A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Archaos46 says:

Nice, you nailed the "slightly-pissed-off-and-scowling" look for Cortana Gruntsbane

Good job

2 | Gruntsbane says:

Dumb waiter...

3 | Halokid23 says:

lol! that's realy funny. (3rd post! XD)

4 | Coviehunter says:

Totally rules...4th post!

5 | Ganner says:

Nice 5th post!

6 | RuntyLime says:

Ya! 6th post! Good comic, this one is better than the last few. I like the way Chief slides the note to Cortana.I was wondering GB they aren't on a date.....are they?! MMMMMM...tang really sooths weird thoughts.

7 | Lysergic says:

Great comic!

[woot 7th]

8 | Stuntmutt says:

Lawsuit! Lawsuit!

9 | Snarf da Baddass Grunt says:

yoink! tenth post! Melons are fun to play with!

10 | Arbitress says:

That comic cheered me up today...i felt do dreary and unhappy...(as goths are)...and this cheered my up i thought it was very funny! nice work Gruntsbane, Nice work! ^+^

11 | donut says:

hey i cant see the 4th strip, the pic is too big and i cant make the indow big enough to see the last part of the comic!!! Whats the chief saying??

12 | Kradshutzen says:

I agree with Archaos. you've mastered the slighty pissed off look. Great Comic! (yes! 12 Post!!!)

13 | Keyes says:

Ha Ha. I love it when people don't get there number.

Great job. A scene that is all to familiar to me. King of wish I had some Armor then. :0

Greaat job.

14th post

14 | Sim1 says:

aha fun... the girl must pay... ever! we have payed for them for hundred of years :P

15 | sam500 says:

Just noticed that they're sitting on table 7. Nice touch ;)

16 | The Commander says:

I get it! lol

17 | Cdarx says:

nice job with the comic, you guys get cooler and cooler every week!

18 | MintSkittles says:

19th post w00t!
I agree 106% the women should pay!
and chief needs his id from his markV if he and da sarge are going for a drink

19 | Buguba says:

lol lol lol, for those of you who cant see the last strip, the master chief says, "What?... I left my wallet in my other armour!". If you want to see it for yourself, copy the comic, put it in Microsoft Word, and shrink it down. It should show the entire thing

20 | Nightmare001 says:

Woah, this may sound ver geeky but I think Cortana looks totally firggin hot in the first panel.

Great job gruntsbane!

Buguba is right except I advise you use paint because its easier to cut and paste images in it than in word.

Woot! 21th post!

21 | ansomble28 says:

That comic was pretty good. For those of you who can't see it, you don't have to do any cutting or pasting or stupid stuff like that. Just right click the pic and you have the option to either "View Picture" or "Fit to Window". Either one works. Sheesh brainiacs.

22 | The Arbitress says:

I didn't know the Master Chief had a wallet, or a second set of armor. And how exactly is Cortana going to pay the bill?

Whoever made the 11th post, I don't appreciate having my name stolen. I used "Arbitress" first.

23 | CCC says:

where they on a date??????

24 | El NiNo says:

This one is great. LOL. But I don't understand the fact that they are on table 7.

25 | Blue_Corpral says:

lol! this 1 was funny! - what is the waiter? a claw?

26 | Sparkie says:

Heh...that's funny! That's how things were in this one relationship i ahad, but mostly not becasue Jason was cheap; becasue I did all the favors! XD Good Job!!

27 | MNC says:

El Nino, 7 is the number that Bungie uses for almost everything.
7 halos
something about 343 and 7

28 | Dirge says:

heh, Master Chief you cheapo ;)

great job

29 | Metal_Snake says:

Nice comic.

Do you think you guys can put the other spartans in a strip sometime?

30 | Loknar64 says:

What's up with that waiter?

WEll nicely done again GB!