A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | kat says:

this rocked! all these comics do...even my parents like them, and they don't like anything.

2 | Leo-Ke Luana says:

Man, I love these halo babie's things!! AHAHA. Grunts club? Is there a Spartan club that I could join? If so contact me. my aim sn: xX El Kevo Xx or my email: :)

3 | Xerro says:

I remember trying to do the grenade jump, i was always the one who had the plasma grenade getting stuck to my face though. (never did work either)

4 | justin says:

Maybe ill try it.....

5 | TheCheif says:

It took me a while but i eventually mastered all forms of grenade jump. Warthog launch, oversheild jump, normal, you name it.

6 | Stalker1 says:

LMAO! nice comic

7 | Rinon says:

that would leave two dead bodies though...I don't want to have to clean up that kinda mess!

8 | Zorkan says:

Never tried that. I've only done the rocket launcher. Course that leaves you dead but hey, still fun to watch the body fly.

9 | karol says:

Is it just me or are they standing too close together? Looks like the one at the back is gay.