A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Flash-Dance-Ass-Pants says:

Looks as if this cold brain tends to drive my soul crazy, as if torments enough in the world dont lead to total absolution in which we must sing for. kudos to this complilation of words and pictures. good day....... cubix all round

2 | someone says:

looks like he doesint want to admit that he looted it from mister cheifs corpse

3 | [TN]_GODPEED says:

Great strip. I don't really get how the Master Chief took Mr. Chief's armor and created the Mark VI armor... but let's see what happens in the next strips...

4 | Spartan Chick says:

Nice one!
This comic is great. He stole Mister Chief's armor. Ha ha. The armor looks way better on him though.
I think Cortana had a crush on him in the first panel...but only the first panel...

5 | =HB=Alex says:

Um.... did any1 notice.....? the chest on that armour looks like man titties

6 | Mista_B says:

Heh, tricky angle on Cortana's face in the second panel there, good job.

7 | Yayap and Zuka says:

did MC leave mister chief naked on the floor? (man i still wish i had NM armor... i mean it looks all coo and jive on MC! he should be on a fashion mag....)

8 | Church@School says:

Hey, nice one guys! The good old "let's hurry" bit. But what about Mister Chief? And, if the Mark VI can only take a few hits without shields... how did the armor become weaker in physical strength, but stronger in shielding?

And what if some jerkwad Jackal were to unload an overcharge shot on the Chief? Where's Mark V when you need it? (blam, blam, blam, blam... where's my healtth bar, blam, blam...)

9 | Xeroh says:

... Not that funny.

You need some puns.

10 | Xerro says:

=HB= Alex was right. It does look like man's titties lol. The joke wasn't all that funny but the art was good. I especially like MC in the third panel, the back of the armour and the way Gruntsbane drew the arm looks very cool.