guy. this comic does seem to be going down hill. in the old comics they used to work in the fact that these guys were babies... now it does seem like they are just regular people.. and if thats the case i think you should give cortana bigger boobs. shes looking really sexy *thump thump* well and i do think its true that more girls are playing halo 2 and the ones that do are usually really good. but also smell like cheese and look not so hot...... but back to the point. cliched jokes. needs more shower scenes. more baby oriented jokes. and more apples. and GB needs a jock strap.

58 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

vindicare and hopscotchers, i dont see YOU guys making a comic... who said the comics have to have anything to do with them ACTING like babies? the basic idea is that they LOOK like babies (you know, like anime babies... chibi art). THAT is why it's called Halo Babies. also, that's just sick... who gets turned on by a character in a COMPUTER game... someone has a pathetic sex life... har har... also, for a joke to be cliche, it has to be overused and therefore widely known to the general viewing population... and i do NOT get the joke (not sure if that's good or not... hah). Also, that jockstrap thing, now THAT is cliche... not to mention immature...

Also, " A Dude Who Supports Mr.Smiley and Gruntsbane", don't worry, I once put in three posts where i was flaming and swearing at these two retards who were flaming GB's work, and I never got an email, although Mr.Smiley did delete a bunch of my other posts... hahaha.

okay okay, about the strip... not as funny as some of your other ones, but thats probably because i dont get the joke... someone explain!

59 | wussychief says:

ouch! man cortana sure knows how to bring the hurt

60 | Noob-killer says:

I will spare mercy on the kid and girl players

61 | vader maker says:

vindicare um ya wat #48 said...cortana looks weird i the last one....hmmm

62 | igili says:

Oh my fuckin' god. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.

63 | chunky monkey says:

Dang, chief got burned (=/ . anyways great comic, but halo babies seems to be that old funny vibe I miss it......

64 | Harui says:

(Female here)
Yeah Master Chief... *drool* ke hehe!

I like the Arbiter, too. >_<

65 | Lady Java says:

alright Eibe 'Niqaree, the joke is that the "gun show" is the guy's biceps, they point at them, flex the muscle to make it bulge and yell "Bam!" or "Boom!" It's like trying to shoot your eye out with thier size sorta deal. Understand it now? xD Cortana's sayin they ain't no shotguns, that they're barely needlers since usually neddlers as in Halo 1 are considered to be wimpy weapons. At least I thought so, no way I'd touch em! Not with a hotgun... I mean shotgun laying right there!

66 | SinisterMonkey says:

Yes, it's a funny strip. yeah.
As I post this on the 11th, I realise THERE HASNT BEEN AN ART UPDATE IN OVER TWO MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What gives someone respond

67 | Hurricane Tiger says:

And no in this strip she totoly does not have breasts.

And why would anyone attack someone over weather they thought a cartoon character was hot? an image is an image. Now if they tried to have sex with it?
But think about howmany times you bought a comic cause a character was cute. Guys do it and girls do it. Its when you become obbsessed and make a shrine I get worried.

So stay away from cortana...SHE's MINE.

68 | Shizuku Spartan 138 says:

about post 23(and on post 7 they sed 9 learn to count!)war of the worlds sucked i hated it!that kids costume was so tacky!everyone has a serious costume what does she have?A F@!/ING RAINBOW SUIT!Anyway good comic cortana looks better than she usta and she does look like she has asian eyes not "Far East".Those arent needlers cheif those are frag grenades!theyre so small!mine are frickin' brute shots hehe..

69 | chunky monkey says:

If anybody read my other review on this comic (review #63)I ment to say this,(ahem) Dang chief got burned. anyways great comic but halo babies seems to be losing that old funny vibe...... Well, back to my life :)

70 | Zealot Arbiter says:

Shut up, shut DOWN!

chief got TOLD! PWNED!

71 | Lord_Halo99 says:

Ouch Cortana. thats kind hard on the Chief XD

72 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

thanks, java... i guess its cause i use the needler so much in Halo 2 that i dont really consider them a wimpy weapon. you get my point... anyway, now that i got the joke, bwahahaha! chief got OWNED.XD
and Shizuku, i didnt like war of the worlds, but it wasnt THAT bad... i mean, it didnt really make sense why the aliens came, why they buried the mecha underground, and why they died, but you gotta admit, its pretty intense... :D

73 | SiroKhorun says:


74 | Panic says:

Hey, mrsmiley, I like your artwork! They look so cool! This comic look nice, I just don't like Con-something boss Cheif around.
But, look nice anyway! Keep it up!

75 | Spartan058-Halogeeky says:

I do! cortana you don't know what you are taking about!

I read somewhere that says girls have better handling with the flags, and probably a better aim. but they don't have better handling with weapons. except for the sword!!!(that revolves around aim)

hell yeah!

76 | Tryan Shootamee says:

Oh yeah girls play. they are way more upsessed then some guys i know. i know at least 9 girls who play and the take it to the next level man...

77 | Grizzled Ancient says:

not needlers cortana...more like the mac gun. cortana's jealous. poor chief. yeah i know a bunch of girls and they DO get ten times more upsessed...it's freaky. but cool

78 | 41 chief's says:

oooooo that hurt...let's see, if he really had needlers for arms then...you wouldn't be alive cortana...

79 | Krayt'heili says:

Silly Spartan, thinking he had "big guns" lol.

80 | Dev says:

AHAHA. Yeah.. I'm a girl, and I keep getting called a 10 year old boy, when in reality I'm 16. D: That's kind of annoying, as I've been playing Halo 1/2 since for evers..

Hehe, good comic though.. Don't worry, Chief.. I still love the needlers. 8D;;

81 | Zyrra says:

Erg...ok very late this week, why do you guys poo poo these awesome comics? It asks a very good question, me myself being female and a HUGE fan of the halo games (I know loads of crap about it)I play to see if chief and cortana get together, plus grunts are awesome, i love torturing the little guys...heh *sadistic side shines through* To answer the question of cortana, we females of the human species play the game for the same reasons as the dudes, (not to see cortana...u sickos!) to kick alien butt and kill stuff, it's like stress relief...after a long day of not killing things it's only fair that you channel it into something useful and fun, the guns are just a plus...MC i'm sure your guns are big enough lol.

82 | Java again says:

YESH! I think us girls'll use you Zyrra for our leader! All bow down to HBN's cheif chick! I play it to BLOW STUFF UP! I loved how everything was fully destructable in Halo 2! YESH! I killed then benches in Ivory Tower, b/c Cheif actually HAD MASS in Halo 2! Whooo for crushing benches! I got called fat by the guys for the rest of the game, they were mad I killed thier seats or something. xD

It IS stress relief! I'm just mad they fixed the rocket jump! I had fun with it!

83 | Spartan058-Halogeeky says:

Yeah i'm a girl too, and i've been with halo since i won my xbox and a microsoft convention and halo came with it...
good times,good times...
I'm a halogeek, upsessed is an understatement...upsessed is insulting. Great comic once again...didn't make me laugh very hard though, but still very good! :)

84 | 24# enolc akhsihs says:

nice comic.it was indeed very funney.

85 | xxctlxx says:

......needlers lol (BALL OF STEEL!)

86 | Bobulator says:

Cortana's just complaining 'cause she has small titties.

87 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

MC got told by Cortana (lol)... any way about your little needler HAHAHA! My gun is... BIGGER! then yours MC thats why they call me the "HOT n' SEXY ELITE!"

88 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

MC got told by Cortana (lol), anyway about the MC's small needler HAHAHA! I have a "BIGGER" gun then yours MC thats why they me the "HOT n' SEXY ELITE!"

89 | A.I. Durandal says:

*shrug* sorta funny, sorta lame.
But I guess I'll take it.
(Also:H n' S Elite is a (*^&()&^*& double poster)
(Response to Mssg. 86: That may be true here, but not on the game. !O_O!------->"lookielookie......*snickersnicker*......boobies)

90 | tron2005 says:

i dont know why people dont like this comic. i thought it was one of the funnier ones. big ups 206.

91 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

Sorry, I typed up a comment, left the site, came back and I didn't see my comment (I must be blind as hell,) so I posted another... Sorry again, I didn't mean too.

92 | blade4824 is a grandmother says:

Good comic I like it. :)

93 | Ice WaGoN117 says:

iiii iiii
Great comic!(*--- ---*)
** * ***
** **

94 | JulyFlame says:

Eesh. Poor Chief. Cortana has him whipped good. XD

95 | strongbad725 says:

wooohoooo 95th post yeah!!!

96 | Complete Moron says:

Yay! 96th Post!

Lucky me! I don't see anyone else in this place having the 96th post!

97 | pauline witt says:

ooh mc got told yep yep well done cortana woooooooooooot

98 | Mike says:

I guess annihilating an entire armada of evil bloodthirsty aliens doesnt necessarily mean that you have got The Guns. ;)

99 | Harui says:

Does no one know how to spell? It's "obsessed" not "upsessed."

100 | johnnyrico says:

actually needlers are quite powerful weapons because the heroes who mastered legandary still remember the needler as the "elite killer" in halo 1 :)
I would have said plasma pistols or such

101 | Girl Spartan says:

Wots so wierd i am i tomboy i like halo1 and 2 i wonder if in halo 3 if u get 2 be flood since in halo 2 u get 2 be da elite

102 | Girll Spartan says:

How can a baby have muscles since there halo babys .LLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLl

103 | Predator110 says:

HAHA MC dude...all i can say to support cortana is...chief...get some guns, and no little things i mean like big azz 50 cals...........MC GOT SERVED BY A WOMAN!!!!!!!

104 | PlatinumArbiter says:

personally, i think gils DO play halo and halo2 for master cheif. i do. his voice sounds hot to me...

105 | SPARTAN172 says:

MC...sorry man but cortana is right...the girls only play because they can make their spartan pink and run around on XBOX LIVE with the name P.M.S.ER 117!

106 | sausages says:

hahahahaha ur funny spartan172
i actually know some girls that play halo 2....

and they're not exactly the ones society has embraced if you know what i mean....hehehehehehe....

i mean they're either nerds or geeks hehehehehehehe...

107 | Stealthy Mongoose says:

CoolElite was right
in legendary pistols can take out a white Elites shield 1 shot when grenades dont
and i did legendary too

108 | ArbiterLover/BFF#1 says:

I am a female. I am definetely not attracted to MC. I will admit The Arbiter first got me playing. I love The Arbiter. My life is starting to base around him. Well it has been for (when November 13 comes around), will be a full year. Nobody could love The Arbiter as much as me. Nobody. Anyways, excellent comic. I believe that girls are attracted to Halo because their boyfriends probly got them into it, and they thought Halo 2 was just soo dang fun. I loved it first because of Arbiter. But like I said before look at my name. Anyways. Yeah, excellent.

109 | VAL says:

this is alsome cool comic

110 | darksteeple13 says:

um dude wit post #20 aka MasterNeoChief, ill tell ya whats so special about a girl, there happens to be a partially true cliche about girls not likeing violent games and crap so they wouldnt want to play halo and halo 2. PLUS girls are very special cause a number of em r hot w00t amen happy fucking christmas.

111 | halo b@be says:

look bitches. I'm a girl. I play halo 1 and 2. I'm preety damn good at it and if any of you condom headed retards think i'm a geek or run around in pink armor think again. byt the way, good strip.

112 | halo b@be says:

by the way spartan172 and sausages, I'm betting your making fun of us only becasue you cant get a girl. rot in hell

113 | carrot of the west says:

I'm a girl, i stabbed 3 ppl in my life, and i LOVE violent video games. SO I'd suggest you shut the hell up before i stuff that keyboard down your throat.

114 | myfoodproduct says:

I agree with halo babe and carrot here. you 'men' are probably either the 40 year old perverts your mom warned you about or the 22 year olds who never had sex and have a 3 inch long dick. or both.

(good comic ^^)

115 | Prophet you should Regret says:

They are not small!
I made em maybe its the big guyns not gun or the alien guns hehehe.

116 | bungie says:

You got that right chief.

117 | Masterchief evil says:
