A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | sQuEaK says:

this makes me laugh... very well done

2 | Patrick says:

Soo funny I have that feeling every time that happens to me. When I am hit with a grenade I just run to the closest enemy to extract revenge.

Yay second comment

3 | ShadowSniper says:

ha ha well that will be offical longest 3 second in his life
HA HA hey neato 3rd

4 | Flash-Dance-Ass-Pants says:

This masterpiece liguidates in fertile tears in my eyes.... true brillance. Im guess this subterainian homesick alien jsut wants a bowl of thinly sliced gerkins. horah

5 | Random Elite says:

Well that shut him up
Now MC can nick what he had.
Reminds me of co-op...HAHAHAHAHA!!!
btw,what is up with u,FDAP???

6 | Kanman-075 says:

Great comic Gruntsbane! I've always disliked the Mister Chief. Keep up the good work!

7 | Spartan Chcik says:

I wonder if the plasma grenade was the big scary monster... Great comic.

8 | wort wot wort says:

I bet the master chief did it

9 | no_117 says:


10 | Ce says:

funny .... OMGWTF!!!!!!

11 | Android 210 says:

I never know if nade hits me... and then I blow up

12 | Gruntish elite says:

LOL! That was great. Same thing usually happens to me. I stand there and frea out like a weenie. Either that or I run away hoping it's not really stuck to me...LOL! Mister Chief is funny...but he's also scary in a scary sort of way...

13 | shadowho says:

Ahahaha misterchief wort it. (wort = worth , wort wort wort) lol

14 | oatt'? says:

OMG WTF?!?!?! The grenade should have gone in to his mouth. That would have shut him up.

15 | Wannabe Sgt. Johnson says:

Heh.....seems more like it was a random toss of a grenade than a focussed shot, all the more funny. third pannel sorta reminds me of what little grunts scream when I stick a grenade to them, thats when they're the cutest,heh heh, although I still wonder why grunts sometimes go "Not Again!!," it just puzzles me. Anyways Mister Chief shouldn't die or else Baby MC won't have anyone to watch his butt, and don't say Cortana since she's stuck in the ships bridge and cant do much except open locked doors for him.

16 | Junpei says:


17 | EliteMan says:

OMG WTF!!!! That's funny man, nice one.

18 | Hg vapor says:

OMG? No. Thank you, God. :)

19 | .......... says:

well personaly, i hated this comic, i mean really how is it fuuny? it happens to every one, it dosent have a joke, its just