A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!

fan strips

47 comments so far | leave your own

Please use this commenting system wisely and sensibly. We will not tolerate spamming of the comments. We urge you to keep the comments on topic, namely giving your opinion on the strip. This is not the forum, if you have an unrelated discussion, please take it there instead. Sorry we have had to include this note but we have had several abuses of the comments system and don't want this behaviour to continue. Thanks, and we hope you enjoy the comics!

1 | Nationwide says:

Awesome work. The holiday is over at last! I'm glad theres finaly been an update!

2 | Halo mad man says:

wow nice strip! you now i never relised how long it has been sins a fan strip.

3 | jefftheworld says:

Haha, very funny. I love your style, with the characters over such strange backgrounds! Keep up the sweet ass work!

4 | MXC says:

Pretty funny, the vacation from comics has really taken a toll on the site.

5 | Turialim says:

Happy to do it dude...
Just ask if you want more!

6 | ash says:


7 | Gerbil says:

Nice Turialim. its been a while since weve had a guest comic.(or any HBN related comic for that matter)

8 | Sparkie says:


I love how you draw your characters with buggy eyes! *claps* Yay funnies!

9 | Havokfist says:

Yay! a fan strip, FINALLY! good job Turialim. I as well like your cartoon style.

10 | Blinxhunter says:

Hahlehlujah! Great job Turialim on the strip ^_^

11 | Polarbear says:

A new rank for Turaliam? "HNM Savior"??

12 | Spitvalve says:

it's != its


13 | Spartan058-Halogeeky says:

i laughed. good one. can't wait till halobabies returns, I really miss them :(

14 | Exavor says:

Heh, nice one

15 | red snow(DEATH!!!!!!!) says:


16 | spartan001 says:

hey man thanx for the update i thought this site was dead keep with the fan comics man, LET THIS SITE LIVE!!! lol awesome man awesome


17 | MachShot says:

...It lives!

Finally a new comic. Thank you Turialim!

This comic was pretty funny, although Cortana and Johnson looked like they were on their tenth round of double espresso, it was funny!

And wow, no '1ST POST!!!' comment. (Oh whadami saying, Nationwide is too mature for that.)

18 | Gaspar00 says:

Wow nice strip! Also agree with Machshot no first post! ZOMFG!!1!!!eleven!!

19 | Hubi says:

I have to post some my own strips...whos with meeee? :)

20 | arbiters_malicec says:

lol, good commic, i just about gave up on this site because of the lack of activity p.s. (i know i shoulnt say this here but i think corana goes evil/crazy in halo 3)

21 | Igili says:

Sweet! I like it a lot, nice to see guest strips again!

22 | RayZR says:

Good to see strips again! W00t. -age. By the way.

23 | Angry_Fan says:

It's good. I like it. But I want some gruntsbane comics again!

I love leaving angry comments where you can't figure out who I am.



24 | Plague says:

Wow, i don't believe it. all these posts, and viper88 didn't make a single one of them. angry_fan, i know you miss viper88, but using his little cyclops isn't going to make him come back. please don't plageurize.

aaaaanyway, nice comic, Turialim! that's funny. i like how you use screenshots of the forum/website for backgrounds.

25 | Lord_Halo99 says:

ahhh just like old times

26 | Lone Spartan says:

Nice comic. Since Gruntsbane seems to have vanished from HB, maybe you can restart shop.

27 | Drizzit says:

Way to go, Turialim. Or however you spell your name.

For some reason, I keep thing this comic has a certain sting to it, especialy since summer's started and the chars are back in buisness.

28 | Serenity says:

Awesome work Turialim, finally a new one :D

29 | A kid named Ricky says:

Finally something new. Great strip dude

30 | MC Artman says:

Haha... Great work Turialim... You should do more of these. HBN of Randomness.

31 | Donut says:

Woah! The Home page has actually been updated! I think my brain just melted!

32 | Sputinik says:


33 | bubbleboy007 says:

great, so funny, you should do more seeing as how we havent seen one in an eternity

34 | chromer69 says:

That picture looks all messed up. Cortana's hair is curved on one side but not curved on the other. Plus that little thing at the top of her head makes her look weird. And why is Sargeant Johnson screaming. Plus their eyeballs are just too huge.

35 | S-117 says:


36 | Grunty Thirst says:

Little bit of an issue.

I can't see the comic. It says 404: file not found
so, yeah

37 | lilporkchop says:

wat grunty thirst said i cant see the comic aswell

38 | yayap/gagaw/zawaz the grunts says:

yeah same... oh well... i loooove grunts!!!

39 | zealot says:

the comic is not working

40 | a goat says:

It doesn't exist? o.o

41 | Hyp3r grunt says:

You're all imagining things, the comic doesn't exist.

42 | elite major says:

wort wort wort?

43 | Kiao 'Silomee AKA Plasma_101 says:

WORT!The comic is gone!

44 | Slade8 says:

Uh... "Error 404, file not found" *Bleep*

45 | no space says:

its not that the comic doesnt exist. it just got erased, accidentally or otherwise.

46 | turok says:

??? what's the comic like? it has been deleted or something. and what's with posts 46 and 47? are they internet ads? or something else?

47 | kraid17 says:

***** whoever made this is an ***

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