A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!

fan strips

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1 | ansomble28 says:

Pretty good! Keep up the good work! I liked the Halo PC punchline!

2 | CaRrOt says:

good comic idea, but ya gotta work on the illustrations, good anyhow! :)

3 | beef jerky master says:

i could draw better than that anyday and the dialog sucked really badly

4 | Slade8 says:

Lol! Very funny! (I don't critisize the art, just jokes)

5 | bungie says:

VERY VERY nice keep on cheeting chief and sarg will soon find out HEHEHE

6 | kraid17 says:

i thought it was the other way

7 | blarg says:

paintball 2 the face

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