A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | Flash-Dance-Ass-Pants says:

beer and milk is the antidote to this mainstream infringment, the caddilac pants are growing much to fast even for the cocain nose job......Freedom for those caught in the tyranny of the button-up-fly-by-love-remix.

2 | mrsmiley says:

I don't know how you do it... commenting 30 seconds after the comic is posted. But you have definitly the right to some random 1st reply gibberish... i suppose...

3 | Andrew says:

Heh... I wonder how Cortana's going to explain that to the UNSC accountants?

Good comic, guys :)

4 | DARKNESS says:

wow cool

5 | Xerro says:

I don't think Cortana got a head start, if anything shes behind. The rest of us have already got our orders in and are twiddling are thumbs waiting while slowly rocking back and forth drooling with anticipation of the day when we get to nudge a grunt in a shade off the dge of a cliff in are banshee and hear it scream. Still funny comic, but Cortana looks weird in the 1st panel it looks like someone's twisted her head 180 degrees.

6 | Skorpio UK says:

I dont know if you are being sarcastic Xerro, but in the last panel cortana WAS!

Great comic guys, wow 6th posting, personal best

7 | Skorpio UK says:

correction, MC was being sarcastic

8 | Church @ school says:

Cortana seems a bit slow nowadays. Not ordering Halo 2 until now...

Keep up the good work, guys!

9 | ansomble28 says:

LoL, That was pretty good! Cortana is about two years too late on pre-ordering though! I pre-ordered like 7 months ago! AND WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO LEAVE THE FRIGGIN BRIDGE!!! Lmao!

10 | mrsmiley says:


11 | The Mastermind of hell says:

Wats next a grunt with Halo ~?

12 | Flat Broke w/o a copy of Halo 2 says:

It's garuanteed(lost spelling due to hours of Halo) i'll be the last one to pre-order Halo 2. Can't get a job till summer, no allowance, no contributors...PRAY 4 ME!!!!!!!!

Oh, and funni comic. I was laughing all the way to the depression counselor(No $).

13 | Spartan Chick says:

Ha, as always, a good comic. Cortan has been a real idiot lately though, I mean, first when the Master Chief gets his new suit, then when she wants to make everything kore difficult, and know-before blowing up, she has to get Halo2...but this comic still mad me laugh :)