A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


78 comments so far | leave your own

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1 | Joey says:

Nice webcomic. Consistantly making me laugh before college, good job.

2 | gruntsbane says:

Random 'nether-world' backgrounds are easy too.

3 | Benny says:

Nice... dident know that trick ;)
ay, not going to start doing any comics anyway, il leave that job to grunsbane..Keep up the good work..

4 | Mulletman262 says:

Thats messed up. Oh, and 3RD!

5 | Alhadis says:

*chuckles* So true, too. It's how many artists cut corners that most people wouldn't notice anyway. I heard that it's also the best way of getting around not drawing parts of the body that you're not skilled enough to sketch; of course, I know none of you guys would have that problem. ;-)

Keep it up.

6 | donut says:

either that or they draw them really far away...

7 | KayJay says:

Ha! That was Old Skool Halo Babies. I love it. I actully laughed.

Good Job GB.


8 | Zyrra says:

Oh...my...god... I would so hate to see Kritz's comment for this, it's so good and he tends to rain on the halobabies towel parade... Wait a second... they're not wearing PANTS?!?!?! Eep... I am afraid...
Aahhhhahahahaa nooo...

9 | bobo says:

lol thats f`in funny (9th post yay)

10 | Uberninja says:

You know, I really wish that the world was a pants-optional place...

11 | the grunt that doesnt wanna die says:

woo hoo! how does he take a bath w/ the helmet? O.o wonder if we'll ever get to see his face? P.s 11th post!

12 | Arbitress says:

LMAO....thats funny and true...well about the talking heads, anyway O.o
But other than that you did a good job Gruntsbane.....Keep up the good work! ^^

13 | Stuntmutt says:

Cut and Paste - now THAT makes an "artist's" job easier.

14 | Kritz says:

"It seems web comics today try too hard."

C'mon, I know we all want to see MC and Johnson nekkeh, but it doesn't work well for the joke side.

Yet again, didn't like the joke style.

See if you can make the next comic something people can relate to. Like the new play lists, the maps being out for free, Bungie's FTF T-shirt.

But this didn't really relate to anything, really.

CAD, PArcade, VGCats, 8bit and most other popular comics don't really do all that much "head jobs". So this joke was more of a "Damn. What can we do next?" kind of comic.

Yet again, I put my expectations too high.

I got a better laugh from Nintendo's new controller..

>> Kritz

15 | evilguineapig says:

gross......but funny

16 | s.p.n.k.r says:

hehe :P nice 1 guys, although i didnt think it was as good as the other ones.
ps, isnt kritz banned yet?

17 | Ravenshaw says:

Zyrra said :
"Oh...my...god... I would so hate to see Kritz's comment for this, it's so good and he tends to rain on the halobabies towel parade."

well you were right! this comic (which i find simple, yet so good) got kritzified again!

18 | Fused says:

Simple, yet funny. Good job.

19 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

now thats just laziness at its fullest, shame on the Chief and Johnson, you guys are better than that! Anyways, another great and disturbed comic by Gruntsbane!

by disturbed I mean they're without pants.....

20 | Bebop117 (my Gamertag) says:

I usually laugh at the comics (especially the grunt one) but I didn`t find this comic funny at all. No offence Gruntsbane. I like the comics but not this one. I get it though, and it`s not funny to me. Yes I know that I am repeating the same thing over and over again but re wording it.

21 | weirdchick says:

i really liked it. Didn't think kritz could criticize this one, but he did.

22 | RedElite says:

haha that was pretty funny

23 | StealthNewb (live gamertag) says:

pretty simple, pretty funny. hey kritz if halo babies is not meeting ur expectations, then why don't u go find another comic thats more up ur alley. lyk gay grunt sex....

24 | Luz Gutierrez says:

THAT IS NOT TRUE!!!! But it still is pretty funny! I mean I do that sometimes, but still it just goes along with what is going on...

25 | o_O says:

Thats not funny at all i dont know how you guys can laugh at that i think you guys should listen to kirtz more.

26 | Lord_Halo99 says:

ah yes back to the early Halo Babies does my heart good.

27 | Demosthenes says:

As I said last time I dissed kritz, HE MUST NOT REALIZE THAT NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR HIS WHINY COMMENTS so Kritz, just go and die you fagget

28 | Locke says:

Dude, Demosthenes, I totally agree, Kritz should shut up and o_O should stop before he digs himself a hole in which he can't escape and will be forever ruled by flaming!! oh and kritz is a fagtard

29 | icewagon117 says:

dude thats like me saying i walk around with this
thats flippin disgusting
so keep it kleen guyz other than that great work

30 | bubbleboy says:

dang i was late again darn o well great gruntsbane!

31 | a lone frog says:

i agree with johnson, pants are stupid... wait, did i say that out loud?

keep up the good work gruntsbane

32 | gruntsbane says:

Kritz can comment all he wants just like anyone else. I just hope he's not being critical just for critism's sake.

33 | Mista_B says:

Heh, Kritz is pretty funny. He's trying to be taken seriously, but he's just getting laughted at. Hehehe.

34 | Durandal says:

I have no problems with Kritz's comments whatsoever. He just has a very direct way of showing that he dislikes the current comics. There's nothing wrong with that, and it is probably quite helpful to GB.

35 | SpecOps says:

Nice comic! Very original, but great!

36 | Suplex says:

As a general rule of thumb, high-level embedded systems C++ engineers telecommute to work wearing nothing more than good hair. Video conferencing only applys to one's head. I was pleased to see that actors share some traits of programmers!

37 | Zyrra says:

Ewwww! Okay can we please keep it on a NEED TO KNOW BASIS plz?
*Bill Gates doesn't run around his house naked...*
*Bill Gates doesn't run around his house naked...*

38 | SMITY101 says:



39 | Calliope says:

LOL you guys made me giggle, so kudos! Great job.

40 | Dman says:

Kritz's comments helpful?

Heh, as helpful as someone calling everything you do "crap." He's just a troll, trying to piss people off to get attention. Honestly, he's better off ignored. Though I gotta admit he always gets a chuckle outta me. It'd be funner if he wasn't such an ass though.

41 | Sparkie says:

Hehehehe that's pretty good! Reminds me of something my fifth-grade teacher said once about anchormen and women and how you never see the lower half of thier bodies. Hehehehe....good work!

42 | Luz Gutierrez says:

OMFG, KRITZ, TAKE THAT BACK BEFORE YOU GET YOURSELF KILLED!!! GAWD, First he starts messing with Halo Babies, then he goes about thinking he is the crtiticism god, seriously, like what StealthNewb said, if you don't like HaloBabies so much then stop coming back, ok, quiaff?

43 | Hospital Bed #34 says:

THAT IS SO FUNNY! people agree with me! lmaoroflcub!


44 | spartan058-halogeeky says:


I died of laughter THANKS TO YOU!!!!

hahaha wonderful great!

45 | Tryan Shootamee says:

chief is hot right there!

46 | Yayap and Zuka says:

Nice nipple you got there chief.

47 | spartan001 says:

dude that was hilarious. btw you rock brightening up fridays everyweek,and also anyone know when that halogen C&c thing comes out?

48 | ash says:

I wish every job were like that

49 | Shady says:

Dude that was awesome i love it the mc needs to work out some....... ha
and kritz dude your such a flamer just get out of here for goodness sakes no one needs your crap on this awesome website ;)

50 | firehawk12 says:

LOL LOL LOL!!! Im on the groud litterily
btw i gotta try that.

51 | firehawk12 says:

wait... um you fogot to draw in the eagle emblem on sarges hat
sorry for being picky;)

52 | Jarryl says:

It's very funny but isn't Chief supposed to be super buff?

53 | Jibb says:

Not when he's just a baby...

54 | flamers_suck.htm says:

This comic didn't make me laugh at all, thought it was a good idea and GB has a point. And as for comments, you guys should post your comments about the comic here, not about one another. Go take this shit to the forum, and post only your comments. GB, you should make it a banhammer: no more flammin, just comments about the comic. That would make people like me so much more happy, just to see what people think and how they react.

55 | bmxevo says:

i finlly

56 | bmxevo says:

hay i need help on halo i'm on the last place plz help

57 | Mike says:

Calvin and Hobbes, eat your heart out! :)

58 | Hells Sinner says:


59 | carplolable says:

whoa thats what im talking about. good old fashioned humor. hbn may be getting back to its original comedy where as before it seemed like they were trying to be funny and failing at it. this one was funny though

60 | Ryley217 says:

no pants XD ha ha very nice:p

61 | haha says:

jus tak ur helmet off 1nc in a wile

62 | unelite elite says:

i dont comment much b/c everyone already says whats so great about each strip before i check it. and it seems to me that the reason kritz hasnt been banned yet is because his comments are so d#@$ stupid that they make the comic even funnier! good job at makin yourself the laughing stock of Halobabies kritz!

63 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

It would be odd to see an elite like that... don't you think.

64 | gg1978 says:

Awesome.. Not the funniest, but decent anyway...

65 | halo fan says:

odd...very odd.......like what the hell odd....but still funny...kinda....

66 | Huntress says:

HAHAHA!!! I haven't been destroyed by a comic for a long time, I don't know, just something about the helmet, and the towel, and *falls on the floor gasping from laughter*

67 | shakashulu says:

how do they know chief is white??

68 | Iceman says:

nice comic i didn't know that.

69 | inuyasha says:

He's white cuz his voice sounds like a white dude in the game i guess?

70 | GooFBalL says:

shakashulu asked about why hes white...i suggest reading the three halo novels out there

71 | GooFBalL says:

sorry about the double post, but i forgot to say good job and keep them laughs coming!

72 | Sebas says:

Yeah, his skin IS white, and GooFBalL is right about the book thing, here's a quote from the book Halo: The Flood
McKay watched the Master Chief's face. His hair was worn short, not as short as hers, but short. He had serious eyes, a firm mouth, and a strong jaw. His skin hadn't been exposed to the sun for a long time and it was white, too white, like something that lived in the recesses of a cave. From what she had heard, he had been a professional soilder since the age of six.....
See? He's white, ok? One of my friends said, "There's no way he could kick that much ass and be white." OMG, LOOK AT ARNOLD!!!
Seriously, I think that "friend" of mine is a racist.
Srry 4 the rant! :/

73 | Vassili Zaitsev says:

I think you guys are being a bit hard on kritz. He makes a good point and is just trying to give constructive feedback. It's not like he flamed them. Glad to see there are a lot of open minded people on here.

74 | Bebop117 (my Gamertag) says:

If Kritz makes bad comments about the comics then why does he shame GB's great comics with his spam and slander?

75 | BLERG says:


76 | BLERG says:


77 | Prophet you should Regret says:

Now I never knew he was still with his helm take it off.


78 | Masterchief evil says:

yaaa very good!!

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