A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | SoulLess says:

LOL!!! Funny...
Must say he looks better like that!!! ;)

2 | donut says:

lol, damnit, Sarge stole MY costume idea!!! grrr!

That little pumpkin grunt is the cutest Evar!

3 | Jaxx says:

Poor Sarge. XD

Nice one guys. Happy Halloween. :)

4 | Kritz says:

Heh. Had to read what Sarge said a few times to get the joke, but I liked the Oni reference.

Try a Marathon gag somewhere in a later comic, because there
s never enough Marathon / Halo gags.

I'm sure if I was American I'd like this more, but meh.

>> Kritz

5 | the grunt that doesnt wanna die says:

oh yeah! i love it! the grunt there rules! Grumpkin!

6 | yay says:

i liked the elite dressed up like mc ^^

7 | Eibe 'Niqaree says:

mmmmm... sexy :D I think that MC/Elite is awesome!

8 | squelched grunt says:

Grunty pumkin, he's so cute :)

9 | Andrew says:

Dude that elite rocks. Master Chief should have had a cape. And Cortana being Oni, thats brilliant!

10 | [HTX]Jebus says:

Awww...that grunt's so cute

11 | pressure says:

w007! transexual!!!

12 | Kriz says:


13 | Joey says:

Hehe, good old 'Haloween' (CAD i know) Good oni reference there aswell. And yes, that lil grunty is strangle adorable ^.^

14 | sputinik says:

haha that was good. mc shouda had a lightsabre and a cape

15 | Creativename says:

HA ! I hope no one tries to bag snatch sarge, he looks like easy pickings.

16 | Preacher Pain says:

I really like the way you drew the MC Elite. Almost looks like a ranger elite. Add another great comic the list.

17 | Mak_Attack says:

Cool! lol at the elite chief

18 | firelode says:

Great work, it's cool to see an elite as the MC. Cortana wearing a wig is pretty funny too. The Sarge makes the cake though, great idea.

19 | MNC says:

Great strip, nice Oni reference. Grunt looks adorable! Nice job :)

20 | AlphaAndroid25 says:

Very funny comic.

21 | CrummyWanker says:

It's pretty obvious, the grunt's costume own everyone else's.

22 | =Distiller= says:

LOL!! Nice comic gruntsbane!
Good costume picking. Elite mc, mc vader, oni cortana,the grumpkin, But princess sarge....... Thats awsome.

23 | =Distiller= says:

Maybe we can start this again,
Wow cortana sure is hot.. EH' Eh'.


24 | =Distiller= says:

Good job gruntsbane i think you spelled everything right this time.

25 | =Distiller= says:


26 | nutty professor says:

the grunt is so cute

27 | SinisterMonkey says:

*Rofl* That. Was Hilarious. Also I loved that little grunt in pumpkin suit. If only the Peanuts could see their great pumpkin now...
But the Sarge bit reminds me that someone I know (a guy) is going as... Gwen Stefani (sp?) and we paid him to go trick-or-treating in it (lol)BTW he's 19...(Hope that last part wasn't considered spamming)

28 | Turialim says:

Very nice!
Funny too!
Happy HALOween!

29 | Tom says:

Man, you folks are funny. Love Halo Babies

30 | Drew says:

It was funny but they should ha mande sarge a butterfly

31 | Halo drummer says:

lol. That rocks! But, what is Cortana?

32 | ctishman says:

Any Oni reference makes my day brighter.

"Join me or die like all the others, choking on dead air and foul water!"

See? I just brightened my day a little.

33 | Dude says:

I think that darth vader should have the spotlight

34 | mrsmiley says:

wow gb, you did a great job on that elite! i lot cooler than the idea i had in mind. everyone else turned out great! gj man.

35 | Huntress sa