A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


72 comments so far | leave your own

Please use this commenting system wisely and sensibly. We will not tolerate spamming of the comments. We urge you to keep the comments on topic, namely giving your opinion on the comic. This is not the forum, if you have an unrelated discussion, please take it there instead. Sorry we have had to include this note but we have had several abuses of the comments system and don't want this behaviour to continue. Thanks, and we hope you enjoy the comics!

1 | Spartan-055 Pete says:

Nice Comic :D

2 | Fungsta says:

nice second comment

3 | Wannabe Master Sgt. Johnson says:

Conceited little brat, ain't he?

Nice strip GruntsBane. Hey is it me, or does Cortana have this "Supermodel" look in this strip?

4 | pressure says:

hehe. Rank whore.

5 | Kritz says:

I liked the "little Johnny" reference..

(Note: As I said, DON'T reply to "me", no matter how much of a -blam!- I appear to be. I'm getting sick of leaving these comments because some of you are too ignorant to NOT comment to "me".)

>> Kritz

6 | Smuqe says:

Hehe, nice :)

7 | donut says:

erm... i dont get it :?

8 | ash says:

now thats a leaderboard

9 | Switch 9 says:

Cortana ALWAYS has the supermodel look!

Very Clever Strip, loved it Gruntsbane

10 | the grunt that doesnt wanna die says:


11 | CommoChief says:

love little johnny

Cortana is the sexiest

12 | Darkninja says:

Aweome gruntsbane awesome and yah Cortana wooo

13 | =Distiller= says:

lol Good comic, But I definatly think that little johny should stop being so conceded and pay more attention to cortona. If you know what i meen ;-)

14 | Firelode says:

Nice work as usual, your style is really well refined and there's real maturity to the characters, especially Cortana. Funny too, but will little Johnny be able to make it into Team Hardcore?

15 | Creativename says:

Great comic, Yeah sucks that they took down the leaderboards, I can no longer imagine the leaders calling a noob. Cortana looks good in this one

16 | Calliope says:

Comic looks great. And funny too... Little Johnny..hahaha. Great job Gruntsbane. Cortana looks hot too.

17 | Arbitress says:

Oh what. Heh. Good one! Kepp up the good work GB! Oh yeah, and Cortana does look well drawn in this one
*I didn't steal anybody's name here!!!!*

18 | red snow says:

lol, thats briliant

19 | Necromas says:

Ya man, keep up the good work Gruntsbane!

20 | Ryan Fisher says:

I'm sure it was a joke (I laughed), but I hope you spelled "you're" wro