A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | ZOMBIE_LORD says:

i don't get it ;[

2 | Mhaddy says:

The new MC is sexy.

3 | Xerro says:

argh! I can't remember where i read that. I've read it before but i can't remember where. Oh well it's still funny. Andthe last panel looks awesome because of MC position. heh. i'm looking forward too next weeks strip.

4 | tagalong friend says:

wow, love the new look! good work gruntsbane.
P.S. i kinda get it

5 | Gruntsbane says:

That pose might look familiar...

6 | Darkcloclo says:

wow, hopefully, he didnt get the same look as Mister chief ! But i am asking my self if gruntsbane will soon inplant the new weapons from halo 2 ? Great work !

7 | Broli117 says:

thats umm very halo 2 i think?

8 | Mista_B says:


He's a Simulacrum!

Quick, shoot him to see if he bleeds green!

9 | Mista_B says:

Err, yellow. I mean, to see if he bleeds yellow.

*dang uneditable posts*

10 | bigcortana says:

COOOOOOL!!!!!! That chief is awsome, and that cortana's going to help me:)

11 | Cutman64 says:


12 | kennli says:

o shoot, that's hilarious. awesome work as always

13 | Yayap and Zuka says:

heh heh wannabe...

(man i wish i had nightmare armor!!)

14 | ThnkaDude says:

Oh I remember this you see it on the top blue part on your screen sometimes when you at B.Net

15 | White_Inferno says:

Is'n this pose off a magazine called gameinformer or something? I know I've seen this before but I just cant quite seem to get it,

16 | Blaz says:

OXM people this pose came from OXM cover... erg >.<
btw first post hi peeps

17 | 12345 says:

What the heck is "Frog blast the vent core"?

18 | Miss Chief says:

i dont get the "frog blast the vent core" thing, but the pose is from halo 2 screenshots and saber-scorpion's halo lego ROCKS!!!

19 | Stuntmutt says:

Guess who's back,
Back again...

20 | Kanman-075 says:

Gruntsbane did a really good job on the baby MC's MJOLNIR VI. The last comic left me puzzled but now I am no longer confused. Keep up the great work Gruntsbane!

21 | Necromas says:

Froggies back,
Tell a friend.

Frogblast is some really popular player that figured out alot of stunts, I think...

22 | Necromas says:

Appaently he left the Halo community a long time ago. And he's back.

23 | pmzukan says:

hahah Marathon..lol

24 | Plasmanator says:

Frog blast the vent core is the phrase some insane replicated BOBs spoke as they ran at you with a bomb inside of their chest in Marathon.
Since they were clones and partly malformed, so are their brains. So much for God bless the marine core.

25 | Church @ School says:

Frog blast the vent core! Very nice, guys! New MC with exceedingly faamiliar pose is cool!

26 | Draffurd says:

Haha. I thought it was something from starfox :P

Hence Frog .. never knew his name and Ventcores.

27 | Spartan Chick says:

Frog blast the ventcore is a bungie thing.

Wow, the new Master Chief is hot...I gotta date him...no wait, did I type that out loud? Sorry...

For some strange reason Cortana looks older to me. Maybe it's a Halo 2 thing?
Awesome strip Gruntsbane. This week's comic ripped the world a new one.

28 | Xeroh says:

...Wha... oh!

Good one.

I think.

29 | The Frenchman says:

I love the Marathon refrence. :)

30 | David says:

Well, I don't get the secret joke, but it's better than dealing with that pain in the butt, Mister Cheif.

BTW I'm sick of inside jokes, can the writer(s) act their age, and give us something everyone can enjoy. You know, newspaper cartoonists don't make inside joke cartoons just fo