A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | patrick says:

great comic. it would have been easier if cortanna could have done that in the last level.
yay first comment

2 | Kanman-075 says:

Same here. THis comic reminds me of me. My friends wonder why i do everything the hard way. Great job Gruntsbane!

3 | Flash-Dance-Ass-Pants says:

Absolutly true, it reminds me of time James Bond woke to find a dwarf making and inventory of his his fridges contents, James wondered aloud if he was dead only to realise his voice sounded like Moneypenny's. A tiny robot cockroach was recording the whole scene.

4 | Ripper 714 says:

Nice comic!
I like Cortana's expression in the second panel, and of course, Master Chief's new armor.


5 | Elite3000 says:

Hahahaha!I agree with cortana,Master Cheif is a wuss!

6 | whencowzattack says:

Hey, great comic! This comic also reminds me of me! Whenever me and my cousins play co-op together, I always stick around until I kill every single enemy. Anyways, great comic Gruntsbane!

7 | gruntish elite says:

LOL! And Patrick, Cortana did the self destruct thing in The Maw, but Guilty Spark stopped it. I just played it yesterday, so yah.

LOL Good comic though, hehehe MC is a 'wussity-wuss-wussy'<--- if you've never heard the Tankitty tank tank joke,don't bother figuring it out. LOL way to go gruntsbane!

8 | golden elite says:

Im sorry but in the first cell master chief looks like he is wearing a weird bra!!! LOL!!!

9 | Church @ school says:

MC is not a wuss! He's tactical!

Great comic and nice punchline!

10 | ansomble28 says:

That was pretty funny, I think that chief is absolutely right. Besides, Cortana is just a friggin hologram; not like she catches any battle scars right?

11 | Spec Ops Elite says:

funny,nice,original and, as always sillyily wierd!

12 | Jackass says:

I am curious to see the enginnering of the covenant

13 | David says:

lol, very good. I'm glad the classic old comedy is back. :)

14 | Spartan Chick says:

Just like Cortana to try and get the Master Chief to do things the hard way...

15 | Random Grunt says:

Flash-Dance-Ass-Pants-you are a complete nutter!BTW what are you on about?(someone else answer this so we don't get in trouble) I got an ear full from Random Elite just for hiding his Plasma Sword!

16 | mike says:

ha awsome! moniter is back, blow him up!

17 | Ryley217 says:

Cortana calling the Chief a wuss, now that is priceless!

18 | Elite3000 says:

I've seen the engineers and do they FREAKIN' LOOK AWSOME.To see them go to www.halotv.net and find the right video.BTW master cheif is NOT a wuss in the ACTUAL game.

19 | Elite3000 says:

Master Cheif just looks kinda lika wuss in halo babies.(but I can't blame him)

20 | That Random Guy says:

Maybe Spark will stop him.

21 | Xlade says:

"wuss" That's beautiful. Though the hard way does sound like mroe fun.

22 | rexRaPTOR says:

mc looks like he has a bra on... i think this is foreshadowing the "samus aran" theory that mc is really a woman..

23 | Mista_B says:

Yeah, 'cept that his name is John, and he's a guy. :-)

Cortana's looking awesome these past couple strips, btw.

24 | Admiral Athan says:

Yeah, you should never settle for the path of least resistance.

25 | Wannabe Sgt. Johnson says:

ok...i'd be like "Cortana.....SHUT THE F*** BIOTCH!!!! We are NOT DOING IT THE WAY YOU DID LAST TIME!!! I ALMOST GOT KILLED AND THERE ALMOST WASN'T HALO 2!!!" .....ever notice how cortana always likes to be annoying or likes to take the hard route all the damn time? Pretty stuborn and Hardcore f