A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Cyclone says:


2 | rayford says:

Heh, nice. Way to be Caboose!

3 | BountyHunter says:


4 | MrAlexZander says:

Say NO to Drugs!

Still very funny...
I wonder how many more "runner ups" there are going to be..?
Lazy Gruntsbane. ;)

This was posted from a PSP

5 | mrsmiley says:

as i stated in the the news post, this is the last of the runner-up comics. good to see a PSP post! :)

6 | Kritz says:

Well, atleast they were coloured right..

>> Big Comic Review Guy! (Thanks for the title, Dud.

7 | donut says:

LOL! nice... that one was the most "RvB" out of all the RvB special strips IMO.

Nice job guys, When is the damn art update?

8 | Me & My Shotgun Bob says:

Lol.... this one is the one that deserves the followup the most I want to see what the blues do with the grunt. The unicorn would probably give the reds magical chocolate that makes them see funny colors.

9 | TheComet says:

That was a good one man! These RvB strips are funny but I'm hoping to see some more original stuff soon though :P Keep em' up! oh and for the hell of it *woot ealier than 10th post!*

10 | Necroams says:

Ha, that is a NICE one!

11 | Kriz says:

Haha, that was good.

Yeah, I'm gonna be a loser now: 11th post!!

12 | red snow says:

lol...just lol

13 | crouching lurker hidden noob says:

hmmmn.... I thought this was better than the WINNING strip. this was pretty bizzare though.

14 | the grunt that doesnt wanna die says:

i love it this is one of ur best works! (i wish i had a flying magical gunt... it's much better than the 2 of them combined...w8...it is the 2 of them combined!)

15 | Spartan058-Halogeeky says:

HA! good one! good one! sweet sweet sweet...i know that the last comic had the chief in it, but i wanna see another adeventure of "super chief" awasome! great job...once again!

16 | Elnea says:

LOL! That is fantastic. I love the way the characters are drawn and ... pretty unicorn! WEE!

17 | SinisterMonkey says:

Finally, the Grunt Invasion begins...
And the Unicorn, don't even get me started.
Unicorn should be what they call a One One Se7en strip with 1 pun.

18 | Cameron says:

Hilarious! You really capture the characters from RvB. Well done.

19 | MathijsBuster says:

LOL @ Sinistermonkey

Nice comic too. =)
The drawing is excellent and fits perfectly in the Halo Babies comics. And the joke is just plain silly, which is a good thing.

20 | Ravenshaw says:

O.o the blues wished a unicorn and the reds got it... which means.. that the reds wished a grunt??

Woah thats too much thinking for me my nose may stard to bleed

Anyway, awesome comic you guys brightnen up my friday :)

21 | Huntress says:

That's awesome! Hahahaha!! Absolutely no sense at all, I love it. Really cute grunt.

22 | Eliriel says:

Well, neither of the teams got the hot girl. LOL Great strip! :D

23 | Killer_Fairy says:

I wonder what kind of speech the grunt was going to give the blues anyway 0_o