A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


114 comments so far | leave your own

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1 | gruntsbane says:

As it's been mentioned, Nrek wrote this beauty. Good job to him!

Did I mention first post?

2 | Spartan-055 Pete says:

Great Strip Nrek.
Very Funny, Nice work! :)

3 | INTELigent says:

2nd post!! LOL, teh strip was great! Congratulations, Nrek!

4 | Ender_Mahe says:

nice strip ;)

5 | tronic2005 says:

i didnt really like it.

6 | donut says:

that was great, not as funny as the comic featuring the bump mapped Mister Chief ("oh my god hes so beautiful, they should have sent a poet") but still... good job Nrek!

7 | Flaydramon says:

HAH!! Red VS Blue! xD Much LOVE to both of you for this!! <3

8 | The #1 Master Chief Freak says:

Yay!!!! NICE!!!!

w00t!w00t! 8th post!!!

9 | Umm says:

Wow, topical humour from 10 months ago

10 | gary millings says:

wow - this was supposed to be funny? bad timing, with just a few statements about the rules in a custom game type 'zombies'. The artwork isn't great and the comics have NOTHING to do with the fact that all the characters are babies. If this is the winner of the competition this site is really going to shit. No argument.

11 | mrsmiley says:

we didn't choose the winner. the fine people at RedvsBlue.com did. so if you must, take it up with them. and just so you know, telling us that the artwork "isn't great" is not constructive in the least. maybe you can show us how you would have done it better? oh, and as far as the strip no showing them as babies. last i checked, in halo, spartans weren't carrying dart guns and making sand castles. oh yeah, and a hit with a plasma sword would have been deadly. think before you comment next time, my friend.

12 | dedlan says:

I think gary millings is just sad that his comic didn't make it. Boo hoo. Want a cookie? Anyway, I think this is the best comic so far. I usually just read without posting anything but I liked this one enough to type (I hate it when you have to teach people how to play "Zombies". It really isn't that hard). I also like making fun of people *coughgarymillingscough*. Oh well.

13 | Cheesemaster64 says:

I dont see how the comics humor and artwork is not improving its doing great. The characters look awsome espiciaally the spartans and I think the Redvs.Blue peebs did a good job on strip judging because that strip was pretty funny

14 | Runtylime says:

Thank you for shutting gary millings up Mrsmiley . I don't wan't to sound like a kiss-ass but this comic was awlsome. The artwork was great and you combined my two favorite sites. I havn't written for a long time, i'm just lazy I guess.

15 | Xerro says:

the line at the end was funny so congrats nrek good comic

16 | Zyrra says:

BRAIIINNNSSSS... lol that looked eerily like some of the Dawn of the Dead/Halo parodies I've taken part in, do I know this Nrek person? It was hell funny! I love the Red vs Blue comix, great artwork and smashing storyline!

Ahahahaahhahaaa! They're tickling meeee! Noooooooo!

17 | DeathXP32 says:

Great strip.

18 | K0d1ak says:

nice comic - and teaching noobs how to play zombies is always fun :P

19 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

I love that orange guy's (forget his name) reaction in the third panel, but I don't get the rest of the comic...

20 | Sinnyo says:

I... hmm... the artwork is pretty good in this one, but I just really don't get it. Meh, might just be me. :)

21 | Crosso says:

that's very creative. well done Nrek zombies are fun. it fits perfectly with the story.

22 | Elitee says:

Hahaha, very nice coming.

23 | Switch 9 says:

That was so funny! And post 24!

24 | Jaxx says:

Nice job guys! Great strip. :)

25 | Joey says:

Nice. Worthy winner i guess, as it was funny ^^

26 | Bibble says:

I wonder if anyone here actually watches RvB. Lol.

Great comic!

27 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

uuuh.....what? didn't get the last part. Great at usual though, hope Rooster+Teeth sees it!

oh wait, now I see.....ha ha!

28 | The Captain says:

NICE! Oh man, that's classic.

GO RvB!!!

29 | pizzldizzle says:

noice 30...j/k. way to go. that was great. haha the sword goes ewish

30 | Iceman says:

Nice work Nerk you did a hellva job on the comic!!!

31 | Yayap and Zuka says:

That nub Tucker... He should've known better than to use the sword.

32 | Shady says:

Ha nice one

33 | max says:

What the hell is up with the red vs blue agaist zombie thing

34 | nrek says:

WOW GruntsBane you captured the idea perfectly! It looks amazing.

35 | Crash says:

As an avid viewer of Red vs Blue, I find this to be the greatest strip created. The continuation of Grif's theory about the mutant zombie virus that caused the apocalypse was totally what that comic needed. I didn't fully understand the ending, though (probably because I don't have broadband, and therefore, I cannot have XBL).

36 | Balefire says:

This is even moe funny than the usual fare . . . and They really got down the attitudes of the characters.

"He looks like he wants a hug."

"Sure Caboose, I bet that's what he wants."


P.S. Zombies is where one team (red) only uses shotties, the other (green) only uses swords, and when a person from red team (Humans) dies, they have to switch to green team (Zombies). You have to try to see how long you can last. Usually, you start with just one or two Zombies, and between 4 and 10 Humans.

37 | Spartan 927 says:

lol! I like the colorful spartan characters. Hey, Mrsmiley, tell gruntsbane to doa halo spartan vs greek spartan comic!

38 | squattingb says:

Genius!! A work of art!! Probably one of the best coloured comics yet, and excellent joke from Nrek! ZING!!!
:D I loved it, excellent job.

39 | HaloNemesis says:

Made me smile, thank you. :)

40 | Spartan-107 says:

Great comic I really enjoyed it you guys and the RvB are the greatist,all hail them.

41 | Master_Chiefafied says:

Gah! I love it!! ^^

42 | Spartan058-halogeeky says:






oh man, he's so drunk...

hehe....sweet comic nice...

43 | Tryan Shootamee says:

hahah shawn of the dead...hehe...

so freakin funny. and uhhhhh...thank you mr smiley for saying something, so we don't have to...heretic...man this ones good! weeeeeeee!

44 | 41 Chief's says:

wo...master chief is really gone!!! no!!!!!noooooooooooonnnooonoooooooonoonononooooonooooooooooooooononon *pant*
you should do a back up from the previous one...yeah, show us chief made it through alive!

by the way...LOVE the comic... funny. hella funny actually! zombies...they're real man...they're REAL!

45 | Hellfirefanatic says:

LMFAO! Omg... that was so great. Zombies... ahhh... how fun.

46 | grunt food nipple says:

ha ha nice "first post", gruntsbane. RVB

47 | SL Homer says:

Great comic. (it looks like nrek is gunning for mrsmiley and gruntsbanes jobs)

ps: i wanna c how many ppple actually watch red vs blue> Why does the orange guy tel tucker to use the glowy thing instead of calling it the sword?

48 | Iseri says:

oh oh oho i kno!!!
grif tells tucker to use the "glowy" thing cuz they dont kno what it is...it just looks really cool, which is y tex wants it and wont stop starring at tucker.

nice comic btw

49 | halist says:

that was soooooooooooo funnnyyyy good job on the strip

50 | sparkie says:

HAHAH NOOB!!! LMFAO Nice job Nrek!

51 | greatgrimreaper says:

zombies on zanzibar i think. good game type. fun map just dont let the noob have the sword

52 | Sheikurl says:

me no get it. must hav something to do with red vs blue that i dont no about

53 | Halo2_Disco says:

Caboose: "They are tickling me" Such a Caboose thing to say! Hahahahaha!!! Good job Nrek!

54 | the great pie says:

thats going straight in as my wallpaper

55 | Arbitress says:

LOL Thats a funny one!!!

56 | gruntsbane says:

Do not advertise personal websites in your comments. Please use the appropriate thread in the forum. I will be banning on one strike from now on.

57 | ash says:

this is awsome man, Nrek writes a mean comic

58 | firehawk12 says:

oh man that was high quality writing. great job;)

59 | spartan_112 says:

what? I dont get it!? what is this about?

60 | Viper says:

ahhhh.... awesome comic again Caboose was awesome.... Im suprised no one mentioned him

oh yes #60

61 | johnnyrico says:

the joke will be hard to understand for people who don't have xbox live or don't play halo 2's MP.

62 | Java says:

THAT. IS. WICKED. FUNNY!!!! IT's so true! We would go around groaning and making wierd sounds and screaming about eating their organs when we were zombies! IT'S SO MUCH FUN! xD

No prob about the not understanding, because it's an easy game to explain. We made up tons of games when we played zombie too much. MY fav was either Hide and Seek (didn't make up), or Tremors (another one of not ours), but my fav of ours was Freeze Tag Mud! THAT was one fun game! Cops and Robbers is fun too! Especially since I was never a cop! ^_^

63 | Java again says:

For you who don't know, Zombie is an Xbox Live game played for Halo2. You have tons of people all on red team, they're humans. Then One guy is green, he's a zombie (or flood, depending on your version of play), he can only use the plasma sword to kill, the killed has to switch to green as a zombie. The reds use shotguns or pistols and no shields. FUN! last person converted is the next game's zombie.

64 | spartan_112 says:

oh i get it now XD!!

65 | Fused says:

Good work. I like it.

66 | Wolfy says:

Now that, was amazing!!! Great job!!! It was funny, and made well!!! Keep up the good work!!!

67 | Skootur says:

just started reading your comics, and, hate to be a critic, but I'm not liking what I'm seeing. Your jokes just seem a little stale..

68 | MC_Elite says:

Excellent work as always, great to have the RvB twist going on. Congrats nrek!

69 | Kritz says:

Holy -blam!-! That was the best comic you guys have made!

As I said last time, I'm a little late to post. But this..

Honestly, this was awsome! I've gotten known for being a douche pirate, but this..

I loved it.

(Too bad it was only drawn by you..)

>> Kritz

70 | K0mm@nd3rGr33 says:

If those zombies want caboose's brains he should be fine.

71 | Ice Falcon says:

Note: I changed my name from Green Falcon to Ice Falcon and I will STOP CHANGING my name!

AWESOME strip, Nrek! Congradulations! I like how you put Tucker in position to use the plasma sword! Keep it up!

Does the "zombies" title have anything to do with the game type "Zombies" that could be downloaded from OXM's demo disc?

72 | Nintendo Dude says:

Dudes i may not be a total xbox fan but you gotta take account to the simple rvb and ftc halo movies laugh the hell outta me so im just saying this comic was hilarious heh

73 | icewagon117 says:

i am a hurricane katrina victim and want to be the first one to say that i am dissapointed in halobabies for not telling people about how bungie.net is channeling a link to the red cross so if u guyz can please do this i would be grateful and not to be rude to just say this i also applaude Nrek in his comic victory. So keep this in mind and keep up the good work.period.

74 | AI Durandal says:

Best collaboration EVER.

75 | SMITY101 says:

spartan058 a retard oh and the comic strip was good too i spose
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AUSTRALIA RULES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

76 | Sheikurl says:

is ther realy going to be a movi made of halo, mrsmiley?

77 | Zyrra says:

Ahaahhaha! I get it now! I sortof got it before but I REALLY get it now hehe. I soo need boradband internet...
Oh, my heart goes out to Ya'll who got caught up in the Hurricane Katrina biz too. Sad day or all.

78 | hologram girl says:

great comic. loved it. and CoolElite...of course the US supports halo..halo was made in the US. didnt everyone know that? o...and no...not everyone here believes in adam and eve...we have a lot of different religions over here in america

79 | THE Arbitress says:

wooo! this ones FUNNY!

80 | Etoli says:

This is hilarious, Nrek. Congratulations on your win! This kind of humor is right up my alley. I'm still giggling...

81 | K0mm@nd3rGr33 says:

Great komic. BTW halo movie is confirmed.

82 | PMintz says:

wow man. zombies is the flippin best mode to play!! it actually is kinda scary once you start!

83 | the grunt that doesnt wanna die says:

it was good but if you dont understand how to play zombie it's not that funny.

84 | the grunt that doesnt wanna die says:

psst... what is zombies?? :P

85 | Amun says:

LOL, Red vs Blue + Odd game types = one hillarous clip. Keep up the good work.

86 | hbomb69 says:

hahahahah thats 2 funny good job

87 | Tinga says:

Funny, funny comic. If the zombies want brains, why are they going after Caboose? Oh well, great job Nrek!

88 | stu pidoit says:

now you guys are useing lines llines from xbox live? Whats this world coming to!

89 | Fera says:

x3 this is really good. I actually like the gametype zombies and that added in with RvB as said earlier really makes one hilarious comic.

90 | David says:

that gave me a good laugh

91 | comrade mikhailovich says:

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! finally a red vs blue cameo! genius!

92 | Me & My Shotgun Bob says:

I don't really get the last panel. (I don't play xbox live so that might be why) But the 2nd and 3rd panel are Hilerious. I found out that you only had to submit the idea for the comic and not have to draw it too late, otherwise I would have entered.

93 | bazookabob says:

Yeah! RvB meets Halo Babies...but poor Caboose...

94 | halo fan says:

yeah poor caboose... you people should try adding some fire team charlie into those comics that would be hilarious heh heh heh.

95 | Kajiha says:

Lol, oh my gosh. This is funny, And it would be funner with fire team charlie in it.

Kajiha in and out

96 | Corey says:


97 | David says:

brainnnnssss......lol. if they want cabosses brain, there out of luck lol. didint i post somehere before? anyways, great strip!

98 | reddeath says:

Ha! red is smarter than blue and orange, this will be good the red army will keep fighting the blue army forever. ha ha ha ha ha!

99 | a simple human marine says:

us. we never know what to do.even if attacked my zombies while they talk and type and keep typing and typing and, wait what the? hey there green dude! wait, why are you moaning? ahhh!!!!! dont hug me!!! ahhhhh!!!!!!!

100 | MIAGI says:

OMG this is so funny its exactly like halo 2 on x-box live its so funny!! and also i thought that you only had red on one team and green on the other, not red green AND blue!

101 | MIAGI says:

Ok a simple human marine you are so stupid to think that they need to type to ay stuff on live! dumbass you are so stupid. they have head sets that they talk into duh!! omg i hate stupid people. and by the way i know this and i dont even have an x-box never mind x-box live!

102 | spartan 058 says:

poor zombies they should get there
@$$ kicked har har har go light blue dude

103 | angel says:

hey, this are friken awsome and i mean every thing the pics and the commics keep em commen yo!

104 | angel says:

hey, this are friken awsome and i mean every thing the pics and the commics keep em commen yo!

105 | ???? says:

???? ?????


106 | 456 chrtobi says:

Yea you stupid noob. If you can't play the game right, then get the hell out!!!

107 | Young says:


108 | anonymous says:

i like zombies, but i do not like people who yell at noobs- they are called that for a reason!!

109 | Masterchief evil says:


110 | bungie says:

Oh my zombie action my favorite kind man.

111 | carrot of the west says:

Well, if MC was black, he would say "yueaah I getta walk around haf nakid, foo!" or something along the lines of that o.o

112 | Mastergrunty says:

i love it so cool that is was red vs blue vs green i love it keep going.

did i metion 112

113 | blacmarine says:

yay!! RvB time! but did Caboose die?

114 | 'Agomee says:

ya i don't like noobs who use the sword when they are not teh zombie. it just makes me mad ....
anyway great jod on the comic

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