A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Vlad says:

Nice, Mister Chief certainly doesn't want to lose his armor.

2 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

wow... looks so cool... cool pose... killer shading man... wow...

3 | Spec Ops Elite says:

That was a awsome comic. Why does every one want first post, they just wast it.

4 | ansomble28 says:

I understand the premise for this one but somehow it makes no sense whatsoever. Where's the punchline? I'm sorry this one just borders on dumb.

5 | Necromas says:

I like the badass look mister chief has in the last frame. Nice shading ;)

6 | BOLL says:

It had a different title before I got voted down by akba and mrsmiley... the old one was apparently a little too hard to understand... as it was deep... :P The background idea was just that Halo Babies MC sucked at co-op, and that the respawning Mister Chief punished him for that. Makes no sense to me now either. Ha.. hahaha.

7 | Jillybean says:

I liked it.

What was the original title? Not that I'll understand it, but I like to know things.

8 | Zero says:

Haha, very nice.

9 | D