A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!

fan strips

40 comments so far | leave your own

Please use this commenting system wisely and sensibly. We will not tolerate spamming of the comments. We urge you to keep the comments on topic, namely giving your opinion on the strip. This is not the forum, if you have an unrelated discussion, please take it there instead. Sorry we have had to include this note but we have had several abuses of the comments system and don't want this behaviour to continue. Thanks, and we hope you enjoy the comics!

1 | Master Sarge says:

This is a great strip. Gun-eagle, this and you are awesome!

2 | Foehammer says:

How true, how true. Good one!

3 | jules says:

nice. i thought it was good

4 | Rogue Elite says:

Great stuff, it's so funny! I love the way the elite looked like it just shat itself when the grenaded grunt came running towards it ^_^

5 | Pvt. Tucker says:

pretty good

6 | The GRUNT 1000 says:

very funny, and yet,
So True, So True!