A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Flaydramon says:

The revolution? o.O Never thought I'd see ya talk about it But funny anyway xD. very Different and very Unique in it's own Quota. Don't tire yourself out.

2 | HTXJebus says:

lol...This was a great strip. Keep it up!

3 | Ryan says:

haha, stupid chief, the controller is attatched to his thigh, good joke buddy!

4 | donut says:

lol, look at the little MC and Mario figures on top of the TV.. MC's gonna shoot him.

5 | Crosser says:

It would be funnier if it wasn't so true....

6 | Kritz says:

I honestly can't say I got more of a laugh from the new Nintendo controller then this comic..

(That, I think, was a compliment)

>> Kritz

7 | Ripper 714 says:

Yeah...MiniMC is gonna own MiniMario's butt!


8 | Kriz33X says:

Haha...the little Master Chief & Mario..those were awesome.

9 | DeathXP32 says:

Great strip.

10 | allo says:

Let's see a comic starring mini-chief and mini-mario.

11 | firehawk12 says:

lol. its funny to see were mc lives

12 | firehawk12 says:

woot 12 post

13 | Stuntmutt says:

Really liked that one.
Nice job gents. :)

14 | Huntress says:

Good job

15 | SinisterMonkey says:

So, who at Halobabies works for Microsoft in the Marketing department?
Also, Lol nice strip. And so sadly true...

16 | Ravenshaw says:

LOL! how many times it happened to us losing our remotes, well, i know that i keep losing it :P

And with those new consoles wireless controllers it's likely to happen a lot more!

17 | D says:

Why do I see that little issue happening? Lol.

Great comic. They're always sweat and simple and to the point. A dragged on joke is just not funny.

18 | Lovable Werewolf says:

heh, that's hilarious

I have a feeling that might happen to me alot when I get a Nintendo Revolution

19 | Digikid says:

Ryan...that is NOT the controller on his armor...that IS PART of the armor.

Good comic.

20 | Omega-Protoman says:

Now there's a problem that Nintenda may not have anticipated when they decided to make it look like a remote.

And I can easily see that happening.

21 | Etoli says:

That is hilarious. You know it's true, too. Not going to be a problem here, it's all about the 360 at my house...

22 | Switch 9 says:

Excellence again from HaloBabies!

23 | Mikee says:

Nice! Nintendo got buuuurned! :P

24 | Mintz says:

Hahah, nice punchline.

25 | fableking0092 says:


26 | El Nino says:

I can't count the number of times this has happened to me... oh wait yes I can....

27 | xenomorph64 says:

hahaha. it does have an odd remote, doesnt it? either way, that was cool.

28 | Cheesemaster64 says:

Mini Mario would kill Mini MC and awsum comic Im planning on getting the Reveloution

29 | a lone frog says:

finally, kritz gives a compliment!
keep up the good work gruntsbane, and see if you can find something bad about the PS3

30 | Spartan058-Halogeeky says:

say what? kritz gave a...compliment! OMG!!!!

hahahahahaha....mario got shot by spartans!

31 | Tryan Shootamee says:

nintendo sucks! LET IT GO! you can't keep up anymore, nintendo,and let the mario fans enjoy the older games now and stop makeing 3000 games about this guy who jumps on mushrooms!

anyway...halo rocks...xbox roxks...halo babies rock....DAYEM!!!!!AWASOME!

32 | Bibble says:

stop bashing ninty :(

33 | carrot of the west says:

haha, good strip... but thats not the controller on his thigh, its part of his armour

34 | Loknar64 says:

You know, that's exactly the problem I think of when I think of the new controller, other thatn that I thik it's great.

35 | HappyWraith says:

Ha ha ha.
-ex nintendo fan

36 | the grunt that doesnt wanna die says:

wooooooo hooo! the remote sucks!

37 | Zealot Arbiter says:

Cortana still looks hawt ^^

cool strip!

38 | bumn 187or 186or tyler g says:

uuuu well all i know is the rev is two in 1 controllers and you
people like 38 are wered

39 | Calliope says:


Great job! I love the second panel where there's a close up on Cortana's face... =D Funny stuff. But my fave would be the mini MC and Mario figures on the TV!! LOL

40 | RuntyLime says:

Best Strip Ever! Ya the new nintendo revoulution controlers are totaly stupid. I agree with Tryan Shootamee. Stop making millions of stupid mario games! And Stop making gay game systems! Nintendo sucks!

41 | Mamucks says:

YEAH IM agree with runtylime nintendo sucks and the control is very stupid for playing videogames

42 | xtremdum says:

CLASSIC but Mario rules

finaly a good classic

43 | Bebop117 (my Gamertag) says:

LOL! That comic was funny. In the second slide Cortana's nose looks purple.

44 | Elite Samurai says:

darn, i cant see the last slide....

45 | MiNdWeLeR says:

Remote control-er or not we all know that when Smash 3 comes out no one will be able to resist regardless of the controler

46 | 41 chief's says:

so agree with runtylime and tryan shootamee, they need to stop making super mario 6,872,117! i mean the same thing happend to Oddworld. the first 2 games were fun and a challange (PS1) but now the 3rd and 4th games are stupid as hell with no thought to em at all. if you can't make a better game sequal don't even bother trying. it puts the previous games to shame.

anyway GREAT COMIC!!!!!! don't trust nintendo!

47 | bubbleboy says:

that was't that funny, you have had better.... Oh well, i still enjoy them.

48 | Zyrra says:

The only good thing about nintendo is (don't shoot me) the pokemon colluseum game(s)... and nintendogs hehe, but I agree, the tech these days is getting so small! (I'm assuming that's what this comic was about?)

49 | halo2fan says:

DUDE DONT DISS NINTENDO! or you'll get the lawyers and stuff commin at you...besides remember its like the best game company ever dudes...i havent seen the revolution controls though... hmm...

50 | Grizzled Ancient says:

nintendo gave a good jump start into video games but it can't keep up any longer or else it's name is gunna fall...and hard...

love the mario and chief on the TV...great comic!

51 | Some stupid random person says:

hehe good one!

i thought that the original nintendo controlers were hard, now they're just inconvient! how the hell are you suppose to hold on to the darn thing?! it's gunna slip outta ur hand the minute you start to play anything intense...

great comic

52 | Raptor 27 says:

Man, Cortana is so pretty on that close up. I don't know the revolution so I don't get the joke though.

53 | Vipercheif says:

careful though the 360 is wireless controllrs too wouldnt want to loose thoes too haha

54 | zero says:

Wow, this was one of those jokes that slowly kills your gut. Nice job.

55 | ed908 says:

i agree with yeahrightsure. Ok, nintendo may be losing its top spot, it may have already lost it. But if there is a leap in video gaming, nintendo is behind it. You wouldn't have your xbox or ps2 without nintendo. You wouldn't have first person shooters without nitendo. Remember Goldeneye? Yeah. Don't diss the controller until we get to use it. Or else you sound like, and are, a complete...how do you stupid people say it..."dumbazz"? Anyways, I have to choose one console, only one. PS3 is out of the question, so i might go with the 360. Sorry nintendo. Again, they're dying, but they made the industry. They will always be remembered as the father of gaming, including wittle Mastercheif.

56 | KneeCaps says:

the new controller is like spilting the xbox and PS controllers in half...try holding onto that!! ahahahahah... bettcha cant! can you???

great comic...i will charish this moment forever...brought a tear to me eye! ahaha

57 | Blue Grunt says:

ummmm... 300? let's see(Going by systems);

Super Mario Bros- Excellent game
Super Mario Bros 2- Good game
SMB 3- My favorite NES game!
Dr. Mario- Pretty cool
Mario is missing-umm... ok you win this one
Super Mario All Stars- Collection of NES mario games+lost levels=fun
Super Mario World- Favorites SNES mario game!
Super Mario RPG-fun rpg for snes
SMW2:yoshi's island- pretty cool
SM64-Killer app for 64 back in the day
Paper mario-super!
Sunshine was okay...
Paper mario 2 was great too!

I counted about 35 mario games btw.

58 | some person says:

lol i like mini-mario and mini-chief the best keep up the great work ;)

59 | mplacki says:

Gotta say this:

ZOMG! An actual *MEANINGFUL* first post!

Having said that... lol! You should see our basement downstairs - remote for the stereo, TV, VCR, DVD Player, satellite box, and probably more that I can't remember.

60 | Ice Falcon says:

Lol! I love how the mini MC is pointing his SMG at Mario! That is just hilarious! I wish there could be a contest between those two.

Great job! Keep it up!

61 | the great pie says:

REVOLUTION SUCKS!!! those controllers will make you look really spazzy. and halo2fan, shut up and play mario#200th sequel

62 | s.p.n.k.r says:

eerm... maybey you guys can fight this out on the forum, and just give some comic-comment... btw, great comic.. (again) :D

63 | TheComet says:

lol, looks like nintendo doesn't have it's former edge from being the first to make a 3D gaming system ;)

64 | ed908 says:

Great pie, if you want us to pay attention to you, then talk like you're human. I won't attack anymor than that. And tyrant, plz reserve your judgement until you play with the controller. You mentioned the ps and xbox controller...nintendo layed the ground for those too.

And everyone: CHILL OUT!! Maybe you didn't know, but nintendo includes an adapter to make it just like a normal controller. The clicker type controller kinda slides into this shell type componet.

65 | Spartan058-Halogeeky says:

yeah really, let's let the dust settle over, and maybe disrupt everything on the forum...this is not the place to get into an argument. let's try not to bring mr. smilely or gruntsbane or some other halo baby leader person into MAKE us calm down. they're probably either laughing at how stupid we all are, or halla frusterated. so let's calm down before this goes tooooooo far.

66 | Yayap and Zuka says:

Nice one! That crazy remote losing mc... Hah hah! (knee slap)

67 | bleh says:

i'd luagh he he lost the VCR too

68 | Hot n' Sexy Elite says:

Lol, he lost the remote! (I wonder if he'd find all his other stuff I hid?)

69 | isagenaK iaR says:

Whoa, calm down. How can you say the Revolution sucks? Yes, they're making fun of the controller in the strip, but have you actually played with the Revolution? Do you have evidence that it sucks? Do you have signs of puberty? For all of those I say "I think not"

70 | Spartan058-Halogeeky says:

i know that i am probably "spaming" right now...but this has to be shared to the world, because i screamed my head off and in case no one has read the NEW article about the halo movie...i HAVE TO SHARE!!!READ THIS>>>>>

Peter Jackson, yes...Peter Jackson...the lord of the Rings guy...is PRODUCING THE HALO FILM!!!! NO JOKE!!!!! BUNGIE THEMSELVES!!!!!!!SAID IT!!! on the website please read to get full article...*pant deep breath pant*....OMG!!!!!!!! AND THEY'RE MAKING TO SCALE SCENES OF FORRUNNER BUILDINGS AND STUFF LIKE THAT!!!!

71 | arbiters malice says:

i have aven more reason to hate nintendo(stupid jibbing morons) and a kiwi is making the halo movie, Peter Jackson will do a good job as usual, and as for nintendo, here in Australia we dont even get any good ds games i.e goldeneye, great comic

72 | MC man says:

Cortana is so hot in this one.

73 | hgdjhg says:

i wonder what mcs old amor would look like wileding an energy sword or dueling smgss. mhmm well good work

74 | poo head says:

this was stupid. not funny. stupid.

75 | Joey says:

[Quote]You wouldn't have your xbox or ps2 without nintendo. You wouldn't have first person shooters without nitendo. Remember Goldeneye [EndQuote]
But Ed908... you wouldnt have goldeneye without wolfenstien, you wouldnt have nintendo with out amiga.. the whole, you wouldnt have thing could go on for a while.

So , good comic very funny work. Yes i think nitendo's controllers will be awkward and they make you pay for addins too. No i dont care if people think im a moron for having an opinion. Its a fact, GOD HATES console fanboys. Perhaps we should tolerate other peoples opinions rather than earbash them with our own.

76 | donut says:

76 | MC man says:
Cortana is so hot in this one.

Youre Kidding Right?

77 | mrsmiley says:

the revolution's gonna rawk meh sawx. =)

78 | THEWaGoN117 says:

that was like a diss to XBOX 360.

79 | Randy Orton says:

Man Halo would Own on revolution since that controller is the best for first person shooters and just about all PC games. It's better then a mouse because you have complete freedom in the air to move it around AND it detects if you're tilting it as well.

The nunchuku style OWNS as well, it looks futuristic the way you can play games with it, you could have like a Soul Calibur game, where you slash people up with the remote and move with the analog, or a RTS oh man, there're so many possibilities.

The 360 controller is nice, but it's nothing more than a Controller S with the B and W buttons moved. The 360 in general looks like it will fail because it can't beat Sony at it's own game, due to sonys exclusive franchises and it can't beat Nintendo at it's since Ninty not only have the franchises, but also the uniqueness factor which will attract a whole manor of developers and gamer interest that you wouldn't find on the other systems.

Right now, Halo 3 is the only reason worth getting a 360, because to be honest most of the games on 360 aren't looking so hot, bad frame rates, dull gameplay, even DOA and PGR3 once you get past the graphics aren't much of an overhaul from the Xbox versions.

What's to say Halo3 won't be the same? If they're gonna try and pull it out when PS3 launches then it will be a rushed piece of garbage like halo 2 was, which was only good for it's multiplayer. The graphics engine for Halo 3 will be the same used in Halo 2 as Bungie have said and it's supposedly going to come out in Spring 2006 when PS3 comes out, so again I don't think it will be much of an overhaul from the Xbox version.

I'm sorry Xguys but it's the truth, The Evolution of Playstaion and Nintendo has passed Microsoft by...

80 | MC man says:

Halo2 wasnt rushed at all! It took forever to make and pushed back too many times!
And Caboose, I was serious.

81 | David says:

the controller is right there lol, and great strip too!

82 | XFLOP180 says:

Revolution OWNS 360, 360 is a overhyped piece of garbage which looks like a tampon

83 | NINTENDO FAN says:

I AGREE WITH XFLOP180 AND ALL YA OTHER PEOPLE ABOUT THE REVOLUTION...nintendo shall rule all from begginnin till the end...but wouldnt it be cool if there was just 1 system? where they could make a game with Samus and Masterchief...that would kick ass! I would pay a hundred bucks just for that!!!!!!!

84 | Creativename says:

That would be an issue "whered i put my -BLAM- remotes ?" *off topic* I think Nintendo died a little with the Gamecube, But the 360 will have Halo 3 which means new models in the comics AWESOME !

85 | oh my god u killed kenny says:

i think xbox360 will die a little....yeah so....take that....

86 | Savage Hoax says:

[quote=ed908]You wouldn't have first person shooters without nitendo. Remember Goldeneye?[/quote]

EXSCUSE ME?!?!?! nintendo makes first ever FPS???

your gaming history is way of.
first ever first person shooter was wolfenstin 3D by ID software, not nintendo., the granddaddy of all other FPS to come after it. (note: it wasnt made by nintendo...)
by the way randy, mouse and keyboard beast every other consol controler hands down. (for FPS)

87 | ed908 says:

savage hoax, are you kidding me? i play wolfestin on my graphing calculator. Goldeneye did it right, at least they really brought it to what you see today.

Like i said, if there's a big jump in videogaming, nintendo's behind it. Why? because Sony and Microsoft are too scared to come out of their little holes and try something new. And i wouldn't say that the 360'll suck, though...but still. Oh, another reason why the rev. has a good chance? PS3=700 bucks as of now. or so i heard, but i'm positive someone'll correct me if i'm wrong.

88 | VONOCO says:


89 | woot man im cool says:

cortanas hot... and well yah

90 | NickRaiderT says:

Dont take that SHOTTIE

91 | NickRaiderT says:

Dont take that SHOTTIE

92 | NickRaiderT says:

Dont take that SHOTTIE?

93 | EzY 2 Me says:

I love halo 2 this is my name:EzY to Me

94 | Prophet you should Regret says:

Well Mario was getting shot so Nintedos gone or the remote was in the Nintendo.

gb 8/10

95 | Joshua says:

Yeah so I'm probably gonna get a rev. along w/a 360 The End

96 | Masterchief evil says:


97 | bungie says:

what!!! chief has a revolution but but i thought he was a xbox fan and himself to. weird huh

98 | {SS}Ogie says:

hahahah did you see on the tv!! mario and master cheif hah ......{why is mario in it anyways?}

99 | MiniSiets says:

Lol, funny how people have no knowledge of just how great the Revolution will be and all they know is that the controllers will be different. I hope you all realize that the Revolution will be backwards compatible with every single previous console Nintendo game you ever played. They might even be downloadable onto the console if I'm not mistaken. Secondly, the controllers come with plugin addons, so there can still be games that use more normal controllers through the plugins.

I'm not saying you guys have to like the system, but damn don't be so negative towards it and assume it's gonna suck when A. you know nothing about it, and B. you've never even played it yet. Games don't always require blood, violence, and swearing in order to be great either. I just knew people would get so ignorant after I read this comic.

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