A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | mike says:

the guy in the red shirt always dies in star trek

2 | Andy says:

Yeah only people who watch Star Trek would get it.

3 | Yayap and Zuka says:

Zuka: command? where is this command? who works there? what do they do? WHERE ARE THEY!?!
Yayap: up in the corner of your ...

4 | Masta TJ says:

You guys get the idea of this, right?

5 | HaloChicka116 says:

I really dont get this one... *eyes dart from corner to corner of the room*

6 | Xerro says:

Sadly i get it, i used to watch star trek when i was younger *shudder* i've stopped now, but still is funny. But i've seen it used before in a few T.V programs like Family Guy.

7 | Halochicka116 says:

i used to watch star trek when i was like 4. LOL i was such a little nerd

8 | killexander says:

Red shirt! Im 19 years old and if it wasn't for star trek re-runs on the sci-fi I would not have gotten this one

9 | eliteghost01 says:

Hah! I get it. The engineer people always die whenever you see them. In the POA, In one part, you can see two unarmed engineers get brutally killed by Elites and Grunts. (Stupid Grunt Wussies! The only people they can kill are unarmed ones, and even then they have a hard time!)

10 | Jason P says:


11 | Mr Covie says:

I got the joke, though im too young to remember the shitty stuff *shiver*, but its still funny.

12 | mizis chief says:

haha red shirt guys always die. and in the level halo i think, the guys were like "shoot me! me!" lol

13 | dude says:

shut up

14 | Isna Noselee says:

I use to watch Star Trek when I was young as well.

15 | halo boi says:

whats with the red shirt?
someone send me a sign

16 | Grunty says:

HEY!Weses are not wussies!*sits down and sobs*

17 | Riddick says:

Red shirts always die; A grunt stuck a plasma grenade up his poop-chute once & the little
geek went running to a pile of grenades.

18 | red elite says:

um it sorta stuped

19 | red elite says:

grunts arn't wusses there cute! and they can be tough!

20 | Big Elite says:

What kind of elite are you! Grunts can't be tough. They run around screaming! Only- hold on on sec WHY YOU! GET BACK TO WORK GRUNTY, I'M NOT PAYING YOU TO STICK GRENADES UP YOUR BUTT-as I was saying...

21 | yayap says:

wa!!!!! we not wusses wha!!!*sits and starts crying*

22 | red elite says:

your right big elite

23 | evilguineapig says:

this one is a classic. love it.

24 | baby grunt says:

wessis not wussies *sats crying very hard

25 | Me&My Shotgun Bob says:

All the engineers wear red shirts and none made it off the POA if I remember correctly.I don't get the red shirt bit.

26 | Engineers says:

... y me? go shoot marines ...

27 | MChief says:

Seems that u have to read/watch something to get these.....

28 | L33tNinj4Squ1rr3l says:

...Star...Trek...! *eye twitches*
Don't worry, I took care of "Mr. Red Shirt". *smiles evily*

29 | OSDT Locklear says:

Star trek rocks

30 | Shamed Commander says:

Damn the weak, fleshy techs! Their slander offends all human warriors!

31 | Skalamunga says:

I always shoot those weirdos with the pistols on the level halo 4 amusement

32 | captian locks says:

I HATE STAR TREK, but the comic owns

33 | shut up says:


34 | tron2005 says:

my butt hurts.

35 | Grunt Ninja says:

brave grunts such as I are not wusses. we are great warriors. the spikes on our elbows give us a great advantage.

36 | chitoryu12 says:

You don't need to watch Star Trek to understand the Red Shirt joke. Just about anyone knows that.

37 | commando elite(the white ones from halo2) says:

exxelent work on insulting the humans, covenant allies.

38 | zamamee says:

we covenant r way better than u stinking humans

39 | Masterchief evil says:

i don't get it though the red ones die or something and the dart guns???? I'm a covenant man but etliest give them a chance dude

40 | Slade8 says:

I don't really get it, but its some star trek thing. Notice the marines hand sign.

41 | N/A says:

I agree with the Marine.

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