A Chief's gotta hang his helmet somewhere!


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1 | coolaid says:

the end of what?

you guys gonna do halo2?

2 | Lt. Kiffers says:

I want more... (tear)

3 | Little_Nikky says:

I love it! The all knowing Sarge...
Good luck for the future Halobabies!

4 | omg this sucks says:

thank god hb sucks

5 | Blackhawk003 says:

I hope there's going to be another season...

6 | Xerro says:

A good way to end the strip, who doesn't like the sarge. overall i enjoyed the little adventure u guys created, it was funny, and i think it kept to what halobabies is meant to be all about. Is there going to be like a break of a few weeks, or can we expect a comic next week?

7 | evil guineapig says:

wow, sarge really does know all. mabey you guys should wait like a month and then do halo 2

8 | Private Nutters says:

Nice work, the ending was great. I really liked HB, but it's only fair that Gruntsbane gets a little vacation. :)

Hope the next "season" comes after christmas.

9 | DeathsPaleHorse says:

*sigh* Now where am i gonna get my chibi master Chief fix, huh?!(just kidding!) Dude, this strip roks! I'll be hear for next season when it comes!

10 | ansomble28 says:

OMG that was a spectacular ending to this story based phenomenon. I think we can all agree it had its ups and downs but that punchline right there was VINTAGE. NJ GB. ALTHOUGH, I think many ppl missed the punchline, Sarge died in the ring explosion remember? If he "survived" it then MIster Chief well definitely make his evil reprise. GREAT JOB!!!