A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Elite3000 says:

Wow this comic explains everything!

2 | Wannabe Sgt. Johnson says:

I HATE it when they do that. Grunts are so damn cheap, espaecially the spec ops versions. Spec ops elites too, not only are they the only Elites that throw grenades, but they throw 'em good. Anyways, great comic and a hillarious title-to-comic tie-in. I wouldn't call 'em assasins since they scream so much (which hurts my ears) but they're sneaky little bastards, they are. oh and, um, lets not forget about the chief.....*cough*

3 | Wannabe Sgt. Johnson says:

BTW, are the darts in the grunts eyes, 'cuz 1.oww, and 2.since when did Baby MC have good aim? We've seen him shoot before and.......you know.....

4 | Patrick says:

So that was the dangerous creature aboard the covenant ship. Pretty funny that the lowest ranking covenant soldier can easily take out mister chief

5 | Xerro says:

Poor Grunt. It's not going to get the darts out of it's eyes in a hurry. Well at least not without pulling his eyes out of the sockets. Is this one of those comics which builds up to the next one?

6 | mrsmiley says:


7 | Sargeant_Big says:

And then there's the shoulderheld fuel rod guns they tend to carry... that can be annoying, too...

8 | ash the psycho bunny says:

oh how embarassing *sniggers* *bursts out laughing*

oh great comic gruntsbane *snigger*

9 | anoymonus says:

at least mister cheif ran off and didint take baby mc with him

10 | fargan says:

stupid grunts, I hate them, at least they don't throw very fast
10th post
no wooo

11 | Kanman-075 says:

Like i said last week, I never liked the Mister Chief. So i didn't really care what just happened to him. Good artwork Gruntsbane, keep up the good work!

12 | Random Elite says:

MisterChief was rubbish,at least hes out of the way.You know how Grunts run back to their freinds when a Plasma Grenade is stuck to them, some Elites and Jackels do that,usally minor ranks.And some Grunts stay still and try to get the PG of their heads.

13 | Vigoorian says:

Uh-oh, this looks like bad news for Baby Chief! What will be his fate in the next strip?! DUN DUN DUN... DUN DUN DUN DUN...

14 | Dr. Doom says:

THESE COMICS ARE AWSOME!! You know what will be even cooler??? A HALOBABIES MOVIE OF COURSE! BASED ON THESE VERY COMICS!! What do you say guys?