A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!

fan strips

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1 | sQuEaK says:

What an awsome comic. i like the crater and the squish words when the grunt gets nailed. you are the best man! keep up the awsome work!

2 | DeathsPaleHorse says:

this is better than the last one!
i hope i get to more of this in the future! Huh, grunt go SPLAT!:)

3 | ZiggyMcjoney says:

if hes a baby, would he say um those words in the second comic thing (i dont say it) =P...i dont really think so =) but its still good =) i like the cool 3d

4 | Da banana as a pistol says:

Noooooo why why him!!?
Poor little grunt
poor,poor,poor,poorlittle fella!!!!!
I promise ill never kill a grunt in my hole life(well xpetialy on legendary :S)

5 | happy dog says:


6 | A flying pig says:

that hapened to a grunt when my tank fell on it.
btw nice comic

7 | Grunt go bye bye says:

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo grunt come back i will revenge him

8 | grunt is not more bye says:

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo grunt come back to life i wil revenge you.i will revenge you!!!!!!!!!!

9 | gruntiboy says:

a warthog jump ending in a grunt squish nice

10 | Prophet you should Regret says:

Poor grunt i think they are gonna have revenge.

11 | THE CHARLES 2 says:

you guys take it seriosly the grunt obviosly mooved in time befor it smashed on........oh lord it did hit him HA HA HA the grunt should have seen THAT coming

12 | elite major says:


13 | Rala Kavlaka says:

Wort,Wort. Hello Kawak. Wham!!!!!!!!! No, my grunty brother! Well, at least i can use this spectre to my advantage! (That has happened to me before. I was on XBOX live and this hog randomly splatters a friend of mine. So i take the hog!)

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