A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Daniel says:

heheh, Plasma Swords, now come with a free Grunt plushie.

2 | Stalker1 says:


3 | Rinon says:

HA! Very funny! Wait...that baby has a beird. Talk about an early pueberty!

4 | Gholsbane says:

One word: Marker felt.

OK that was two but you get the idea...

5 | Zorkan says:

Heh. Always wanted to use one of the plasma swords. I wonder if you can in Halo 2?

6 | shorty says:

nah they have a fail safe, they go out when they touch the ground, so do the guns that the hunters wield but only when they are out of ammo

7 | Nathan says:

I agree with zorkan

8 | T-140 says:

how can thay read

9 | Nanashi says:

From what I gather of info. The wonderful folks at Bungie Studios are toying with the idea of Master Chief using the Plasma Sword.

10 | Suka 'Ramamee says:

I got yer battery right here! (produces plasma saber) WORT WORT WORT!!

11 | plasma sword lover says:

...of course plasma swords will be usable in halo 2...its in a video...< GIMME DA SWORD

12 | Sandwich Grunt says:

Watch were your swinging that thing Suka 'Ramamee! you just took laptopyap's head off and...ahowwww!!!!SOMEBODY CALL A MEDIC!!!

13 | Xerro says:

What if i brought some AA batteries would that get the sword to work, i so want to take a sword elite on in with a sword, then i'll show him MUWAHAHAHAHAHA

14 | ICEFIRE says:

Lol Halomods.com has tons of p sword mods for MP.

Anyway back on topic; AA batterys will not work. Nuceular will though! :D

15 | Jon Foster says:

U r so right Xerro! It'd be like Star Wars or something. Get two and be like Darth Maul but one in each hand. Sweet.

16 | Xerro says:

*drool* imagine having a three way fight against two sword elites, that would be so amazing. Except we'd probably get are arse kicked, or be disembowled

17 | Talas says:

Of course they were considering having swords for the MC in Halo... it was in the demo that they had running great on a 450 MHz machine. ;)

18 | DE Huntersitter says:


19 | MJOLNIR117 says:

Dude, couldn't you enable the sword with a mod chip? I mean, Come on! If a mod chip lets you drive a Wraith tank, the why can't it let you use the sword?....MUST HAVE SWORDFIGHT WITH GOLD ELITE AND SLICE GRUNTS IN HALF...Sorry that was my adrenaline talking for me in that part!

20 | Masked Maruader says:

thats funny and dont those things run on unknown covenent batteries?:Dthats funny he'll never get to use it!

21 | Halo fan...natic says:

if you go to Bungie.net you can ind out that the mc could orrigionaly use the p sword but it didn't make the cut (pun intended). there was also supposed to be a human version of the p sword. they have a really cool screenshot of the mc attacking a sword elite with a machetti (sp?)... they also have one of him running for his life... ;)

22 | Isna Noselee says:

So thats exactly why you can't use energy swords in Halo1
(I heard that in Halo2, you can use 2 swords at once).

23 | halo boi says:

awsome! a plasma sowrd!
but can u use 1 in halo2?

24 | Spartan_117/John says:

i hope so...i'm getting tired of dodging them and not getting to play with plasma swords!

25 | hunterkilla says:

Poor master chief. He won't have 2 w8 long. he can have 1 in multiplayer

26 | Death Vomit says:

halo 2 i order thee to be produced right now God comands thee so

27 | me da grunt says:

yeah you can use plasma swords in halo2

28 | Vigoorian says:

Awsome! a plasma sword! Huh? Batteries not included????????? I'M GOING TO PLAY NINJA GAIDEN!!!

29 | siggi says:

You are all halobabies.

30 | Reaper117 says:

awwww, how sweet... NOT! Come on. Did Sarge and the marine egt anything themselves? Hmm? This comic is a very selfish comic. Next!

31 | Mak_elite says:

Hahahahah, LOL Energi sword

32 | HunterGuru says:

Good news, kiddies!
Halo 2 does have the energy sword!
CATCH: uses a battery. GOOD SIDE: in multiplayer, ammo is unlimited!
Class dismissed!

33 | The Commander says:

Don't worry sandwich grunt! suka ramamee! gimmie da sword. * slices suka ramamee's arm off* how do u like dem apples lol

34 | cody reeves says:

This so cool! Great job.This is 1 of the BEST!

35 | Cristy says:

haha...cool...batteries not included... (this has happened to me soo many times)

36 | spanna says:

this place rocks

37 | spanna says:

warthogs are hard to drive but effective

38 | neon says:

There are plasma swords in Halo 2, and you can wield them. Its awesome, but i guess you'd know that by now.

39 | Soldier Girl says:

I tried to force the game to give me the sword by running around on the spot, for like ten minutes.
I really wanted that sword...

40 | David says:

battries not included lol


halo2 has benn out for almost a year now and i still like the pistol better

42 | David says:

sorry for double post but its energy sword not plasma sword, i told over 15 people to spread what it really is but i still find even MORE people calling it plasma sword in the forums.

43 | Masterchief evil says:

haha! johnston is sooooo dum, i'm gonna kill my good self with my sword..... AW THE ENERGY IS OUT!!!!

44 | masy says:

i love swords

45 | Dr.Unkown says:

yeah swords um.. where are the energy?

46 | Covenant medic says:

what the hell happened in here! *found 2 dead and 3 wounded the commander and a sandwich grunt* *Heals all wounded* tries to heal Suka Ramamee but gets decapitated by the commander.

47 | orna fulsamee 876 says:

out of all the stuff they put in the pillar of autumn and they dont put ONE pack of batteries!

48 | ber Grunt says:

What happened wait how did I get into Halo 2? No, don't slice me demon!

49 | Evan Echols says:

lol grunt plushie... count me in for 10 and can i get a mc doll too? (i can act out halo with these)

50 | blastedt says:

I love whacking everything with battery-less swords in Halo 2.


51 | SPARTANS to make kiss ass! says:

they were really stingy with the battery life of the sword! i mean to use the lock-on mechanism, you use up 10 batery life!

52 | Zonic says:

you dont know how often that happens to me. i hate when things dont come with free or rechargeable batteries.

53 | Corey says:

incase you forgot mutiplayer has unlimited ammo for the sword!

54 | "I have the longest comment here" says:

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahjahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahhahaahaahahahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahaahahaha, Energy Swords... funny... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahaahahaahaaahhahahahahahahaahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... In other words... I like it!

55 | Chronichler177 says:

LOL to bad they have fail safes in Halo 1

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