A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | justin says:

A turkey..on halo. Now THATS funny!

2 | Rinon says:

Awwww, poor turkey!

3 | Zorkan says:

Now that's a little odd... Cortana looks angry too. I wonder why.

4 | diabfann says:

cos she dont like turkey feet, too chewy

5 | Spartan116 says:

lol, i bet the master cheif is havin fun! that looks like alot of fun, i think im gonna bring my rocket launcher with me and go hunting some time!! ppl say im violent for a girl... what are they thinking!

6 | halofreak says:

i can't see the bullet holes

7 | Kevin says:

If your happy and you know it grab a rocket launcher-BOOM! BOOM!

8 | ummmmmm...... says:

It's times like this that i love the rocket launcher....BOOM! Ha ha ha!

9 | Sula 'Ramamee says:

I use that method with cooking dinner for my squad. Except we hunt whatever moves and we use fuel rod guns. Our hunters really like to play that game.

10 | HaloChicka(spartan116) says:

Wow Ramamee, thats really creative, especaily for covenant

11 | Spartan088 says:

hahahahahaha...creative. turkey.heh heh...thats funny...i could use that rocket launcher to get rid of da wild turkey that roam my 6 Acre yard x_x

12 | Sandwich Grunt says:

that was me in that turkey suit....NURSE!!!! MORE PAIN KILLER!!

13 | James Emmons says:

My broter thinks this site is
stange but i like it!!!
Turkeys dont say gobble, they say moooooooooo!!!

14 | Xerro says:

What kind of turkeys are around your area? I sure don't know a turkey that says moo... well there was that one time...

15 | ICEFIRE says:

I heard a turkey say moo.

Or maybe it was the cow that was Hunting with me...

16 | eliteghost01 says:

Here Turkey, turkey, turkey....BAM!
Dude, that looks fun!

17 | Ace says:

Intresting way to cook turky, Chief

18 | Mr Elite says:

TerrrKey? WTF is a TerrrKey??? and Ramamee, you dont have a fuckin clue about the things my squad has eaten(U DONT WANNA KNOW!!!)

19 | ODST Guy says:

WTF!The only part left was the legs.(unless u have very strong teeth I don't think u could eat it)

20 | dancing grunt says:

where is the blood?!

21 | Isna Noselee says:

Thats one method for you to catch Thanksgiving dinner (Only I'd do it with a flamethrower).

22 | ODST without a parachut. (Also man with an MA5B and an attitude.) says:

Girls are very violent when it comes to halo. Of course, my friends sister is very deadly..No! Don't let get the Rocket Launcher!! NOOOOO BLAM!!!

23 | Mika Hurramee says:

I make dinner for a camp of covenant soldiers and trust me, the coloration of my Ghosts nose isn't standard issue.

24 | halo boi says:

MMMMM! turkey!
WTF? on halo?

25 | Spartan_117/John says:

stranger things have happened on Halo

26 | FUELRODGUN says:


27 | Death Vomit says:

Dark meat is ucky *makes two yr old face*

28 | chicken man says:

hey that was my cusin

29 | Riddick says:


30 | gecko says:

were the fuc did turkeys land on halo? pleese tell me

31 | Falcon says:

The right way to use the rocket launcher!! :)

32 | Crimson_Elite_Hero says:

ok...whered the ghost come from?

funny none the less

33 | SPNKr says:

I like explosions and turkeys 10 out of 10 and 2 thumbs up

34 | Morpheus says:

Funny comic, but (and i'm sorry ,) this is more like something Stuntmutt would do.

35 | Marine says:

if only there was a turkey

36 | master cov says:

lol u can say that again

37 | Mak_elite says:

Lol a Turkey on Halo, thats Fun

38 | eliteghost01 says:

LMFAO at post 26. IT IS SO TRUE! *blasts an elite to smithereens with a rocket launcher*

39 | a noob shoting a wall says:

i usaly like roasted turkey, but that is to much roasted

40 | Cristy says:

hahaha... a turkey!! that's sooo funny!! xD

41 | MstrCheif117 says:

HA HA!!!!! Thats AWESOME!!!!

42 | MstrChief117 says:

HA HA!!!!!!! Thats AWESOME!!!!!!!

43 | ICEWaGoN117 says:

mstrChief is a double POSTER! poor turkey he had a family.

44 | arbiter says:

ok i do that to my thanksgiveing dinner every day whats wrong with that? ( i hit it with a bacooka 6 times first)

45 | anonymous says:

LOL!!! One thing's for sure, there won't be any Thanksgiving leftovers! Very clever, GB!

46 | Masterchief evil says:

get those turkeys

47 | bungie says:

hey guys check it out chief is using a rocket Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh???????? luncher.

48 | L.T starkiller says:

thats not how you kill a turky a rockit lancher whats next the chief coocks some chips with a fuel rod cannon still funny

49 | Billy bob joe jr. says:

Marines: Turkey feet?!?!?!

HA HA! Die Turkey Die!!!!

50 | ber Grunt says:

I threw out my turkey suit after what happened to Sandwich Unggoy, I threw it out and the demon blew it up!

51 | cant wait for halo 3 says:

Happy Halosgiving!Funny comic

52 | arbiter5000 says:

you are invited to thanksgiving on the piller of autaum. please bring own food there will be no turkey it blew up sorry


53 | Reclaimer says:

lol, carve the turkey with an energy sword, great

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