A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!

fan strips

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1 | everyone says:

odd but funny

2 | Ryley217 says:

Hey I found it funny! Don't listen to the other people it is good.

3 | =HB=Alex says:

well...um... it was o.k. better art could have been used to make it more clear he DUCKED under the ghost

4 | Spartan 067 says:

This was the first drawing of the baby master chief I had ever done. So if you think it sucks and you want to use some curse words to discribe it, go right on ahead, not my problem if Mr. Smiley or someone else bans you. My drawings have improved alot since this one, so I don't give a crap if you wanna say that this is gay or it sucks. It was a begginers comic.

5 | gruntsbane says:

I must have missed the release of this one. Nice job but the pic was so big I couldn't see some of the bottom panel O_o Oh well, I got the gist of it.

6 | red elite says:

ah that was funny enough to make me laugh...........

7 | madman552 says:

it sucked

8 | grunt-monkey says:

u tell em spartan!! i thort it was funni :)

9 | grunt says:


10 | carrot of the west says:

If the idea was used more clearly and the art didn't suck, I'd say on a scale or 1 to 10... 4 or 5

11 | anounerds says:

who cares bout other people say its good 4 a begginer rating 7/10thats good

12 | Contra says:

Umm...thats really not very funny.

13 | Prophet you should Regret says:

My army conquers spartan they should regret but what do elites do?
I think they fart fart not wort wort.
Elites are clumsy hes got unlimited pulse cannons dont even use it.
Its good 7/10
sorry for the low score its my opinion.

14 | dragonkid0 says:

good but i give it a 7/10

15 | dragonkid0 says:

good but i give it a 7/10

16 | Some Random Elite says:

Yes my brothers! Drive on and crush all who are not worthy!

17 | lilporkchop says:

umm contra i think u mean cortana

18 | elite major says:

i didn't really get it, but did a good job on the art.

19 | Unoraptormon says:

It's alot better than i can draw. So good job

20 | c100q says:

I am really excited! This will be my first time visiting, I will be back!

21 | kraid17 says:


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